Rin Hazel

My name is Rin Hazel, I'm 18 years old and the Second daughter of the Poison House. My mother, Tilly Hazel, known as the mistress of Poison and Torture is the current leading matriarch of the poison family. Since I was but a child she raised me with the intention to become the next leader to guide the Poison House to its next set of generational assassins who uses primal poison as our weapon in battle and in missions. 

Our house mainly focuses on the aspect of poison, from the deadliest poisons to the ones breed with the characteristics of a healing properties, our family has been known to be one of the most influential house's in the clan. Dating back to when the Clan first started, the first generation of the Hazel family who had joined the clan at its starting was the one who supported the clan the most at its growth throughout the centuries.

One would say that our Family was vital in the clan's history and works. And its mainly because back then, assassination work was always in the need of a vital poison.

Now in today's generation, I will soon become the next matriarch to guide the house in its workings. Despite being young, one could say I was naturally gifted in the arts of poison brewing as well as breeding the kinds of poisons in the Clan's garden. Throughout my years, I was being filled with the knowledge applicable in the nature of my family's work. Now, in my age, I am confident in crafting a poison that is capable of even taking down an Angel. A poison of that calibre would have taken twenty years to be able to be made in its perfection, but with my gifts and talent, I was one of the many who could craft such a poison in ease at an early age. 

With my current life as a soon to be matriarch of the Hazel house, I was told to experience the world after leaving the class of the clan. Immediately after leaving said class, I was given missions left and right on the first two months along with a master who joined me on my missions as a guardian who would guide me in the works of assassination as by the rule given in the clan. Missions day in and day out, there was not a day where I could properly rest without worrying for a knife to slit my throat. But after those two months, I was given missions that didn't needed the supervision of a master, I was free to do my own work without a worry from the clan. Now in the current day, I have been working on solo missions assigned to me for about three months now, and each one was granted with a satisfying result. It wouldn't be a lie to say that I was a one in a million genius in the works of assassination.

Now, just about an hour ago, I had just come back from my mission on infiltrating a small kingdom found on one of the many islands of the Isla Multifo continent. One island in particular is having issues with its governmental leadership with a Dictator taking the axe to lead its people. I was able to get enough information out of that island in just a few days thanks to the 42th Crow Branch situated in that island. 

With that said, in a couple of days from now, the clan might make a move to take advantage of the seizing the Dictatorship over that island by creating a revolution and putting in our own self-made leader into position. If successful, we can probably add that island into one of our many owned countries. The job itself was the same as any other Jobs given by my mother, Infiltration and necessary assassination.

And because of my talents, my mother has given me another mission. One that was written from the Clan Elders. With it being personally written by the Elders, I was to take this mission with a complete rate of focus. It meant that failure wasn't an option. Or so it goes…

Having read the profile of my mission, it didn't seem like it was up to me to control the end result of the mission. It was up to the person who I was assigned to guide throughout what was called his "Trial".

And that person was a boy named Hamil Crux.

My mother said that he was someone who I was familiar with back in the days of my academic life in the clan, but thinking back on my life as a young maiden, I never really remember anything about my life as a student…I was always on the verge of wanting to escape the academy and move on to the ladders of adulthood. Having to want to fulfill the mantle that my mother was so eager to prepare for me and the life that I was so eager to obtain.

The life of a White-Collared lifestyle.

 Simply said, I wanted to get a job that doesn't concern the manual labors of life and live my life at a point where I can sit in an desk, like what my mother would do in her time at work. I was against the physical labors of a job, I just wanted to sit in my office one day, read the reports, write the paperwork and tend to my garden on my off-days. Despite the life I'm living, I quite favor the life where I don't have to be the one to move, I desired the more lax and comforting job.

Back when I was going under a few dozen solo-missions given by my mother, I always loathed the experience of having to leave my room and my garden to go out to do a mission. I knew it was inevitable that a person should move when working especially in this clan, but comparing every other job to what my Mother does, on which it contains the simple act of ordering people around, I wanted that job more than what I currently have. 

So I made the decision when I started school, I would quickly rise up the ranks and rise up to the life of a desk-job. I never really had that much memory back on my life as a student, because it didn't seem like it was all so necessary. 

School wasn't so necessary with how my mother was the one who built my path in the ways of the Hazel teachings. The things taught in school was nothing but a simple process of an everyday practice of assassinations and lectures on being proper a member of the clan. It was nothing compared to the teachings of what my mother instilled into my heart and mind. So attending school was nothing but a mandatory attendance to gain recognition into the peers of what my mother called the so-named family. The clan was family to the Hazel's so with that said, the people at the school were also technically family…but I didn't care for it.

Thinking back on it now, school was bland and uneventful. To some it was a harsh path to becoming a true member of the clan, to me it was a simple and easy process to achieving my dream of attaining a simple life when I become an adult. 

But thinking hard on what that school did for me, I knew of someone who I once talked to on a daily basis. Someone who once told me that he also wanted a simple life…someone who said time and time again that he would leave the clan with his mother and father and that they would live a happy life. 

I don't think our dreams were that similar, but hearing him say something so absurd over and over again, knowing that no one is allowed to leave the clan, made me look to him with a furrowed question. 

Its been five years and I don't really remember much about him, but I do remember one physical attribute about him that I once adored…everytime he would talk, my eyes would always gaze back at those beautiful pair of eyes of his.

