The victory party

After the aftertaste of victory wore off, life seemed to get back on track.

Adler, since that day, has been making a name for himself in the gang, and he has a reputation that is not inferior to that of Kolt. The head of the people asking for a jumping brother to bring this can line up from the front door to the back door of the premises. As for the name of jumping brother, since that time Adler had something to let Kolt take care of the account after it spread. Kolt still can't resist, and bought a name change card to add Jumping Adler to the end of his name.

Everyone joked that Adler was good-tempered, and that others would have to send Kolt straight to the resurrection point when they came online, but Adler didn't make a sound, as if this had never happened. Kolt is still blowing his windmill every day, wearing his new fancy fashion, and Ronnie said he could just open his screen if he added a tail to him.

The weekend night Kolt is still running two games of the girl's game, which is Kolt's traditional activity, now usually with an extra Adler, and it used to be a four for two pattern, but now with an Adler for one for two, it has become a three for three pattern. But what's confusing is that in every game since then, Kolt's positioning has gone through the roof, carrying and hitting, so fierce that he seems to be a different person. As for the legendary master Adler, somehow it is always displacement hit the wall, output bottom, that is a big mystery in the gang.

The second season was a morale-boosting and unsurprising win for the offense and defense, and Kolt was thinking of having an offline party. He had wanted to do this last time, but for various reasons it was put on hold, so this was a good time. The place was set in the city where Kolt lives, and the invitees were all friends that Kolt had gotten to know well over the years.

Kolt managed the party as if he had been born with a talent for dealing with people. Kolt and Ronnie have been friends for years, so it goes without saying that when he runs to pick up Adler at the underground station, he has the illusion that he will see a redheaded, high ponytailed gunsmith emerge from the crowd. Adler emerged from the crowd, a backpack with the game's logo on one shoulder, young, clean and with clear, transparent eyes.

The guys got together and had a hot pot and drank and drank on the table. Adler, a non-drinker, was forced by Kolt to take a bottle of wine, and was left sprawled out on the table; Kolt was so bored that he changed opponents, drinking his way through the table, and was eventually taken down by the group and put on the sofa.

By the time the battle came to an end, Ronnie was left alone to take care of the affairs here - arranging for whoever to take whoever back to the hotel, informing whoever's wife to pick up whoever. Adler, having slept through most of the meal, woke up in a daze just in time for Ronnie to catch a glimpse of him, pointing to Kolt, unconscious on the sofa, and saying: "You can take care of this one.

Kolt's house was not far away and Ronnie was thinking that he was young and strong enough to carry Kolt back to the house. Ronnie remembered the address, made a copy and slipped it into Adler's pocket.

After Ronnie finished, he rushed off to take the drunken girls back to the hotel. He was the only responsible person in the room for this task, and Adler, still drunk, said goodbye to Ronnie and climbed up on the table to find a cup of tea to sober up.

He sat on his forehead for a few minutes, waiting for the dizziness and pain to subside, then went over to the sofa and pulled Kolt.

Kolt didn't move, Adler knelt down, patted Kolt's face and tugged at the soft flesh of his cheeks, but he still didn't move; Kolt was asleep, and all the arrogance he had felt during the fight had disappeared, and he appeared to be sleeping very soundly and docilely, Adler tried to drag him up by the arm and carry him off like a wounded man in battle. Halfway through, Adler stumbled and Kolt fell. He finally woke up after landing on his face.

Kolt staggered to his feet and tried to find something to hold himself up, so he grabbed Adler, who rushed to pick him up and the shaking began to pass, and Adler staggered with him as he walked out of the restaurant.

The early spring breeze was still a little chilly, just right for sobering up, and Adler felt himself to be one of two connected towers with Kolt, swaying in the ripples of wind and drunkenness. The streets were empty late at night, and the streetlights cast yellow patches one after the other, similar to the infinite stretches of light in the space-time tunnel that was to transport them to unknown territories. Adler rambled on, thinking that the journey might not really be that long, but he always thought he had stumbled a long way.

As Adler dragged Kolt upstairs, he suddenly heard the drunk muttering something under his breath, but his eyes were not open. As he listened closer, he heard his name, a couple of swear words and Kolt saying "give me back my props".

Adler laughed, remembering that he owed him a piece of his equipment, and that Kolt, who said it had passed, but was stingy in his heart, didn't bother, so he went to his door, took the key out of Kolt's pocket, opened the door, didn't even bother to change his shoes, and took Kolt straight to his bed, where he was kind enough to undress him, take off his shoes and socks, and throw him under the covers. Adler was left in peace.

He had slept like that earlier, and now that he was sober, he was not sleepy. Adler sat on the edge of the bed to watch Kolt sleep, embarrassed himself, and looked away from his room. The computer desk took up a large corner of the bedroom and there were cigarette butts scattered on the floor, which Adler swept up for him then.

Eventually Adler couldn't refrain and turned on Kolt's computer. At 2.30am, the game launched and automatically logged into Kolt's account.

Adler ran around with Kolt's character on the screen, holding up a small windmill and jumping around the main city. When people pass by and say hello to Kolt, he ignores them and jumps to the roof to look at the moon. It was then that Adler suddenly burst into laughter, not knowing what he was doing. The moon in the game was closer than the one outside the window, as if it could be reached with a triple jump.

He remembered Kolt's ring, the one he had given to Nealon in the first order. Opening the character information screen, Kolt hadn't yet replenished the original piece of equipment, and the character was wearing only a normal ring on his right hand to work with. Adler frowned, opened the map and flew straight to the ice cave copy.

Kolt's original ring was the product of the hidden boss of this copy, and it had a low explosion rate and was very rare. He had added a random team to help fight it for free, on the condition that he only needed the ring.

Kolt used to tease him about his bad luck, rolling five ones out of six dice, so he never let him open the treasure chest after every boss fight. Adler didn't believe this, but sometimes he had to admit that there was some sense in it. If the gods were fair, then all the luck he had saved up should have come out at some moment.

Like now.