Good, finally confirmed that you are male

That day Kolt and Booster (side-text me) brother together with full level book brushed a full ten times, finally back to that level.

When Ronnie logged in for the ninth time, Kolt invited him to join the team and excitedly introduced him to Booster (side-text me): "My friend, a super strong healer."

Ronnie looked at that ID and for the first time in years felt his brain was spinning a bit. They just came out of the instance zone, Booster (side-text me) brother is drinking recovery medicine, glanced at the female ID healer in front of him: "Girl?"

"Man" Kolt answered magnanimously.

"Hmm. Let's begin." The gunsmith put down the medicine.

Kolt took a windmill and happily turned on the game.

Ronnie couldn't say a word, froze with his phone for half a day, and chatted with Kolt privately.

"What the hell?"

"Come on, come on, you walk to the stone here, see him this gathering monster a wave of play."

Ronnie was silent for a long time: " Are you ... Kolt?"

"I'm not ... who are you?"

Ronnie's brain actually rare leap out of an expletive, held in the fingertips, but did not press down.

The instance was finished and Booster (side-text me) went offline.

Ronnie and Kolt were standing at the entrance, Kolt was blowing the windmill.

Ronnie hung up for a while, turned around to make a pot of good Longjing tea, carried a purple sand pot to the computer table, poured himself a good cup, and then calm down, asked Kolt: How did this happen?

Ronnie's tea almost spilt on the keyboard halfway through. How could there be such a coincidence?

" Coincidence is all about fate." Kolt said smugly, "I think that's a good start."

He started to analyze this Booster friend for Ronnie. He was skilled, aware, and good at everything except talking stupid. If this kind of person can be recruited to their own club, the next gang war attack and defense will certainly not worry about defeating Nealon that bastard.

Ronnie, holding his cup of tea, actually felt that he had some truth to it. After all, the precise operation of the wave of monsters just now, the kite positioning and the ability to improvise at the end of the boss are not common.

Ronnie thought for a moment, this person is most likely to play the game as a career, and Kolt is not short of money ...

"How about you buy him into the gang." Ronnie concluded.

The monthly salary is a fixed amount, the minimum online time in the seventh district of this number, the rest of the time let him go back to other services to kill people - as a part-time job, is not good?

Kolt lit a cigarette and thought it made sense.

Everything is ready but the Wind. However, the next day, Booster (side-text me) was not online.

Kolt was a bit puzzled, but thought the gunsmith might be busy taking people's heads in other games, so he just let it go. On the afternoon of the third day, Booster (side-text me) brother's small number came online, Kolt happily sent a private message: where are you?

The other party replied surprisingly quickly: "Fishing."

Kolt invited him into a team, and the map showed the location of his teammate, the lake where Kolt had last seen the injustice, and Kolt rode his newly purchased sweat-blooded horse straight to the location and appeared majestically behind the little archer with a halo of special effects.

He was really fishing, and in his hand was a bamboo pole that bent heavily from his hand toward the lake, forming a nice bow. Kolt dismounted, sat down next to him, and pulled out the little windmill.

"Put your fashion away. It's too bright and flashy."

Kolt reluctantly: "Ok." Then took off.

"The red hair of your another ID is quite beautiful, I remember it is the opening service limited, right." Kolt mulled over the gunsmith's flashy red ponytail.

"Hmm." Archer responded, "That account was bought."

"Bought to expand your business?" Kolt asked.

"Yes. I only had a primary ID hanging around in zone 7 before." He didn't hide anything, "I sold an account to transfer over when there weren't many orders in other zones recently."

"So I'm your first order?"

"Yes." He had just finished typing when the fishing rod sank violently downward. He hastily reeled in his line and lifted the rod, struggling with the fish in that lake. Finally, with a poofing sound, the big red carp, which had been dragged out of the water so easily, broke its line and fell back into the water.

Kolt looked very anxious, but could not say anything, only asked: "This ID is created for leisure?"

"Yeah." He replied.

The shore of the lake is actually very good, with green water, blue waves, the lake has a few rocky islands, egrets flying, and a pleasant fairyland. In the real world, you can not find such good scenery.

"I think we're kind of related." Kolt said, "So, can I ask you for a name? I can't keep calling you Booster, Booster, can I?"

Booster (side-text me) put the rod away and threw it back down again. The ripples ringed out and he said, "Adler."

It sounds like a real name.

"You can call me King ..." Kolt was going to type King Kolt but felt a little shameless, deleted it and retyped: "You can call me Kolt. "

Adler, the same as always, returned "Ok".

Kolt thought that the name has been asked, close to also set a lot of things, why not cut to the point. When he was about to say, Adler suddenly took the initiative to open his mouth: "Want to go boating in the lake?"

The lake is called Cloud Dream, there is a maple planted island in the heart of the lake, only autumn all year round. That island is not large, but there is a red leaf ferry, and for a small fee you can rent a raft to swim in the lake. This has always been a popular place for leisure players to relax. Kolt did not know what to expect, and followed him to the island in the center of the lake. Adler ran to rent a raft and came over with a pole, Kolt jumped three times to get on it. He lay down at the head of the raft, in a casual position, and Adler did not say a word to support the boat behind. Kolt lay down for a moment and got up again, stood at the head of the raft, and pulled out the windmill.

Small windmills will also spin up when being moved, the faster you move the faster it spins. Kolt found this little thing quite interesting. He looked it up yesterday and it was a rare prop.

When the raft rounded the lake island, the maple leaves on the cliffs of the lake fell down in a spill. The light boat opened up a lonely path in the red leaves, and the clouds were light and long. But Kolt's mind is not on this programmed scenery,

He opened his voice and asked Adler if he would like to help out in his club. The same is paid to do things, will not be treated badly.

Adler was still holding up the bamboo pole, one after the other, and Kolt felt it poking at his heart, causing some unexplained ups and downs. Then a young, clean male voice came over the Kolt's headset and said, "Yes."

The pole in Kolt's heart didn't move, but instead, the stone fell to the ground like a thump.

"Good, finally confirmed that you are male."