[Rio de Janeiro: 13/11/2009]


Roberto POV:

After finishing the finishing touches to the building's structure, which included a power reactor that was powered by my own energy and charged the building separately, I brought the furniture into it, not to mention the sign.

Like a good superhero with resources, my building had a sign, but instead of my own last name I put a little reference to the world I once watched and loved.

Advanced Mechanical Ideas or just I.M.A was one of the most interesting organizations in the works of Marvel, a villainous organization based purely on science and crimes related to it.

Recurring S.H.I.E.L.D villains the Avengers and Iron Man, among others but always mocked as the "Evil Beekeepers" among the fan community including myself.

But at a given moment the editors and screenwriters thought it would be interesting if Sunspot, who is one of the financially successful heroes, bought this evil organization and tried to turn it into a force for good.

That's why I thought it would be good to pay this little tribute to him, and while I was thinking about it, the sound of the elevator filled the room. After leaving him, President Humberto and Minister Rafael left, both with impassive expressions.

"I see you've been busy the last few days." Humberto said while looking at the television on the newspaper, which was showing interesting news.

{In recent days, Rio de Janeiro has seen a historic drop in crime incidents of all types, reports indicate that several criminals were stopped in the act and taken to jail.}

The journalist passed on the information while a graph showed the astronomical drop. After all, it took five days of working in secret until my "friends" in high places resolved the legal issues surrounding my situation.

"You know, sitting still can become extremely tedious when you mentally process as quickly as I do." I say while shrugging.


"Anyway, we have everything ready." Rafael said after sighing.

Handing me an envelope with all the data that certified me as the "official hero" of Brazil, and as directly responsible in any situation involving Meta-humans or extraordinary situation.

Five days may seem like a long time, but something like this cannot be resolved so easily, especially in Brazil whose State is very bureaucratic, which may seem bad but is good to prevent any lunatic from wanting to dismantle democracy.

In general, I would be a public agent with a salary and even vacations!! Of course I would still act every day of the week so...well I can deal with that.

"Well with that out of the way follow me." I said as I walked towards my makeshift laboratory.

"I see you've been working." Humberto said while looking at all the machinery.

"Well I couldn't just fly around Rio and solve every little crime I see, it wouldn't be efficient, we need to develop ways to make civilian life more preferable than criminal life." I say while rummaging through some things on my desk.

"Who would rather be a criminal?" Rafael asked with some disdain.

He was a white man, son of lawyers and probably never experienced many difficulties in life, Humberto on the other hand...

"Regardless of your beliefs Rafael, many prefer this than suffering their entire lives to barely be able to feed their loved ones." Humberto said while scratching his gray beard.

"Let's try to stay away from that kind of debate for now, I want you to see this." I held something up for them to see, and they both looked.

It was a sphere, the size of an apple, bluish in color with circuits crossing its entire surface. It was my last work and inspired by one of the biggest jokes in this country.

"Um...what is this?" Rafael asked while Humberto had the same doubt.

"I did this while thinking about São Paulo, I think you both know that the Tietê river is one of the biggest symbols of environmental degradation in this country, and that's why I did it." I say as I throw the sphere into the air.

"An artifact with high capacity for water remodeling and sanitation." I tell them, but from the lost look they still don't understand.

"Think of it as a water purifier, but with a boost, throw it into the Tietê River and it will release several nano-machines that will cross the entire river, corroding all the trash and of course waste in the river, returning it to the same state as five hundred years ago." I say and now I see impressed looks.

"That way whenever I fly through São Paulo I won't have to smell shit." I say with a smile and they just roll their eyes.

"Well, I'm sure the Governor of São Paulo will love this, imagine being the guy who cleaned up Tietê?" I say as I throw the sphere to Rafael who clumsily caught it.

"Careful you brat!! Do you have any idea how necessary this is?" Rafael asked awkwardly.

"Haha don't worry my dear Minister, I think I would have worried about making this little thing reasonably resistant, wouldn't I?" I say laughing as I go to get something to drink.

"Anyway, I believe we can now move on to our little spring cleaning, right?" I asked while drinking some water.

The two men immediately became serious about the "cleansing" which I refer to as referring to all politicians, businesspeople and of course any politically influential individual who is a delay or complete impediment to the country's development.

They range from energy companies that leave entire cities in the dark because it's cheaper and then say they do a great job, to politicians who say they are Catholic and patriotic, but just hide their prejudice and hatred behind the Bible and are always in favor. to imitate any trend in the country of stripes and stars, the famous patriots.

It would be an easy job from the point of view of capturing them, the difficult part that would give them all a headache would be the logistics of so many cases, of course I would already have all the possible proof that it would be impossible for any of them not to be convicted.

Meanwhile, there would also be a clean-up of the armed forces at all levels and an investment would be made in their development, but to camouflage all these changes in the world we would do something to attract attention.

And what better way to get people's attention than to cause controversy?

"Well by the looks of you, I think it's time to put on my uniform." I say smiling as they become serious, knowing that big changes were about to come.

"Have you prepared a uniform yet?" Humberto asked while lighting a cigar.

"But of course!! What kind of superhero would I be if I didn't have an outfit that highlighted my muscles and was extremely comfortable to wear?" I asked as I pressed a button and my uniform appeared.