Once upon a time there life a young fine man that have mix black and purple hair, he's not handsome face but not that ugly, he was know as the honored student but once he know about games he completely fallen to that specific a sport game like football and of course basketball. After he's reach 18 he got a job in some game industry he was learned how to make a game that he like, but faith look like doesn't want him to have good life so in the street when he want to go home, he see kid that want to cross the street but that have a car that look like won't stop in time, so he decide to help the kid because he think that he will get a good return after help the kid because he see many story and seminar that say "If you do something good that you will have something in return." so he want to proof it, what happen next ......
of course he die but with some miracle the kid life.
plz support me if you like
i really need that for my hearth tehe.
The grammar is really bad. grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar
Sometimes we need to became jerk like hehehe .........................................................................................................................
keep it up this fanfic has a lot of potential...............................................................................................
I don't recommend it... Poorly structured, bad dialogues, bad narration, confusing beginning and development of the story, it's not knb's ff as the title says, mc with a stroke (and that he has a 'high coefficient'), I would continue but only I would kill this ff more than he is killing himself...
oucoufocy8citxiyxkhcljviv70g96x7tz74ziycoucoucoucouc68x85x7tzutxiycoucoucoucyocoy oy yo yo ou yo up u ou oucoycoycoysruUrzou pucupcti,ruzutzyicpucpuc
4.8 ✨✨✨✨✨ for now since I REALLY² LOVE KNB FANFICS but idk if you will drop this story or not but if you continue to update this knb I'll give you my stones everyday, 👌
Vi 3 capitulos y todavia no he visto un juego. No se porque no va al punto, pero está bien. Ahora tiene 9 capitulos, pero no me los veré porque obviamente si deja de publicar será una perdida de tiempo.