[Palácio da Alvorada: 05/11/2009]


Roberto POV:

"Well, is everyone here?" I asked looking at President Humberto.

"Yes everyone is here we can start this meeting." He said as he looked at everyone present.

There weren't many, two men and a woman.

The Minister of Justice Rafael de Lama Gomes, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Elisa Fernandes Lomes and the Minister of Defense Daniel Enrique de Sousa.

These three were called by President Humberto after my arrival, when they arrived they all gave me suspicious looks, especially Minister Daniel since he was previously a military man serving in the field.

"Mr. President, considering that you called us, could you explain why we were summoned and who this young man is?" Elisa asked looking seriously at us.

"Dear Minister, this young man here arrived at my office without attracting the attention of any of our security systems or even agents, which already shows that he is not just anyone, and he came with a proposal and sees that perhaps we could discuss it. " Humberto spoke in his calm way.

The three of them now had interested looks, if the president himself thought it was worth it, then my proposal must be worth something.

"Well if you think it's worth it, I don't see why we can't listen, but why were we specifically called?"

"Because I believe your ministries are most affected by me in the first place." I speak for the first time drawing attention to myself.

Oh yes, how I like this attention, their looks said they wanted to know why I was here, why not show off a little.

"I'm sorry but I don't remember you introducing yourself young." Rafael said looking glumly.

"Roberto da Costa, dear minister, is the man who will take this insurgent nation to the top and completely change the paradigms of the world." I say smiling while drinking a glass of water.

"And how exactly would you do that?" Elisa asked raising an eyebrow.

"Very simple, let's say that I have a range of abilities that I consider very unique, both physically and mentally, and with them I think I can provide useful services to our nation." As I say this I raise my hand, it is immediately covered in a dark layer while a golden aura surrounds it.

The three Ministers look on in surprise, Daniel even reaches for the gun hidden under the table that he previously kept as if I hadn't seen it.

"A metahuman?! Mr President, do you have any idea how dangerous this is!!?" Rafael asked as he stood up abruptly.

"Calm down Minister Rafael, this young man could have caused a lot of damage and not been discovered, but he chose to come to us with a proposal we couldn't refuse." Humberto said as he picked up a cigar, and I promptly lit the cigar, surprising the old president.

"And...what proposal would that be?" Daniel asked, calming down faster than the other two.

"Simple my friend!! In the current global scenario, weapons, from the most mundane to nuclear, were what gave power to nations, this made third or second world nations subservient to the most developed nations, we are included in that." I begin my beautiful speech.

So far the three seemed to agree, given that our own country went through a military coup financed by the United States, leading to decades of absurdities and from what I see things were worse in this world.

"However, in the advent of recent years a new spark was born, random and uncontrolled, the next step in human evolution, the Meta-humans!! And with them the complete outdatedness of conventional weaponry!!" I say getting up.

"Think about it, when the Nazis gave birth to Per Degaton and his Spear of Destiny, the Allies brought their eccentric heroes and gave birth to the Justice Society!! And then the world changed again with the rise of the Justice League and then ever since. The world is in a tug of war between heroes and villains." I continued.

"But no matter how good the intentions of the League's heroes are and they have done a lot for the world, they are only fighting the symptoms and not the cause of their villains, just look at Gotham, Batman has been active there for years and still the situation It doesn't seem to get better." I say holding back a laugh, after all it's more the fault of publisher DC than Batman himself, but they're not ready for so many breaks from reality.

"And of course we will not comment on the obvious presence of many American heroes in the League, and those who are not Americans are from another planet or are leaders of nations foreign to us." I say and then take a sip of water.

"I'm here to offer the only thing I have to offer, my power and my knowledge, responding directly to you but of course having my own freedom, and I believe that together we can make many changes." I finish my big speech.

"Just think, ladies and gentlemen, what it would be like to have your own "Superman" on the call line." I comment after the silence that follows, and smile at the looks they are giving.

We're getting somewhere.


[Rio de Janeiro: 08/11/2009]


Roberto POV:

Three days have passed since my meeting with the ministers and I can only jump with joy at how well everything has gone so far, first they agree to give me citizenship and an equal status, since I didn't have them here, they asked me why That's what happened and I didn't talk, they left it aside but I think I'll have to come up with an excuse.

Now, in addition to that, I gained an investment and was using my funds to build my building. I bought land far from large population centers where the only chance of me meeting someone would be very small.

I did this because I just bought the materials, now what about the construction team? Well, who needs that when you have super powers and a brilliant intellect?

Wearing a white tank top and baggy sweatpants and of course construction gloves! , the perfect changing room to start working, looking at the empty plot of exactly 120m², enough space to do my work.

I looked at everything I bought and ordered to be delivered and I smiled, my body being covered in solar energy, and I felt all my senses enhanced and then I got to work. I moved so fast that I looked like a dark blur while a golden trail followed me.

If they looked from afar, they would only see a golden trail moving so fast that it would not be possible to see it with the naked eye, while tons of construction material were moved and the shape of a building was slowly forming.

One hour was enough time for me to build a twenty meter wide building, reasonably beautiful but also not going to win an Arabian architecture prize.

In any case, my base of operations was ready and from here I would begin the changes in this country.