His blue crystal-like eyes. It's the one thing that had caught my eye on the first day of school. It doesn't matter now though…time has passed.

Its been five years and I'm on my way to the life of an adult. That person who I spoke to once is now probably one of the people who works in the Blue-Collar lifestyle now. So I'm sad to say that he's probably suffering in life right about now.

That said, I'm making my way to my new job, and compared to all of my other jobs, this one is something I didn't mind at all. It was a simple supervision of a person's work through the trials that he will be undergoing. 

Granted I was a bit surprised when I read the Trials, but comparing it to hunting a dragon's egg in a lava-filled environment, running away from a group of assassins for days on end in a thick forest, assassinating a politician in mid-day to send a message, terrorizing targeted airplanes, starting a war between two faction families, or even gathering info on a dictator, this one job was the easiest one that I could ever hope for. And although I wondered why the Elders gave me this kind of job, its never a good idea to doubt the orders given by the elders. Never.

So as I made my way to the location of my target, I was very happy to find myself simply working in my own hometown. Until that is…when I saw the person in question.

I was surprised…

A man blindfolded.

A man who seems to not be able to hear me even when I shout his name.

And a man who was getting beaten up by a Stone pillar with arms. 

It was confusing at first, but as time went by when I watched him train, I was amazed by the reaction of his body. 

Each strike by the pillar was comparable to that of a bullet. 

And with the size similar to that of a fist from the pillar's strike, each strike was capable of piercing through a tree. And the strikes themselves did not come one at a time, almost all of the hits given were continuously followed without mercy. A Gatling gun of strikes.

In moments of simply standing by to watch, I had seen the man bleed so little, his skin was barely scratched, and each stone strike to the body made the sound of a stone hitting another stone. 

Moments later, another woman came by who I knew to be his aunt, given by his profile.

She watched in anguish as her nephew was in a state of pain and agony, but even to her shouts, none were heard of by the man.

"...Is he deaf?" I asked as I questioned the woman who stood beside me.

"...no, he is not deaf." 

"Then it must be that material that he tied to his eyes. It must be an artifact that blocks the senses of his body. Its uncommon, but some can be found as a cursed item on the gates and dungeons." I said.

"...Your probably right." said woman as she remains looking at the beaten boy.

We both watched as his body continues to receive the painful strikes from the pillar….

And when the second hour finally came, the person in front of us finally made the move to strike back properly. 

And to our shock, his counter to a strike, made the pillar stop in full motion.

After that, he lowered the blindfold in his eyes and looked to our direction in surprise.

And as he stared at us, I was surprised to see a vibrant pair of eyes. Eyes similar to that of a blue crystal.

And an immediate thought came flowing into my brain. A memory of the past.

"..." although I could not say anything, Hamil simply stood in his place and he looked to me with a rather cautious gaze.

In that moment, the once innocent and pure eyes of a dreaming child was gone, and now it was replaced by the eyes of a man who seems to have experienced the troubles of life. A man who has faced reality and pain upfront.

This was the man who I was assigned to.

As he said his goodbyes and when we left, I lead him to his first trial. The trial of the abyssal cave.

Although I was not one to remember those that didn't caught my attention, I was rather attentive to those that did. Him being able to maintain a memory in my mind even from the past is a good indication of his well-rounded presence. But seeing him now, it seems like I was looking at two completely different people.

To see him stand before me, I wondered what made him grow to be as he was today.

His presence alone was rather tense…like that of a hardened warrior.

"Where is the Abyssal Cave?" asked Hamil as he looked to me with his cold gaze.

"...Follow me, its quite far so we have to run our way there." I said.

"..." without saying anything but a nod, it was indication that he was ready to follow me.

And seeing it so, it made me wonder just how strong was Hamil for him to gain these types of trials from the Elders. 

The Abyssal Cave, Hunting in the Dark, Phantasmal Bridge, and lastly the Poison Jar. All of these trials are nothing to scoff at. At most with my current abilities, I could survive the Hunting in the Dark Trial against a master…but anything else, it seems that all of these test were made to crush a man. Especially the last one being the poison Jar. Being that it was named as a poison, it is a very familiar test made by the Hazel Family.

My mother said that she once was able to enter the Poison Jar but was only able to leave about two days later…

But she was left with nothing but one leg, her body and head. The three other limbs were torn off as if an animal had bitten her limbs in ease.

She had to crawl back while she was overwhelmed by poison all over her body. She was lucky enough to survive back then, because of her body being able to resist poison, but anything else, she was completely overwhelmed by the Poison Jar. She took this trial once when she was about to become a master herself, but if it was compared to today, she can survive well enough to leave unscathed,

Only Master the are able to enter such a Jar and survive to its end.

But to think that Hamil himself was allowed, made me wonder…

It made me wonder just how powerful he really is in his age.

Is he a Genius like me? 

Or is he just an unlucky fellow?

It made me wonder.

So test him from the start, I wanted to see if he can catch up to me as we make our way to the Abyssal Cave. A test of speed would be one to test a man's capabilities in battle.

So without hesitation or warning, I ran at a moderate speed. 

The speed similar to a flying arrow.

To the others, it might seem that I have disappeared from thin air, but to the masters, it is but child's-play. Which one is Hamil?

Having been curious, I turned around.

"...?" and saw that he was following by with the same expression as before. It seems as though he wasn't caught surprised by this.

'...looks like they brought in an interesting fellow.' I thought as a smile appeared on my face.