
After overcoming their shocks, both generals became more intense in the fight, keeping their eyes on the secretive players while fighting.

Jaden stopped hiding among the army of players and introduced himself as the chaos god to the villainous clan's NPC generals.

When they discovered that the player they had feared was just a random archer, old man Roger was furious. He couldn't help but dash at Jaden amid the chaos of the battlefield.

Many players who were unfortunate enough to be in his path were killed without mercy, while others who were lucky only lost more than half of their HP.

Jaden shot up 2 feet into the sky, narrowly avoiding old man Roger's sword. Nonetheless, it managed to drain 200HP from his HP. When Jaden looked down from above at old man Roger, he couldn't help but frown.

Blake felt as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders; he now has the time to focus solely on Rohan without worrying about old man Roger.

Blake felt confident that Jaden would successfully kill old man Roger for various reasons, so he simply confronted the other enemy and dealt fatally with him now that he had the opportunity.

During this battle, General Xavier and General Jake were not left out; one of them is a mage, so it was recommended that they keep some distance from their enemies. It became easier, however, for General Xavier, who could use both martial arts and magic.

"Who is that warrior, and do you believe we should assist him?" Xavier inquired as to who was casting a wind spell at the time. Jaden was the person to whom Xavier was referring.

Jake gave Jaden a long look before nodding his head. "I believe he can handle that himself; remember, he is in the same class as you, so he can fight both close combat and long range combats."

"Um," Xavier said as he dashed forward to sever the head of a rebellious soldier from the enemy clan.

Jaden was still two feet in the air; it was understandable that he could hover in the sky due to his mana, but it was difficult for him to stay up there knowing that his Mana would be depleted.

"You fucking Archer, you may be good at aiming, but you stink at close combat. Come attack me head on if you can." Roger boasted carelessly.

"Don't you think you're becoming too sure of yourself?" Jaden inquired, sarcastically.

He kept his bow inside his storage space because it would be useless in a close combat with an expert.

'I suppose I can use the vortex on him, but first I have to make sure he doesn't evade it, because if he does, all my efforts will be futile,' Jaden planned.

Bloodcurdling screams of pain and victory could be heard in the war zone as the battle became more intense.

Jaden furrowed his brow as he took a proper stance, his two hands stretched forward like a boxer in a ring before a fight.

"You genuinely want to die, brat." With an enraged tone, old man Roger lunged at Jaden, who was poised for any attack when he saw old man Roger swinging his sword.

Swish, swoosh.

The sword missed its target and moved through the air so quickly that it thrilled the air and made a swoosh sound.

Jaden grinned, A fighter must concentrate his spirit, soul, and body. If a fighter is not focused, he will suffer a huge loss because if his opponent is focused, that opponent will gain the most advantage for a brief moment.

"I must say, you really know how to dodge; come on, attack me if you're a man." Roger was enraged and spoke in a mocking tone.

Jaden replied, "Oh, you have a sword, and I don't have any. Come at me if you truly believe you have the power."

"Stop being arrogant, brat; I'll show you what it's like to be a battle expert."

'Now that he's fallen for it, tell me how you're going to avoid my vortex with your rushy nature.' Jaden grinned.

Because of Jaden's quick movement in the direction of old man Roger, the ground beneath him shattered.

In a fist fight, they exchanged who would evade and who would attack.

-30HP -100HP

Jaden began to lose health points as a result of the punch he failed to avoid.

Jaden landed a round house kick on old man Roger, then moved backward and tilted his head to the side to avoid Roger's attack. After evading it, he too threw a punch that old man Roger couldn't avoid.

-120, -160

The HP that old man Roger lost as a result of the roundhouse kick and punch was shown on top of his head.

"There's a fire vortex!" Jaden quickly conjured his vortex when he was within close range of him; the fire vortex erupted with a raging sound and began forcefully swirling old man Roger.

The soldiers of the opposing party stood by and watched as their general was burned to death by the vortex.

"Hehe, I really have no regrets taking him as my disciple," general Blake said as he became more serious about his battle, slashing furiously at Rohan, who was watching his war partner die in agony.

"You....Ahhhhh, stop it, stop it." a senior citizen Roger's eyes turned red as he begged to be saved, but the vortex became faster and hotter as Jaden used more mana to further destroy the skill.

You defeated'Old man Roger' Lv 25.

Level up.

Level up.

Level up.

[Your sword mastery has grown]

[Your Martial arts mastery have increased]


"General Roger!"

"Clan chief!"


The NPC soldiers, led by Roger, were discouraged from fighting any further as a result of the unfathomable loss.

In their eyes, a great hero have fallen and a god level villain have risen.