The Nightmare

'Before I could complete my sentence I was transported to a place,

I was transported to what looked like the MaEk mansion.'

"What the hell am I doing here? why did he send me here of all places?"

'I could see a lot of carriages parked at an entrance.

I saw a person entering one of the carriages, I couldnt see the face properly since the person was wearing a hat like thing.

Is this the day when I left the mansion.

I could walk around and see other people as if I was there but it seemed that others couldnt see me.

I was roaming around outside and then somebody walked right into me and passed through, it was as if they were a hologram.

The person who passed through me was none other than grandpa.

I knew he was hiding 3 year old me under his cloak.

I followed them to the carriage, they talked some shit that I could still remember.

Then after a while the carriages left, I could now see what I hadnt seen.

After the carriages left the world was like warping, in front of me a set of words popped '2 hours later' it was like the words were inside my eye.

The sun now was more visible than before the warp, I think these are the event which happened 2 hours after I left.

I was looking at a single spot, I dont know why I was looking at the spot but it felt like something important.

Then suddenly something came into my view, it appeared on the spot I was staring at.

It looked like a person but a monster at the same time.

It had a humanoid body but with two horns on its head and magma dripping from the cracks in his body. Its body looked something like a rock.

It was going inside the mansion so I followed it.

I regretted it

The monster first smashed the heads of the guards which were blocking him from entering, the monster just flicked his finger on their forehead and


There was blood everywhere, the guard was now headless but his body was completely fine with only his head was missing.

When the other guards saw this they were terrified, they started to run but the monster was way faster than them. He would just flash in front of them and then flick his finger and flash to another soldier giving them the same fate as everyone.

He killed all the guards and headed inside the mansion, he would just kill anybody who was in his sight.

I saw my aunt get punched in the gut making all the internal organs spill out.

It was a really really gory scene as I saw everybody in my family get their organs smashed out of their body, the monster killed the guards and maids in a painless way but I cannot say he did the same to my family members.

Does he have a grudge against my family.

He just killing them, spilling all the organs and blood out of the bodies.

I could see my family members wailing in pain as they were only half dead.

I was so horrified that I forgot to even cry. There was just a hand on my mouth which was doing its best in stopping me from puking by seeing all that gore.

The monster would walk through the walls and break them, he would just straight go to a living person and kill them.

He seemed to know where everybody was and for some reason didnt want anybody to escape.

The killing finally ended and grandpa was the last one alive. Grandpa had a deep wound in his gut, blood was spilling profusely from the wound.

Yet he still stood up and attacked the monster but the monster was way stronger than grandpa, he decapitated grandpa.

The monster was so strong that he killed my grandpa in a single swoop.

I thought to myself, why would god show me this? did he want to show how strong the world ending threat is or did he want me to feel anger so that I could get revenge for killing my family or just give me lifelong trauma.

The monster was floating in the air and I was on the ground.

The monster destroyed the mansion and there nothing except internal organs, bones and blood splattered all over. Blood was flowing in small streams towards a river, making the river bloody too.

I could hardly see the monster because the blood mist was hindering my sight.

The warp thing happened again and now I was up in the sky right next to the monster.

He was talking something, I couldnt here properly but I got the gist of what he was saying.

"Yes lord the missi..... done and no..... go to the Sian ma...."

His voice sounded like a demon, it was a terrifying voice.

He was talking to himself or probably to someone in his mind.

I could make out that he had someone superior to him and the superior one gave this monster the task of destroying the MaEk family. I could also make out that his task wasnt only to destroy the MaEk family but also the Sian family.

But the Sian mansion was never attacked, is he waiting for the right time to attack the Sian mansion.


If I think about it the wolves, did this guy send them to the village so that the military force would weaken and then attack the mansion.

But his plan is ruined because I killed them all.

So what will happen now?


I saw the monster being slammed on the ground, a bit farther into the woods by someone.

The ground cracked by the force, the monster looked like he was in pain even though his body was like a stone.

The person, the human who slammed the monster started to punch him. His each punch would cause the ground crack even more.

I flew closer to them to see what was exactly happening.

The monster was getting pummeled by the human's punches, the monster's face was being chipped by each and every punch.

The monster caught both of the human's hands. The guy who was sitting on top of the monster instead used his leg and slammed it in the monster's gut.

The monster being overwhelmed by pain left his arms.

But the monster used something like an EMP attack, everything in the radius of 10 kilometres was knocked back even the human.

The monster got up and immediately shot lava from its hands and onto the guy.

The human seemed unaffected even though there was lava being poured upon him.

The guy got up and threw a punch at the monster's chest.

The monster stopped releasing lava as soon as he saw the guy be unaffected by the the attack and he blocked the punch with both of his hand.

The force from the punch sent air gusts behind the monster, the guy seemed to have unparalleled physical strength but the monster wasnt weak either.

They kept exchanging blows, they blocked some, evaded some and took some blows head on.

Nothing or very little happened to the two of them but the area around them was being shredded, the trees were being ripped apart. Small pieces of wood and ground were flying around. Thats how much powerful and fast their punches were.

Their blows were so fast that I could see only blurry images.

And in all of that I thought who is this guy that is on par with a monster. I had never seen or heard of him.

This is the strength that the people who surpassed the light green stage have.

The punches stopped when the monster used an elemental attack, he made the ground turn into a cell for the human.

The guy was fully covered by the ground but after a second the whole cell broke and the guy sped right to the monster after he was freed from the restraint.

The guy was aiming for the monster's chest to do another punch but the monster dodged it.

The monster then quickly summoned a sword from his hand which looked just like his body, it was a 4 feet long sword kinda like a dark excalibur. He tried to slash the human's back but the guy dodged the attack.

The monster again raised the ground and trapped the guy in a ground cell but this time the monster slashed the whole cell.

The sword passed through the cell meaning that the guy was cut in two halves, the guy was dead.

The monster sat back exhausted.

"Lord he was strong, very strong. If I hadnt drawn out my sword then I would've been dead by now." I could hear his voice clearly now

"What! I should stop, lord this damage is nothing I can recover in a few days.

Okay as you say lord."

The monster spoke that and left in the same way he had appeared, I think he used some teleportation thing.

My eyes went to the cell where the human was cut in half. If he had been a bit smarter he would've lived, I didnt even know his name.

The world was turning black now and then I saw a bright white light.

It took me a few seconds to realise where I was.

I was back in Quora, this planet's name. There was a doctor who was looking at me when I woke up.

The doctor called a soldier and whispered something in his ear, then the soldier left the room.

I dont know why but I was breathing very heavily, is it because I saw the killing of the MaEk mansion.

Just when I thought about the mansion there were shivers running down my spine.

Not even a minute passed since I had woken up, sir Cliff arrived at what looked like an infirmary to meet me.

"Are you awake" he asked

"I just had a nightmare" I said to cover my heavy breathing.