
The wolf king's veins flowed with pure mana, and its eyes scanned the surroundings like a scientist looking for evidence to support his hypothesis. Its eyes were also filled with mana.

Jaden regained consciousness after a brief period of shock. To prove that the wolf king did not see him, Jaden walked slowly in a circular motion around the wolf king. To his horror, the wolf king followed every movement with his eyes.

"Oh my God! It is aware of my presence "Jaden almost collapsed from shock; things aren't going as planned.

Jaden attempted to channel mana into his sword, as he had seen in animes, where characters channel magical energy into their swords to unleash more powerful attack on the enemy.

[The player has created a new technique, and the technique will create a new skill. LOADING SKILLS]

[Master of the Sword] [Level 1]: Input 100MP into your sword and for 30 minutes, unleash a strike three times as powerful as a normal strike. 50% chance of getting a critical hit.

uptime: 3 hours .]

"Yes!" Jaden jumped for joy and did as the game system instructed. Because it was a common sword, he only needed 100MP; if it was a higher grade sword, such as an iron grade sword, the MP required would increase, as would the efficiency.

Jaden has reached level 6, all of his stats have improved, and he now has 12 free points to distribute.

Jaden upgraded all of them to intelligent, which increased his available mana points.

"Hehe, wolf king, get ready to meet your candidates in hell," sneered Jaden.

Jaden held the sword in his hand away from his body as he prepared to attack the beast.

Right now, Jaden has no regard for his life; dying would be bad, but he has health and Mana portions.

Jaden dashed and swung the sword like a pro, each strike meeting the body of the colossal wolf king.

-40, -40, -50 -10

[Wolf king used the skill. (kingship) its defense and magic attack proficiency have both increased]

When a window appeared, Jaden quickly backed out to avoid the fireballs thrown at him by the wolf king.

Bang... Bang...

The fireballs exploded as soon as they made contact with the ground; they were so powerful that they sent ripples throughout the area, and the leaves of tall sword-like grass danced in the direction of the shockwaves.

Jaden began to rush forward, but this time he ran wisely, keeping an eye out for all the magical balls thrown at him.

Jaden decided to attack the beast's queen in order to enrage it.

-50, -40, and -30

Jaden attacked until the queen's life was reduced from 560 to 180. Jaden then leaped into the air.

The wolf king became enraged and decided to feast on the insignificant human who had harmed his mate, the wolf Queen.

The number of fireballs increased, but Jaden wistfully dodged them all before charging towards the queen to deliver the knockout blow.

However, the wolf king did not stand back this time; instead, he jumped to its companion's front and took all of the damage.

–200 (Critical hit)

If the wolf king hadn't intervened, the attack was supposed to kill the wolf Queen.

The wolf king was injured in the neck by this hit, and blood gushed out of it, but it was insignificant in comparison to the blood lost by the wolf Queen.

When the wolf king couldn't take it any longer and stopped using magic, it dashed toward Jaden and waved its massive claws, tearing some of Jaden's cloth and injuring him as well.


"Damn, despite the fact that the beast barely missed it was able to take almost half of my life," Jaden sobbed inwardly before slashing furiously with all his strength and agility, even expending some of his Mana to increase the deal of the attacks.

-100, -100, -120, -80, -180, -100, -200, (critical hit)

[Your attacks have deactivated your opponent's skill]

After hearing the good news, Jaden smirked, knowing that all of his attacks would now be critical hits.

Jaden, on the other hand, must be cautious for his own safety. He quickly removed the health portions and drank them.

[Health has been restored to normal]

Jaden used all of his strength this time and confronted the wolf king head on.

The wolf king, too, attacked without hesitation.

However, due to its massive size, its attacks were slower, whereas Jaden's attack was lightning fast.

-30HP, -40HP, and -30HP

-100, -200, -200, -100, -100.

[Author's Note: Jaden's life has HP at the back of it, while Wolf King's or any other enemies life does not.]

Jaden evaded the wolf king's attacks on his head by sliding in between his forelimbs and hindlimbs.

He drew his sword and pierced it deeply before fleeing to avoid casualties if the large beast fell on top of him.

