I hope you like this story it has a lot of potential that I hope I can fulfill.
our MC is gonna be traveling some awesome works from all kinds it has tv Show, books, movies, animes and others.
with a system that would give him certain cartoon character to help him from fighting for his life to making some awesome snacks.
Finally please please comment and help me out if you see anything wrong
except my oc everything else Is inspired by some great Artist out there
Excellent story! Great characters and story development, I couldn't stop reading. Can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the good work...!
Historia atrapante, buenas descripciones, con un argumento sólido y coherente, bien escrito. Me gustó mucho!, espero con ganas la continuación.
The story’ s meh. It’ s an interesting premise but the way you write the story is like a summary of events and not storytelling as well as writing the wrong name like lili instead of Lily. though maybe it’ s me just nitpicking. Neverless it’s your story, just pointing out the grammatical mistakes.
Great story! Very interesting and entertaining. I look forward for the next chapter. Congratulations on this auspicious start and keep em coming!
It's very good, I find the concept of many parallel worlds interesting because it reminds me a bit of ready player one which is one of my favorite stories. I really like the idea of putting different stories together in one. I hope you publish another chapter soon<3
Hello all this is a shameless author review first of all I I'm glad for any help given lords know I do and I know this can be great especially with you all now a little about me my first language is Spanish my second is English I was raised in Argentina by my wonderful mom then move to the us for high school to my dad who is a great person but stubborn as me so I am living with roommates I have work and I am trying to keep studying I would not be here with out all the help from other so I am gonna try to reflect that help is important with my oc
Is it just me, Kind of sounds like adding game costumes as well like Benjamin to ink machine. Because honestly that'll be intense if you add that. Oh yeah the novel's pretty Okay. Only issues is the well do you understand things of what you actually say. But that basically it's the stir line in the background is pretty OK.
This story gets better and better. I'm amazed and also waiting to see what's next. Great job, and thanks for sharing. It's very generous of you
Me encanta la historia, el nivel de profundidad y desarrollo, se nota que está muy bien pensado todo y eso resulta en una historia bien lograda
I think it is an excellent idea, it has coherence and solid foundations. The author knows the characters and you can tell that he has thought about the best characteristics that his own characters could have. Keep it up! you are on a very good path