
[Sharp horn deer]

-Level 3.

-HP 300/300 (×2)

STR: 30(×2) INT:50(×2) AGI: 50(×2)

END: 20

Those details were displayed, causing Jaden to grin. The beast is in frenzy mode, and all of its stats have doubled; it was obvious that those players couldn't handle its speed and were defeated.

The deer came to a halt and gave Jaden a despicable look. It was as if it was saying, "Hey, can't you run like your peers?, are you not afraid?"

Jaden drew his sword and activated [Flash Movement]. Jaden used his full agility to strike forward.

However, compared to the sharp horn deer's 100 agility points, Jaden only has 37 points, which was only enough to avoid one of its slowest attacks.

Jaden only focused on avoiding the attacks because he knew he wouldn't be able to hit the frenzied-mode deer.

'If only its endurance could be exhausted.'

If the endurance is depleted, the sharp horn deer's attacks and damage deal will be reduced.

'Damn, it nearly killed me.' Jaden focused even more on the onslaught of attacks. He was almost beaten because he lost his concentration for three seconds.

The sharp horn dear pointed its horn at Jaden's crouch.

Jaden was alert and ran at breakneck speed to avoid it. The beast is far too wicked, almost destroying the chaos God's glorious dignity. The chaos God is provoked and would eventually attack even if it meant losing his life.

The sharp horn deer's head was facing the ground, oblivious to what was going on in front of it.

Jaden took advantage of the situation by projecting into the air and landing on the neck of the deer. He used all of his strength to ensure that the beast could not use it.

As if the horns were its brain, the deer began rushing through to the tree in front of him, while Jaden took the initiative to summon his sword and slash furiously at its head.

[-10, -13, -15.....(critical hit) -70]

[Sharp horn deer]

-Level 3.

-HP 90/300

STR: 30 INT: 50 AGI: 50

END: 2 (-18)

"Tsk, that's for attempting that nonsense earlier," Jaden sneered as he performed a backflip and landed quickly on the ground before flipping to the side to avoid the furious beast attacks.

The frenzied mode has been deactivated as a result of Jaden's barrage of attacks. Its health has been reduced by nearly 70%. The endurance stat was also reduced.

Jaden didn't let it go and attacked again, this time confidently and head-on.

-30,-40 (𝘝𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺)


[𝘓𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘭 𝘶𝘱!]

Jaden smiled as he picked up the crystals that had fallen from the beast's body; the crystal can be sold in the market; it is used by weaponsmiths to make weapons; it also has other uses, such as Mana and health portions.


Jaden kept them in the game storage and began waking up towards the east, where the wolves are.

It was nighttime in Myriad Realm, and the moon was full and bright, shining on the earth. It was exactly like the real world.

On his way, he killed many beasts of lower or equal level to himself, but the experience was limited because they were on the same power scale.

Jaden arrived at a pack of wolves, some of which were 2 feet tall, some 3 feet tall, and others the size of a large dog.

"1 2, seven in total" Killing them won't be easy, but I have to try. My level will skyrocket after I kill them." Jaden murmured and crept behind a bush, away from the open area where the wolves were.

'I need to buy weapons for long range and magic as well,' Jaden grumbled in his heart, knowing that if he had a long range weapon, he could have fought them while concealing himself.

'Hold on, hiding. That's something I can do with the cloak.'

"Cloak," he activated the skill, and 50 MP were deducted in the game to keep it stable and efficient.

Jaden emerged from his hiding spot and began to awaken cautiously to two of the wolves standing guard for the other.

[Wolf guards]

-Level 5

-HP 500/500

STR: 80 INT: 30 AGI: 30

END: 60

Slash, slash....slash.

Jaden killed them silently, forcing them not to scream.

[𝘓𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘭 𝘶𝘱!]

[𝘓𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘭 𝘶𝘱!]

Jaden has leveled up twice and is now at Level 4. His stats have improved, particularly his agility and strength, and his MP and HP have increased as well.

Jaden grinned as he counted two down and five to go. If no one else has received a good mission, he will undoubtedly be the first and fastest player in Myriad Realm to leave Greenhorn Village.

[Wolf candidates]

-600/600 -Level 6

STR: 90, INT: 100, AGI: 60

END: 50

While his mind was thinking of an idea, Jaden began fighting with the Wolves candidates, who, due to their intelligence, began fighting in the alleged direction of the unseen attacks. They can't fight what they can't see, of course.

[𝘓𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘭 𝘶𝘱!]

[𝘓𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘭 𝘶𝘱!]

Jaden gained two levels. He is attempting to observe one wolf in particular, and it is none other than the wolf Queen.

While fighting off those wolf candidates, he discovered that while they were protecting themselves, they were constantly trying to protect the wolf Queen, even if it meant risking their lives.

She fit the same description as the wolf candidates, but she was a Level 5 candidate.

Immediately, an idea came to him, and it was very effective at the time. if the wolf candidates safeguarded the queen then how will the king behave.

The wolf king will undoubtedly appear to save its Queen from danger.

The wolf Queen was injured when Jaden waved the sword in a zigzag pattern across its body.


It began to cry out for its Saviour. which arrived in the form of the real badass wolf king

The wolf king is the tallest beast Jaden has seen since arriving at Myriad Realms; it is as tall as a bus and as long as a Camry.

[Boss rank: wolf king]

-Level 8

-HP 1600/1600

-MP 750/800

AGI: 140, STR: 160, INT: 100,

END: 100.

If Jaden's mind was speaking right now, it would be of danger and surprise.

"The wolf king can use magic and has very high stats."