
'I got out from the library and went to my room. I saw the maid, Rean why is she in my room. I sneaked on her patted on the shoulder.'

She looked back "Where have you been, I was searching for you since the morning." she asked.

"I was in the library." I said coldly

"Why were you in the library, do you even know to read books. Whatever come with me, the Sian family is waiting for you in the main hall."

'The whole family is waiting for me, why though? we walked to the hall in a hurry.'

"There he is, my new son." Alfred said while picking me up

"I am your son yet." I said and looked around

'I could see two old people, four women, four men and seven children. They must be the Sian family members but they are way smaller than MaEk family. MaEk family consists 44 family members where as Sian family has only 17.'

"Your new son is really rude and ungrateful." said a woman

"I am just telling the truth." I replied coldly

"Well he looks smart to me." spoke the old guy

"Well thanks for your appreciation." I replied

'I was speaking cold to everybody because I wanted them see me as a smart boy, well I am a smart boy Its just that I chose to hide it before.'

"Well now lets introduce him to everybody." said the old woman beside the old man

"I am Cicil, Alfred's mother." said the old woman

"I am Flloyd, Alfred's father." said the old man

'Then all the people who were gathered introduced themselves to me, I didnt listen to half of them because I knew that I will be out of here in a few days. After a couple of minutes it was my turn for the introduction.'

"I am Clay, I was abandoned in the forest by parents." I said

'I remember Alfred saying that I dont remember my name but I will just tell them that I didnt say my name to him so he thought that I dont know my name.'

"Would you mind telling us what type of family did you have." asked the old woman, Cicil

"My family was rich, they didnt hate me but they didnt like me either because my mother was a maid and my father was the head of the family. My father didnt like me having the blood of a peasent so the other people of the family also didnt like me and thats probably the reason why they abandoned me." I said all this in a cold voice again to look smart

"Oh my such an unlucky child, you must've gone through a lot. What is your family's name." asked the old women

"Sorry I cant tell you their name." I said

"Mother I am going, I have more important works than to listen this child's background."

said a man

'Then why were you here when I was telling my background.

He walked away and others joined him as well even the children went away, to play I guess. Only Alfred and his wife, Eleanor hadnt gone.'

"Well I guess we are the only ones left so I think we should do the adoption paperwork." said the old man

"Wait I want to make a request, Sponsor me instead of adopting me."

'Sponsorship, it is something that I read in a book in the MaEk mansion.

A family which wanted their power and influence to grow bigger would sponsor young children who have a lot of talent in magic.The family would feed, train and take care of the child whom they have sponsored.

The bigger families would normally sponsor the children who were born in a poor or a non magic family.

The child would grow up and become powerful. The sponsor will represent the family and making the family's power and influence grow bigger.

The sponsor/child will live and be taken care by the sponsorer/family but the sponsor will not be a part of the family.

The sponsorship system was introduced in the Ancient era and through all those years the sponsoring system's terms & conditions and rules have changed a lot.

And I will take advantage of one such term. This term states that I can break the sponsorship with the family in the first four weeks meaning I will be fed and taken care by the family and not be a part of that family.

Which is very good for me since I will be out of this place in a few days.

But I am really confused about why did Alfred make such a stupid plan, I mean my plan isnt failproof either but its much better than Alfred's.

There were so many loopholes in his plan like how will I go back to my family after he adopts me.'

"This child is really smart." said the old man again

"Its not the time to be adoring me, just say yes or no." I was growing impatient

"I dont talk about business in the gathering hall, lets go to my office."

'He got up from the sofa and started walking to his office, I followed him behind. I noticed that the others werent following us meaning that I would be alone with this old guy. This will be my first big deal in this world.


We arrived at his office, he opened the door and made me to sit on a sofa beside of him.'

"Okay, I will be asking you questions and you have to only answer them, you can ask your questions after I am done." he spoke with a serious tone

"My first question is, the things that you told us back in the hall, were they true."

"No, they werent true." I said monotonously. I didnt lie because I suspected he could catch me

"Okay my second question is will you to tell me the truth."


"Okay, now your turn to ask questions."

'What he is already done with his questions?'

"Will you sponsor me." I asked

"No, not unless you tell me the truth."

