Dragon Era

Clay's POV:

'Yesterday evening was hectic.

After Rean took me to a room in the 4th floor which I think is the topmost floor because there were no more steps going up, climbing the stairs was like an evening exercise to me.

I saw the room, it was much smaller than the room in the MaEk mansion but I dont care how big my room is, the only thing I want is a comfy bed. I was going straight to body slamming the bed then the maid stopped me.'

"Dont sleep on it yet its covered with dust, wait until I change the sheets." said the maid

'I waited outside the room, I was feeling so sleepy that I could even sleep while standing. I tried my best to keep my eyes open and then finally she was done changing the sheets. I immediately went into the room and jumped on the bed, the bed was really soft so I fell asleep as soon as I touched the sheets.'


"nnggghhhh why's there sunlight in this room."

I said waking up from sleep

'I was enjoying such a nice sleep. But how the hell is there sunlight in my room. I looked up at the ceiling of my room and saw a trapdoor that was open, who the hell opened the trapdoor. I got out of the bed and climbed the ladder in my room which was for the trapdoor. I was going to close the trapdoor but I saw someone on the roof so I just left it open.

My small room surprisingly had a washroom but it didnt have a toothbrush, toothbrushes in this world were not so different from Earth, the only difference is that this world doesnt have toothpaste but rather a liquid which removes the bad breath and probably kills the germs.

I just took a bath and wore the clothes that the maid left for me in the closet. I got out from my room and as I didnt have anything to do I roamed around in the mansion, I didnt see anybody in the corridors they must still be sleeping. I was heading back to my room but I saw the library of this mansion, it was right next to my room how didnt I notice it earlier.

I went inside the library and the library was filled with books. I've found the perfect thing to kill time on. The library had 10 rows and 2 columns, a total of 20 bookshelves and each shelf had atleast 500 books both thick and thin, the library also had a few tables. I first started by the bookshelf 'A', this shelf mostly had the things that I already know, like the books on learning english and other languages, I didnt bother reading the books of other languages because nobody uses them in this age.

I went to shelf 'B' and this shelf had the books which were upon the history of this continent. Each book was around 200 pages but the books looked very thick, probably because they dont know how to make the paper thinner. I completed reading 3 books which were talking about the dragon era from 300-900. There are a total of five era in this world

Dark era : 1-300

Dragon era: 300-900

Ancient era: 900-1200

Shen era: 1200-1450

Magic era: 1450- ^^^^^

We are currently living in the magic era and the year is 1647.

I didnt get any books on the dark era in this shelf, its probably in other shelves.

The first volume of the dragon era covers 300-350.

Its known as dragon era because in that period mythical creatures which were taller than any building at that time were said to have appeared from the sky with their humungus wings. The people of that time thought of them as their saviour because these mythical creatures possessed a power which allowed them to control and influence the four basic elements of life fire, water, air and earth. These mythical creatures used their power to stop floods, make the barren land fertile, bring rain in a drought, give food in a famine and in many more ways they helped the people of that era.

The first dragon to appear was on the year 300 or somewhere near of that year. The dragon was named as Cera, this dragon had white skin and feathers, there were golden markings on her body. She had two horns protuding out of her skull even they were white. She had a godly aura, she was also the only dragon who made direct contacts with the humans. Her power wasnt witnessed by the people but they assumed that her power was that she could create bridges between the dragon world and the human world.

They assumed this because several years later of her arrival another dragon emerged from the skies, they named him raillies. Raillies's body unlike Cera's body was brown and had golden markings.

His appearance wasnt liked by many people some of them even thought of him as a hideous monster, they said he is the one who is responsible for all these calamities which were occuring more often than ever. Many people would shoot arrows and throw spears at the dragon but all he was trying to do was to help them.

He wanted to build shelters which would protect them from the floods, he wanted to make their lands fertile but the people of that era were very stupid, they forcefully made him to leave the human world and Raillies left the world heartbrokeben and furious. He was furious at the people because the people would treat Cera as a deity who didnt do anything to help them but him as monster when he could've actually helped them.

First volume ends

Second volume of the dragon era covers 350-500

Several decades after Raillies left, a group of dragons who were ten times the size of Cera and Raillies appeared from the sky. When these dragons appeared the people understood that Cera and Raillies were only children.

There were five dragons who came they were Merie, her power allowed her to control water. Herm, his power allowed him to control fire. Karin, his power allowed him to influence nature anyway he wanted. Zelin, his power allowed him to control earth. Zelda, her power allowed her cure any disease, she could even revive the person who was at the death's door.

The colour of the bodies of the dragons were similiar to the power they had. Also all the dragons had gold stripes or markings running through their entire body.

The five dragons who ascended from the sky were called as prime dragons because they could control the fundamentals of life.

As time went on many other dragons came to this world. These dragons who came after the prime dragons are known as sleas dragons, the sleas dragons had the power to control ice, metals, sound, lightning etc. There were a total of 17 dragons including the prime dragons and Cera & Raillies who came between the year 300-500.

Second volume ends

Third volume of the dragon era covers 500-900

Dragons who could control different elements are known as elemental dragons, these dragons appeared from year 300-500. From the year 500-900 a different race of dragons appeared in the world, these dragons didnt come from the sky, people saw them for first in the forest of Lagistro, currently the forest of Lagistro is a barren land in the country of Lance.

The dragons of the new race were called as gistro dragons. These dragons were very unique and very different from the elemental dragons. The gistro dragons are actually a manifestation of one single emotion, meaning if a dragon is the manifestation of happiness then he will always be happy. The people found several gistro dragons, they found out that one emotion manifested in only one dragon. These dragons were named after the emotion that manifested them.

Some people of that era thought that gistro dragons arent manifestations of emotions or rather they are the emotions, the people of that had a big debate about this issue so they wanted check if it is true or not. They did it by killing the sorrow dragon, if the gestro dragons are really emotions then that means if they kill the sorrow dragon sorrow will also not exist.

They were wrong after they killed the sorrow dragon, sorrow still existed but not only did it exist, sorrow increased more because when all the dragons heard that the people whom they protected have killed one of their own kind it angered the dragons and they stopped helping and protecting the people. The dragons left our world.

Famines, droughts, floods all started again, misery was once again upon the people but they saw hope when a dragon was seen entering our world rather than leaving. The dragon was Raillies he was back to the same world who forced him out, he was back after 500 years.

He had become an adult dragon, his body was darkbrown but he didnt have the same golden markings he did 500 years ago rather those markings were glowing red, he had come back to the world to get hus revenge rather than help them. The people still thaught of him as a saviour because they had never seen him little did they know what was going to happen to them.

The ground cracked for over thousands and thousands of kilometres, there were waves larger than the tallest of the tallest mountains, molten rocks were brought to the surface, the people were killed by the force of those giant waves they didnt even drown, the hot magma burned people to death even before they could sense the pain.

Cera who was the last dragon left in the world felt pity for people and fought Raillies. She was gravely injured but at the last moment she created a bridge with her last remanimg strength and sent Raillies to a different world and saved humanity from its end.

We are not sure what happened after that because the few remaining witnesses were transported someplace where the wrath of Raillies hadnt touched. We dont know what happened after that, some people say Cera went back to her world, some say that she is still in this world and some say she is dead.

third volume ends

'I stretched my arms and kept the book on the shelf. I read three books, they were pretty interesting. So dragons also exist or existed in this world. I learned a lot today, tomorrow I should read the Ancient era. Its evening already, I should go out and meet with the people of this mansion.'