[Rio de Janeiro: 15/11/2009]


The city of Rio, being the capital of the state, was well lived, the beach city was one of the most populous in the country, always competing with São Paulo as the largest city in the country.

One of its greatest symbols and one of the wonders of the world stood proudly over the horizon, Christ the Redeemer, a huge statue of Christ that stood tall for all to see.

And at that moment a figure was on the statue's left hand, wearing a yellow and black costume, covering its body completely, leaving its wrists free with black fingerless gloves.

This was Roberto, wearing his suit that he had made, looking from the outside the suit would not seem very complex, it would even resemble common tactical suits but it was far from the truth.

The suit's outer layer was made from an advanced composite material known for its extreme strength and ability to absorb sunlight. This characteristic played a crucial role in absorbing the solar energy it exuded.

Just below, a layer of flexible photovoltaic cells covered the suit's structure. These cells were adept at converting sunlight into electricity, powering an internal energy storage system. This innovative approach allowed Roberto to store energy throughout the day for later use.

Internally, the suit featured an advanced cooling system. Strategically placed thermoelectric devices dissipated the heat generated during the absorption of solar energy, ensuring that it did not start a fire with its mere presence.

The free wrists with black fingerless gloves were more than a stylistic touch. They hid a controlled energy release technology, allowing Roberto to channel the stored energy in a precise way, whether for lighting or even in moments of extreme need such as combat.

With all this Roberto using his enhanced vision looked at the huge city and opened a smile, he then activated his powers and his entire body was covered by his characteristic dark skin with a golden aura.

He jumped and in free fall he propelled himself forward with his jet-like energy, flying like a rocket over the city as he admired the view.

"Show time!!" He shouted as he flew and headed towards his targets.

[Complexo do Alemão: 01:39PM]

This was one of the most dangerous areas of the city, with a high population rate and very little social development and with high percentages of organized crime. The place was mainly controlled by Comando Vermelho, an organization that focuses mainly on the poorest regions.

At the moment, the smaller members were taking care of a shipment of the newest product to arrive in the country. Observing this from above, Roberto recognized the product, it was Venom, not the villain of a certain arachnedean hero, but rather a super steroid that increased the user's physical capabilities but caused high chemical dependency.

It was an expensive product, very restricted to certain circles in the criminal world and resulted in billion-dollar revenue for its main supplier, the villain Bane. And now the Red Command was transporting Venom into the country.

"I think it's a good time to join." Roberto said as he descended to the ground, immediately surprising everyone.

"What's up guys?" He said as he looked at everyone.

*Bang, Bang, Bang!!!*

Immediately a hail of shots rained down on Roberto's invulnerable body, the hero was initially surprised that so many of them had weapons but he soon became bored with them all.

"Guys, honestly, I'm more interested in the heads of this operation, so I'm not going to hurt you...much." He said with a smile.

"Kill this son of a *****" One of the bandits said while firing his machine gun.

And that same criminal was hit in the chest with a photonic blast that sent him flying without air, hitting one of the warehouse walls. Roberto, with his fist raised, was smiling, happy that he adjusted the necessary force correctly so as not to kill the poor guy but knocking him out.

And that caused the shooting to stop.

"Why did you stop kids? Did you run out of ammunition?" Roberto asked smiling as he walked slowly to get rid of them.

What followed was an unparalleled beating sequence, anyone who wasn't hit by a blast of energy was knocked out with a punch or kick that sent them flying.

Thirty criminals taken down with maximum efficiency as their weapons were melted down and the shipment of Venom along with other drugs were disposed of by taking a vial of Venom that Roberto kept.

"Now let's continue the city waits for no one." Roberto said after sending the evidence to the Federal police he went on to dismantle other bases while stealing information and evidence to use against the true leaders of Comando Vermelho.


[I.M.A BUILDING: Six hours later]

Roberto POV:

Six hours and a lot of content to work with, I didn't simply go from base to base in the city taking down the red commando, drug dealer or gang and cleansing the needy communities of their militiamen, I also made sure that concrete evidence was sent to all police departments possible.

Almost twenty thousand criminals were arrested, from the most changing criminal to leaders of criminal factions and all of this was being shown in all the newspapers.

Compliments were being sent to me through these mainstream media channels, many photos and images of me were taken in those six hours, I wasn't trying not to attract attention, this was necessary for the next step of the plan.

But what excited me most was seeing a group of children with a look of wonder as I dealt with some militiamen who had gained control of that community, knowing that now they wouldn't have to fear guns to their heads must have been liberating.

But putting all that aside I was in my lab examining the Venom sample I had recovered. Analyzing the formula I can only say that Bane is a complete nutcase.

Seriously, who in their right mind would use this on their own body? The substance was a drastic increase in physical capabilities, ten times the physical strength of a human at his peak to be specific, but the long-term effects wouldn't be pretty.

To begin with, the drug's chemical substances concentrated on the nervous system, slowly causing damage and curing what leads to chemical dependency. The increase in muscular structure wore down the user's muscle mass and, if that was not enough, atrophied them.

If my calculations are correct, then a recurring Venom user would be a mannequin doll at the age of sixty, having to live on medical equipment, if his organs didn't suffer a total shutdown.

But that doesn't mean it would be a complete loss, this formula would be useful to develop something better, cleaner and undoubtedly less harmful to the user.

I don't intend to use it on myself, but no matter how strong I am, I can't face entire space armies, and so I need our soldiers to be really useful in a fight like that.

Just look at the alien invasions that have already occurred, the Justice League exists because humans themselves cannot protect themselves from this level of threat.

What was Thor's quote again? A way to show that Earth is ready for a new form of warfare? It seems like something accurate for both worlds.

But soon we will increase our ventures and I.M.A will soon be launched to the public.