"I'm home," said Gemu after getting home after he get bla bla 10 minutes from the teacher I'm still mad about this one.
"Welcome home, how school?" said a beautiful woman with purple hair in the kitchen, Her name is Tateru Shouko Gemu's mother.
She has beautiful white Asian skin and a cute face, she has a really good body even after birthing and she is good at cooking even they can compare with restaurant foods.
Before when she not pregnant she is a housewife but after she gave birth to Gamu now she has to be a teacher cooking, well I know you guys who read this will understand.
"Muhehehe I was called to the teacher's office" Said Gemu with a proud smile and annoying laugh just like some anime character but I'm forgetting.
"That's my kid," said a man with black hair in the living room while holding his newspaper and coffee beside him, his name is Tateru Kenki.
He gave a little beard on his face and always pulls back his hair and often uses a hair tie, his body is really good compared to the face he has good musmusclesich shows how much time he needs to have this muscle.
He is a doctor and muscle specialist, so he is tight in terms of muscles which is why Gemu and his wife have a really good body and good stamina.
But even though this family looks really happy family but they have one secret and that is they like to take advantage of people, that is why that will be not an uncommon thing if they have a little enmity for each other.
Well, for example, I'm kinda difficult to search it but well I know that who read this have that kind of family because what, my family is like that I mean my family in my real world but that not that bad you know it still taking advantage but it just for fun so that still have love in us.
"Oh yeah, Gemu follows me I have something to tell you," Said Kenki with a serious face even though his wife put on the same face.
Gemu knows this time he will know the truth now feel exiting, then he follows Kenki with Shouko beside Kenki.
After a long road when first in the front door to the living room with a distance of 0,5 meters, finally they arrive there Kenki and Shouko sit on the sofa and Gamu sits on another sofa.
"You will never have a chance to pick another girl in the future," Said Kenki with a sad face, he know how painful to a man not to have a chance to pick a woman that he like to be his girlfriend or his wife.
"Hah?" That expression Gemu as he doesn't get what Kenki just said he didn't expect this.
"We have matched you"
To Be Continued