Booster (side-txt me) joined the team

Kolt sat in front of the computer with the headphone on, but couldn't say a word. Only after the four girls turn on the voice Kolt did know that three of them were big men with rough voices and appearances. And the four obviously recognized the ID of Booster (side-text me) brother, immediately Kolt led the game into a Booster (side-text me) Brother's fan meeting.

The fact that Kolt was cut by him has long been spread around, so why are these two people still calm and standing in the same dungeon at this time? Kolt can not answer this serious question, fate has a way of putting it, all he can do at this moment is to take out the colorful windmill and press the F key to start blowing it.

Brother Booster (side-text me) was silent for a while, without speaking, he typed: "I'll pull the monster later, you four stand at the position of the stone, and when I pull over, you will output with all your strength, understand?"

The four of them agreed quickly. Kolt was silent.

Kolt check through the team a bit, three dps and one healer, him, one tank, Booster (side-text me) in a dps suit could be considered the fourth output, so it seems like the six is not a very good match. The gunsmith turned to Kolt and said, "We don't have enough dps to clear all, you attack the rest in front of the stone."

Kolt was so used to being the head of the group that he didn't like being told what to do, but he said yes.

After taking their positions as arranged by Booster (side-text me), they watched as the gunsmith stomped away from the hate range of the monsters with extreme swiftness and precision. The map was a long, narrow, ice-walled canyon, and as he shifted and rolled, more and more monsters chased after him. Finally, as if a hundred rivers were returning to the sea, they became a torrent, the gunsmith was like a tidal wave man treading on the waves without wetting his clothes. At the end of the ravine was a vertical cliff. The gunsmith jumped up the wall in two steps, turned around at a bulge in the cliff, with two more jumps followed by a dive, he leapt over the swarm of monsters landing behind them. The monsters turned in a flurry as he started running wildly again with his gun. Kolt was already looking dumbfounded, when he looked at the gunsmith's blood bar, the only loss of blood was from falling to the ground.

Kolt didn't know how the Gunsmith had come up with this manoeuvre, and as he watched the swarm of monsters rushing towards him, the only thing he could do was to put away his little windmill and raise his big shield. As soon as the monsters entered the attack range, the three outputs started throwing skills like crazy, exploding all over the screen for a while. The red-haired gunsmith came out of the hail of bullets and magical explosions, seemingly coming and going from an army of millions. He made a sharp turn in front of Kolt, his horse's tail flying, the tip of his gun turned around, and his whole body stabbed into the dense crowd of monsters like a sharp knife, picking out the remaining blood in the smoke and dust, one shot at a time. The red dots on the map were rapidly decreasing. As soon as the monsters entered the attack range, the three outputs began to throw their skills frantically, blowing up the screen. The red-haired gunsmith came out of the hail of bullets and magical explosions, seemingly coming and going like a million armies - he made a sharp turn in front of Kolt, horsetail flying, gun tip turned around, and his whole body was like a sharp knife stabbing into the He stabbed his way through the dense swarm of monsters, picking out the blood of the undead in the smoke and dust, one by one. Kolt came back to his senses and thought, "I'm just standing here, aren't I just being a pussy?" Kolt came back to his senses and thought, "I'm just standing here, aren't I just being a pussy? He quickly stepped forward and caught up with one of the monsters that Booster (side-text me) had missed and smash it over the head with the shield, killing it. Unfortunately, before Kolt could hit the second one, the monsters had already been cleared. He thought that he might as well stand there and blow the windmill.

"Pick up the loot" Gunsmith said to him, standing in the pile of fading monster corpses.

Kolt was silenced, seeing the props and broken equipment all over the place, and picked them up slowly along the canyon, as if he was collecting rubbish on the road. They soon arrived at the first boss. This time there were no shortcuts, and Kolt, with his big shield and heavy sword, was finally able to use it.

The Booster (side-text me) had a high level of DMG and OT several times. It was only through his agility that Kolt didn't get slapped to death. But all in all, the little boss was beaten off.

"You don't PVE much, do you?" Kolt asked him.

Brother Booster (side-text me) replied with a, "yeah."

"So how come you're still gathering monsters in one wave?"

"Read in the walkthrough." He said, "Just tried it."

Kolt pestered him during the fight to the final, and Booster (side-text me) was always replied shortly and concisely, ignoring Kolt's rambling questions when he was busy fighting the monsters. The big boss fight started off fairly smoothly, with Booster (side-text me) living up to his reputation as a famous Booster (side-text me), and his output was already very well controlled. After more than five minutes of fighting, the boss blood bar only one-third left when it entered enrage timer. A heavy blow covered Kolt's head, the blood bar plummeted, his vision directly red. The healer is low on energy, and full healing has only just returned his blood to half. With this amount of blood, and then a heavy blow Kolt will be ashes to ashes. Once the front row is dead, the back row will only be slaughtered. The key moment gunsmith suddenly jumped in front of him, to the boss face a set of moves. Blitz came just in time, instant damage is very high, the monster's hatred was transferred to him.

The gunsmith dragged the boss and tried to kite him, but the boss was a boss after all, it slapped him down when he was halfway to the jump. Kolt took the opportunity to drink a mouthful of medicine and rushed over to pick up the fight, saving Booster (side-text me) brother's life. Who would have expected one trouble comes after another, there is a teammate who did not dodge the boss's full-screen attack, with the full screen white light. The boss began to hate the damage indiscriminately when the blood was left, and the nurse sister and the remaining two demon number output of the old brother were quickly killed. Kolt thick skin, Booster (side-text me) agile, the last two left in front of the boss face to face.

Kolt said: "I carry the last round, you full output. Success or failure is at stake."

Booster (side-text me) did not have time to type a reply, direct action. Kolt took three hard blows, and felt that he had done his best before seeing the white light. The BOSS still has a little blood left, and this hour the life and death of the wild team is left to this Booster (side-text me) friend who just hacked Kolt to death yesterday. Kolt resurrected at the door of the was a bit saddened, who knew that less than ten seconds, came the system beep of the instance pass.

The red-haired gunsmith was teleported alive between the five, with a tiny bit of blood left in his head, apparently also fighting to the death.

He sat down and took a recovery medicine.

"It's so hard." He said.

The pass box is Booster (side-text me) brother open, Kolt has to admit that this person's luck is really bad, a full level of this only came out one purple suit, almost a fight for nothing. The roll of the dice to divide the loot when everyone's mood is obviously very low, after all, after all the hard work to play a book, each share a few dozen bottles of blood medicine, is really funny.

After the instance, Kolt took the four out of the group and intended to break up when Booster (side-text me) brother suddenly came again: "Do not continue?"

"Huh?" Kolt froze.

"I thought you hadn't upgraded yet?"

Kolt is now really confused: " Dude, what the hell are you going to do? Help me upgrade back so you can kill me again?"

The fight was quite rough, and even called for some sympathy between comrades, and even Kolt, who has thicker skin than the bottom of his shoes, was unable to speak badly to him for a while.

"You've done me a favor." Booster (side-text me) brother said, "I help you brush back to full level."

Kolt thought, "How about you drop me?

"Then why don't you give me back the ring I dropped?" Kolt said.

"Sorry, it's already been given to my employer." Brother Booster (side-text me) said.

"Then how about revealing who the employer is?"

"Paid to do a job. It is not convenient to disclose."

Both of them were silent, and the atmosphere was awkward for a while.


Kolt thought about it and knocked down a " yes ".