Big win

The offense and defense was the usual dual command of Kolt and Ronnie, but it was more often actually Ronnie. Kolt carried the sword and shield to the front line, Adler led the men with weapons around the back. The plan was Kolt to bait the enemy and Adler to go around and capture the flag.

Kolt decoy was his own initiative. After all, he had a kind of magic, he stood there, even if he did not say anything, but people can not help but want to hit him, especially Nealon. And Kolt is certainly not satisfied with this. He began to provoke Nealon, the arrogance, almost the word "fight" written on his face. Nealon was to put up with him, wielding a sword to come up and stab him through. Kolt saw the momentum and slipped into the crowd, his own family to protect him, have flocked to protect the master. The two sides of the people thus fought together, all sorts of colorful skill effects exploded together, and among them vaguely appeared Kolt head full of taunting tone of text bubbles.

Kolt was still dodging in the melee when the commanding voice in his headset suddenly changed. ronnie's unchanging gentle and calm voice stopped, only to say that someone else had to speak, and the next person on the mic was a young man who spoke fast and nervously. Kolt even had the illusion that it was some student being named by Mr Zhang to speak in class - but Adler was indeed in command. His instructions were precise to the man.

They encountered strong resistance from their opponents in the rear. Things are not always as easy as they are planned. The good thing was that Adler was extraordinarily calm, his tone gradually calmed down, and the crackling of his keyboard could even be heard in his headset, as if a blistering storm.

Ronnie reminded Kolt that it was time to retreat. The battle in the middle of the battlefield is coming to an end. The number of characters on Kolt's side has become sparse, and he hurries back with his sword. The battle report showed that Nealon was still alive, but he was not in Kolt's view, which was not sure if that was a good or bad thing. After a few minutes of apprehension, Kolt has suddenly swept away from behind with a sword. This was followed by a series of moves. Kolt was laughing to himself, thinking that he had gotten what he wanted and that Nealon had stopped him halfway. Before the words were out of his mouth, he heard Adler say, "Two more minutes and we're sure to break through.

As soon as his streak broke, Kolt immediately rolled out of the way intending to make another run. However, this idea is obviously unrealistic. Nealon was fast, and once his CD expired, another set of moves would send Kolt to his death. The Nealon men followed closely, Kolt gritted his teeth and snapped back to a shield stand, bluffing Nealon. Nealon's men followed close behind, clearing the field left and right, apparently instructed to leave room for the two masters to make a decent duel.

In single combat, Kolt does not feel he has any chance of winning. Nealon must have received word that the lair was in trouble, but he was clearly determined to kill Kolt first.

Ronnie's rescue was probably too late, and Kolt was glad that his meat suit was meat enough to keep Nealon in the fight for a while, even though it was somewhat of a human sandbag humiliation.

"Is it time for me to say some touching last words?" He was still smiling in his voice, "It's okay, he'll just have to hack me to death, we're winning this one anyway. It's not a loss."

"Don't panic." Adler's voice interrupted in, saying.

Ader still promised, still calm and sure. Kolt froze and turned around to see white light flying, the red-haired gunsmith somehow tore through the circle, like a red arc of light, swept toward him, then the tip of the gun pointing to the ground, leaping up, straight to kill Nealon back of the head. The shot stunned, Kolt got a chance to breathe, switched shields and cut swords to receive a blow, Adler understood, put all his strength into a set of skills to hit empty, the last shot through the chest covered with armor.

Kolt's heart literally crashed through his sternum, leading to a self-directed crushing fracture.

Although the next moment, they flew into dust and smoke among the arrows and magic coming from all directions. But Kolt has to say, this is definitely the most fucking painful moment since he played the game for so many years. He really wanted to erect ten cannons in front of his home while booming, really wanted to go downstairs and run naked three circles accompanied by chanting, really wanted to grab Adler a strong kiss, to celebrate with the whole sky, run around to tell.

Kolt suddenly pulled back his thoughts: Wait, what was the last one?

The huge font of the offensive and defensive battle victory popped up on the screen, and a announcement scrolled back and forth.

Ronnie turned off the speech restriction, and the voice was cheering like a tidal wave. He and Adler appeared at the resurrection point at the same time, and Adler typed to him, "It's pretty late, time to go to bed."

Kolt's hand trembled slightly as he lit his cigarette after the excitement. He wanted to ask Adler why he was there, half lost a question, and deleted it back word by word. It seems there is nothing to ask. For someone as smart as Adler, who was a little slow, it was just a matter of practising what was promised about winning.

He finally said, "Okay."