-100....-100(π˜π˜π˜Šπ˜›π˜–π˜™π˜ )

π˜ π˜–π˜œ π˜‹π˜Œπ˜π˜Œπ˜ˆπ˜›π˜Œπ˜‹ π˜‰π˜–π˜šπ˜š π˜“π˜Œπ˜π˜Œπ˜“ π˜žπ˜–π˜“π˜ π˜’π˜π˜•π˜Ž

[π˜“π˜¦π˜·π˜¦π˜­ 𝘢𝘱!]

[π˜“π˜¦π˜·π˜¦π˜­ 𝘢𝘱!]

𝘈𝘧𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘬π˜ͺ𝘭𝘭π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨 𝘞𝘰𝘭𝘧 𝘬π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨, 𝘠𝘰𝘢 𝘰𝘣𝘡𝘒π˜ͺ𝘯𝘦π˜₯ 𝘴𝘬π˜ͺ𝘭𝘭 [π˜šπ˜›π˜™π˜Œπ˜•π˜Žπ˜›π˜ π˜‰π˜–π˜–π˜šπ˜›]


[Strength boost] [LVL 1]: permanently increase strength by +20.

Jaden then proceeded to kill the helpless wolf queen, who had no one left in this world to save her.

"Let me see how strong I am on it," Jaden decided, and proceeded to use his full strength on her.


π˜ π˜–π˜œ π˜‹π˜Œπ˜π˜Œπ˜ˆπ˜›π˜Œπ˜‹ π˜žπ˜–π˜“π˜ π˜˜π˜œπ˜Œπ˜Œπ˜•.

Mission completed: Return the wolf king and queen's heads to the village chief to receive your reward.

[ChaosGod is the first player to finish a rank D mission and advance to level 5. The message will be broadcast to all realms. Do you want your name to be revealed?]

"Yes." Jaden responded right away; it wasn't his real name, so there was no need to keep it hidden.


Every nook and cranny in Myriad Realm

[Player 'ChaosGod' has become the first player to successfully complete a rank D mission and pass level 5]




[Player 'ChaosGod' has become the first player to successfully complete a rank D mission and pass level 5]

⟨⟨Players' forum⟩⟩

Many players who saw the news expressed their shock on the forum.

Markhood: He obviously cheats his way through.

Freezer: the game hasn't even been running a day yet, and someone has already surpassed level 5.

Pizzaman: We need to hear from Starmoon


Jaden went on to pick his loot from killing so many monsters, ignoring the comments in the player forum.

𝘠𝘰𝘢 𝘳𝘦𝘀π˜ͺ𝘦𝘷𝘦π˜₯ 23 π˜šπ˜π˜“π˜π˜Œπ˜™ π˜Šπ˜–π˜π˜•π˜š, 1 π˜π˜™π˜–π˜• π˜Žπ˜™π˜ˆπ˜‹π˜Œ π˜šπ˜žπ˜–π˜™π˜‹, 1 π˜‹π˜œπ˜•π˜Žπ˜Œπ˜–π˜• π˜‰π˜–π˜–π˜›, 1 π˜šπ˜Œπ˜› π˜–π˜ π˜“π˜Œπ˜ˆπ˜›π˜π˜Œπ˜™ π˜Šπ˜“π˜–π˜›π˜π˜Œπ˜š, 32 π˜”π˜–π˜•π˜šπ˜›π˜Œπ˜™π˜š π˜Šπ˜™π˜ π˜šπ˜›π˜ˆπ˜“π˜š

[Dungeon boots]: Keep your feet safe from thorns and Level 1 magic traps. +20 agility when equipped.

[Iron grade sword]: increases attack power and critical hit efficiency. When equipped, you gain +5 strength.

[Leather clothes]: when equipped, increases Agility+5 and protects against high enemy attacks between levels 1-5.

Jaden dressed in leather, wielded an iron grade sword, and wore dungeon boots. Before turning to leave the forest, he quickly chopped off the heads of the wolf king and wolf queen and stored them in the storage.

On his way back, he encountered the players, who were staring at the dead body of the iron horn deer. They saw him and immediately recognized him as the guy with the big balls from earlier.

They couldn't see his level because in Myriad realm, you can't see the level of a player who is 5 levels higher than you.

They opened their mouths to speak, but nothing came out of them. Jaden snorted and continued his journey with [Flash Movement].


AUTHOR HERE : sorry I posted late today, I was very busy. But I also fulfilled my promise of 2 chapters. Why not reward me with power stones.
