At The Birthday Party

"Master Clay please wake up lady Alice has ordered me to do so."

"Just five more minutes crotia."

"But master the sun is already up."

"Crotia move aside I will wake him up, haiyaaaaaaaaa"

"uggghhhh my gut"

"Thats what you get for not waking up on time you sloth."

"Just shut up you turd."

"Miss Alene that was completely unnecessory, are you fine Master Clay and also please refrain from such language."

"Sorry, I should'nt have said that but my gut still hurts."

"Stop being a pussy Clay, man up you got hurt just from that much."

"Crotia look at how she is talking to me."

"Master but she is right."

"What so you are taking her side now."

"Come on Clay stop pouting, I got you a gift you wanna whats in it right. I wont give it you unless you stop pouting."

"Okay okay I am sorry, give me the gift now."

"Here take it"

'I opened the box and I saw clothes but they werent ordinary clothes these clothes were made by the mutated silk moths. I knew because the smell of the mutated silk is like none other smell its completely unique. This silk wasnt special just because of its smell but also because of how smooth and soft it felt and thats not it this silk is also used to make light armour because of how sturdy and strong it is. Its almost impossible to rip the silk apart.

"Clothes made out of mutated silk isnt this supposed to be very expensive."

"I know but I got it for only 10 gold because of my father."

"Wow I never expected you to give me such an expensive gift. Thank you so much"

"No need to thank me I can give atleast this much to my little brother.

Now now freshen up the VIP's will be arriving early and you have to greet them."



"Lord Alfred and Lord Kell have arrived with their family." one of our guard, Simon informed us.

'Grandpa Anarek is also here to greet the guests. First were lord Alfred and his family, lord Alfred Sian is the head of the Sian family it is one of the ancient family. I greeted him and his wife along with his daughter and son.

They were accompanied by a tail of guards, I bowed to the Sian family as much as I could.'

"Is he your grandson master."

"Yes, his name is Clay."

'I felt a chill down my spine when they spoke they had such cold voice I felt like would collapse on the ground.'

"Hmph whatever he is just going to turn out like Alek."

'What did he mean by I will just up like my dad.

The Sian family was followed by the Sechh family, I bowed to greet them.'

"Is he really your grandson master, he looks too well mannered."

'It was lord Kell Sechh who spoke, his voice seemed much softer than lord Alfred. The Sechh family is also an ancient family. I can see a boy of my age with him I guess he is lord kell's son.'

"Ofcourse he is my grandson look at him he has crimson black hairs and eyes as black as crear, just like me." my grandpa spoke in a much softer voice than before. (crear is a monster with extremely black hide)

Other small families were followed by Sechh and Sian family.


'It is becoming dark now almost all the people have left the party only the Sechh and Sian family are still in the mansion. I wonder what they are talking about, should I eavesdrop

no that would be the worst thing to do, I would get caught immediately. Who cares anyway I should just enjoy this cake or whatever it is. Food here is way better than in my previous world.'

"Mr.Clay would you mind me borrowing you from your meal for a while." a very respectful voice said

'I looked back and it was a boy about my own age, he looked like lord Kell's son. What was his name again what was it ummmmmm, Crent Sechh yeah thats his name."

"Yes please I dont mind." I said while keeping the desert at a table and wiping my mouth.

"I just wanted to have an informal conversation with you."

'Bruh why does this kid talk so respectfully I am running out of patience, I have been talking to the guests very formally and now I have to manage a conversation like I am talking to a pesident, its the norm here to talk to other people who have high authority with respect.

The guy first started talking about political shit and as the conversation went on we started talking about what any normal 3 year olds would talk about, it was very tiring to talk like a child but I managed to properly hide the fact that I was mentally 17 years old. I pulled it off probably because I had experience of how to hide things while you talk and I was deffinetely a pro. We talked for almost 10 to 15 minutes until Allaria, the daughter of Sian family approached us.'

"Mr.Clay is requested by lord Anarek to head to the training ground 5."

'What why is grandpa calling me to the training grounds and at that why is she telling me this should'nt a maid or a butler be telling me this.'

"Thank you for relaying me the message I will head there right now."

'She bowed her head and left, are all the noble children so well mannered I know that they have been thought to be like that since their birth but jeez they are too well mannered, I dont think I would've been so mannered even if I had recieved all that training my family gave me in this life.'

"I guess this is where we depart Mr.Clay hope we can continue our conversation next time."

'I will if you drop the Mr, I think he can be my friend our interests arent that different but I wont be able to handle talking so respectfully to my friend.'

"Yes hopefully next time."

'Training ground 5, ground 5, ground 5 ah there it is. This mansion is so big I am sweating from walking well I am a bit chubby, my body is so different from my previous life I have crimson black hairs, my eyes are very black and body has a lot of fat whereas my previous body normal black hairs, brown eyes and slim physique. I hope my chubby body changes over time.

The door to the training ground is humungus it should atleast be 15 feet tall but the ceilings height is 20 feet. I tried to open the the door by pushing it but no luck it didnt even budge. After a few seconds the door opened because someone opened it was lord Kell who opened it.'

"What took you so long we have been waiting for you for ages now." lord kell spoke

"I am sorry I could'nt find the training ground."

"Hmph which person doesnt know where their training grounds are in their own mansion." lord Alfred spoke from the center of the room

"Come on Alfred he is just a kid give him some slack."

"Just shut up Kell you dont have to teach me anything."

"Will you two please not fight like kids. Lets do the work for what we are here for." said my grandpa in a repressive voice.

"Yes master" replied both of them

"Clay the reason for why I brought you here is because I want to tell you that from tomorrow onwards you will be living in the Sian family mansion."