'Shit do I have to tell him the truth. If I tell him the truth it will make things easier.

No, there must be a reason for why Alfred hasnt told him the truth yet.

But what should I do, should I persuade him to sponsor me or should I bargain with him or I can also tell him the benefits of sponsoring me.'

"You should rethink your decision because in the upcoming years I sure that will become an excellent mage and I will definetely improve the power and influence of the Sian mansion if you sponsor me." I said with the hopes of him changing his decisions

"How can I be sure that you will be able to become powerful enough to represent the Sian family."

"Its sound risky but trust me I will become very strong."

"Do you think I will be able to trust you after you just lied to the entire family about your background. You could even be a spy sent from Kren family.

I will sponsor you but you just have to tell me your origin, true origin."

"Fine I will tell you the truth.

The thing I told you about my father and my was true. I lived in a family with extreme discrimination, so I planned to run away.

Then a perfect day came where they announced that the next heir of the MaEk family was celebrating his 3rd birthday and that many royal families will be at the party.

I thought of this as a chance to run away from the family. I planned that when the royal families will leave the party at the evening I will act as an orphan or a beggar so that even atleast one family will pick me up and try to adopt me but to my dismay no one did.

Until it was the next morning. I was thirsty and hungry so I went into a forest to see if I could find anything to eat

As I hadnt eaten for a whole day but there was nothing and I was also very dehydrated so I passed out in the forest.

Luckily lord Alfred happened to be passing by, so he saw me and picked me up.

Thats the truth."

'Please please please believe me.'

"Hmmm okay I believe you.

So lets discuss abouy your sponsorship."

'He believed me but why is he changing the subject so fast.'

"You will be sponsored for 15 years from your age 3 to age 18.

You will be provided with food under 10 coppers per day.

You will not be provided with maid services, meaning that you will do the cleaning of your room and you will be cooking for yourself when your age is above 10.

The room for your stay will be the current room that you are staying at.

You will be provided with clothing and other acceceries under 120 silvers annually.

You will enroll at the Stain academy when you are 13.

You will have home tutoring for education from morning till afternoon until you are 7.

You will have combat and mana training from morning till evening, from age 7 to 13.

You will also have to go on missions after the age of 10.

These are the rules that you will have to follow in the sponsorship." he spoke while writing them on a paper

"But I want to add some extra conditions.

I want an allowance of 5 silvers per month.

I want one day off in a week.

I will have the freedom to leave the mansion and go to the nearby town or wherever I want to go in my free time.

I want a vacation at the end of each year, the vacation should be atleast 4 weeks long.

Do you agree with these conditions?" I said but he didnt write this on his paper

"Okay, I agree but I will have to amend your conditions a bit.

Your allowance will be 3 silvers per month.

You will have 1 day off in a month.

You can leave the mansion but a guard will always accompany you.

You will recieve only 1 week of vacation at the end of the year."

'I agreed and nodded, he then wrote the changed conditons that paper.

I didnt expect him to give me 3 silvers for the allowance. I can buy so many things with this much money.

But I am dissapointed by the amount holidays for me, I will only get around 20 holidays in a year. I even have to study on sundays.

I wonder are there any towns or any villages near the mansion.'

After he finished writing some things on the paper or rather a document, he handed it to me and said "Read it and sign it."

'I read the document he gave to me and didnt find anything wrong or sketchy with the documents so I signed them.'

"Well now I am the Sian family's sponsor." I said

"You better become strong just like you said."

he told me

"Dont worry I will." I replied

"I want to know that does the Sian family have any other sponors."

"Yes currently we have sponsored 2 people other than you, one of them is in his 3rd year at the Stain academy and the other one is in this mansion, she is also the same age as you. You should get acquainted with her as you will have the classes with her." said the old man

'A classmate, she better have a nice personality.'

"Sir when will I start my classes and where will they be held." I asked

"You can start from tomorrow itself, they are taken at the room 509. If you cant find the room then just ask one of the maids." he said and escorted me out of his office.

'Right from tomorrow, couldnt he have given me time until the next monday, he is such a douche.'

I went back to my room and layed on the bed thinking

'My acting and lying skills are getting better day by day, he didnt even raise an eyebrow during the whole conversation.'

I went to sleep rather early.