
As the war drew closer, the air shivered and the plants danced to the glory of the heavy beating war drum and the constant battle cries from the rebellious clan's soldiers.

Meanwhile, inside the palace, the players from Earth were experiencing battle thrills and a desire to be at the top of the leaderboard for this in-game event.

General Blake led the players to the direction of the approaching war, while generals Xavier and Jake led the kingdom's soldiers there.

The soldiers wield various weapons, including spears, knives, sabers, swords, staffs, and other man-made weapons.

They soon arrived at an open field, where they were confronted by the rebellious clans and their soldiers, and the battle began.

The moonclaw clan's leader was an unsightly old man, his hair had already turned gray, and he was holding a weapon, a sword to be precise, and the grade was unquestionably higher than copper grade.

The Rohan clan's leader was much younger; he held a staff in his hand and wore magical armor that glowed with Mana.

"Scoff, useless leaders of useless clans, today you will meet your death, and I assure you that your clans will be wiped off the face of the earth." General Blake scoffed and spoke in a hushed tone.

His voice was so loud that it traveled another 5 kilometers after entering the ears of the rebellious clan before reducing its intensity and dying down.

"Stupid, your soldiers have met their ends; if you have not yet received information, please try to obtain some; if you don't know, we finished them in the shortest amount of time; can your military compare to ours?" The moonclaw clan's leader snorted and moved his hands to his back.

"You defeated 200 soldiers and you are all great, humph, I still don't know if you are a pussy, old man Roger and useless Rohan, you guys shouldn't even think of backing out, I alone am enough to destroy you two."

General Blake said to them, and as soon as he finished speaking, a sword appeared in his hand, followed by another sword in his other hands.

These swords were nothing more than copper grade swords, but in the hands of a master like Blake, they became a weapon of destruction.

"Soldiers from the Kingdom of Freegray, as well as adventurers from all walks of life. Prepare yourself!" According to General Blake.

"Soldiers of the Rohan clan and the Moonclaw clan, brace yourselves," Rohan of the Rohan clan said as he took a battle stance with his staff.

"Attack!" The declaration of war was made by the leaders of two powerful forces.

Jaden, who had been remaining calm since his arrival, took out his bow and placed four arrows on them before taking his stance and releasing them, inputting 50MP into each of them.

Swirl, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish,

As they dashed through the already troubled air, the arrow whistled.

The flames emitted by the arrows piqued the interest of the soldiers who were dashing at the enemy.

The arrows each made contact with the enemies and killed them.

-1000, -1000, -1000, -1000.

You defeated 4 Level 10 enemies and gained 2500 Exp.

[Level up!]

Jaden smirked as he saw a window open up in the air, notifying him of how many enemies he had killed and how many points he had gained as a result.

Each player saw the same window, and the points were calculated based on the level difference between the players and the enemies.

For example, if a level 10 player kills an enemy of level 9 or lower, the point displayed on the player's window will be around 8, whereas a level 8 player will gain close to 120 points for killing a level 10 enemy.

[Number of enemies killed - 4

Battle points - 400

Ranking - No .1]

Jaden smirked even more, knowing that even if the other players mocked him for picking an arrow, he could use that same arrow to climb the mountain of players in less than 30 seconds.

"That first position is mine to take, Hahaha, no one can stop me, I know it," Jaden assured himself as he dashed towards the approaching army.

Jaden fired arrow after arrow, each one killing all of his enemies; Jaden was fast enough, and the war field was working in his favor.

The heat of the war continued to rise, with both sides killing each other and the royal army gaining the upper hand in the war with the assistance of the players.

While Jaden was shooting his arrows, he noticed General Blake fighting with Rohan and old man Roger.

General Blake deflected a magical attack from Rohan and slashed forward furiously, unleashing a barrage of attacks that demanded a strong defense from his foes.

"Watch out, Blake!" General Jake alerted General Blake to the fact that he was fighting.

A figure appears from nowhere behind Blake's back, wielding two swords and slashing furiously at Blake.

"Die!" Old man Roger screamed and slashed the swords down with incredible strength and agility. Regardless of how one looks at it, old man Roger did not appear to be an old man of his age during the battle.

Blake jumped to the sky, but he was too late; the sword had already cut through his robe, injuring him.

Rohan took advantage of the situation to launch a magical attack, launching a fireball at Blake.


Before the magic ball could be used for its intended purpose of destruction, two powerful arrows collided with it, causing it to explode in the air.

Rohan and old man Roger were both taken aback; they had both planned a surprise attack on Blake, but they had no idea who the hell was working against them.

Rohan fired two more magic balls, and two more arrows flew in their direction, exploding the magic balls.

They both shivered once more. What a great aim; that person is definitely faster than they imagined.