Early Years

'Its been 7 months since I was born I can crawl and even walk a bit and in the last few months I have gotten to know more about this world. This world is not so different from the medieval period in my old world only thing is that this world has magic in it, I also think that there arent any guns meaning they havent discovered gunpowder yet.'

"Clay my baby boy how are, you must be hungry right, well lucky you grandma made a special porridge just for you."

'ughh this goddamn woman is here again with the shitty porridge her porridge tastes like crap, Crotia makes porridge way better than her.'

"Now open your mouth wide like me aaaaaaa"

'I dont have choice I just have to eat this shit.'

"Good boyyyy, you are so mild mannered unlike your father he always refused to eat my porridge."

'Its not like I am happy to eat your porridge.'

"But you like it right."

'No I dont.'

"Lady Alice minister Slek, minister Kai and minister Shel are here."

"I will be there in 10 minutes until then show them the redesigned training ground."

"Yes m'lady."

"Too bad Clay I have to go now but Crotia will feed you my tasty porridge."

'Every week some people come to this mansion to check out some designs for training grounds. My guess is that my family is responsible for designing new and better versions of the trainings ground. I still have to see how the training grounds which are used to practice magic look like.'

"Master Clay please open your mouth."


'I wonder why my mother isnt here in the mansion I havent seen her ever since my birth

where could she be and also where is my father. I have just heard grandma saying his names a few times and mentioning him a few times.'

=== 2 years later ===

"Grandma, grandma will my mother and father be at the party tomorrow."

"How many times have I told you that your mother is sick with a disease so you cant meet her and your father is on the battlefield protecting our continent so he cant come." she said in a pitiful voice.

"But I want to see my mother and father atleast once, there arent even their paintings in our house."

"I know my Clay that you are sad but always remember that I and the people of this mansion will always be with you."

"I know that but you promised me that mother and father would be at my birthday party."

"I am sorry Clay but I cant do anything."

'Its not like I am sad Its just that even in this life I dont have parents. I just wanted the love of a mother and father, I thought I could get that in this life but, no destiny doesnt want me to feel the warmth of parents love. Well I hope that I atleast get real friends in this life.'

"Cheer up buddy tomorrow is your third birthday. I've heard that there will be food from all over the continent at your party."

'Food from all over the continent OMG I am already drooling.'

"Is that true grandma."

"Ofcourse thats the least I could do at my grandson's birthday party. But Em you were supposed to keep it a secret."

"Sorry mother, anyways Clay what do you want for you birthday gift."

"Hmmmmm the key of our family treasury."

"Hahahahaha you should ask that to your grandpa."

"Clay tomorrow is a big day for you there will be several people with a lot of power and influence over this country attending your party so behave yourself and be extremely polite, okay."

"I know how to be behave grandma but why are those busy people attending a birthday party of a three year old."

"They wont be coming just for your birthday party but also deal some matters in the mansion with your grandfather."

"But why at my birthday party?"

"Because to celebrate the occasion of a male being born in the MaEk family after 20 years. You know that MaEk family is one of the ancient families which still exists and our family has provided this continent with the greatest wizards in the history, so if you werent born then the MaEk family's legacy would've ended."

"Yeah but..."

"Enough of your questions, now go to sleep you have a long day tomorrow. Good night"

"Good night"