Are You Chickening Out...

After I woke up sir Cliff came to see me, I didnt tell him anything about meeting god nor did I tell him about the world ending threat.

I kept the conversation between me and the god a secret.

As for the nightmare, I lied to him and said that I saw people being eaten by the wolves.

He then asked me about the spikes which were raised from the ground.

I told him that it was me who was responsible for the spikes.

He was very shocked when he heard that I did it. He asked me how I was able to do it.

I told him that even I dont know how I did it but at that moment my body felt like there was infinite amount of mana being poured into it, I also told him that I have two elemental affinities air and earth.

He didnt believe me when I said that I have earth affinity so I broke a small piece of the ground and floated it to prove that I have earth affinity.

He asked why I hid it from him. I said that I didnt hide it, I just chose not show him because it was too weak.

Then he got angry and started to make fuss about not hiding anything from your teacher.

I didnt care for most of the things he said, I respected him before but now he is just like the every teacher that I have met.

After he finished his lecture I requested him to tell me everything that had happened when I was asleep. I didnt expect him to tell me everything but he did.

After he was done telling, I suddenly remembered about my cloak and the sword so I asked him where they were.

He told me that those things are probably with the investigation team and that I can get them tomorrow.

I told him that I needed those things right now and that I couldnt wait until tomorrow.

He told me to go to the investigation head, Canny at the village and ask her for those things.

I immediately got out of the bed and was going straight to the village when I remembered that there was a bone sticking out of my so leg I looked down at my leg, it was healed.

Without giving it a second thought I ran straight to the village, it was very dark. Probably around 9 pm.

I had never been out so late at night but I wanted my cloak and sword right now. I was worried that what if somebody studies the objects and finds out what they truly are or worse what if somebody steals them.

I was really scared so I used air propulsion just like how I did during my fight with the wolf to reach the village faster.

I was at the village in just 5 minutes.

When I reached the village the guards were alarmed because of the noise that my air propulsion created.

They calmed down when I stopped the air propulsion. I told them that I had to meet the head of the investigation.

They started laughing when I said that but stopped when of them told the others that I am one of sir Cliff's student.

They let me meet the head of the investigation.

I asked her for my things but she refused.

I then told her that I am one of sir Cliff's student and that he had sent me to retrieve these items, she immediately gave me the cloak and the handle.

After that I went straight to the infirmary to tell sir Cliff that I am going to the mansion so that he wont be worried.

After I had informed him I went to the mansion to sleep and maybe talk to Cera if she is still awake.

Cera was asleep so I went to my bed to sleep too.

I couldnt sleep, probably because I was unconscious for a long time and I had a lot of thoughts going in my mind like I didnt know that sir Cliff had such influence over the soldiers, when I used his name they immediately listened to me.

I slept at around 1 am and woke up very late.

The sun was already up and there was no fog when I woke up.

I didnt waste a second and was on my way to the training ground right after I was finished bathing.


"Clay even you are late." I heard Cera's voice coming from behind

'I looked back and saw Cera, she was running right behind me. I thought that she was at the training ground.'

I waited for her to catch up

"Why are you late?" I asked

"I couldnt sleep last night, too many thoughts were going around in my mind." she said

'She didnt sleep last night? I went to her room and saw her sleeping?'

"Yeah the same for me too."

"By the way are you okay, I heard from sir Cliff that you were unconscious and at the infirmary."

"Dont worry I am totally fine, I just had a few broken bones that's all."

"Having broken bones is not fine at all!"

"Whatever, to me they are like fatigued muscles, they grow stronger when you break them."

"Something's wrong with you" she said

After a few seconds I spoke"Lets race with magic this time."


'Right when she said that I used air propulsion and Cera was already far behind me.

It would just take me a few minutes until I reached the training cam..

I saw Cera fly past me with her really hot flames, I doubled my mana output.

I could see myself overtaking her bit by bit until she saw me catching up with her, she was now going even faster. I refused to lose this time so I expelled all the mana I had left in my core.

After few minutes I was finally at the camp and I was out of breath but first.'

"I broke your winning streak." I said with a smile on my face

"You are happy for just one win." she said mockingly

"This might be my first win in 4 years but this is only the beginning." I said being determined to win the next match too

"Hey kids go back to your rooms, there wont be any class today."

'We looked to the place where the voice was coming from, it was sir Cliff.'

"Why not?" Cera asked

"I have a lot of work to do about the wolves incident, so just go home and definitely dont wander off somewhere dangerous." he said while walking towards us

"There's nothing for us to do other than training and roaming in the village, hell going to the village is not even possible anymore."I said

"Just do whatever normal 7 year olds do, like you can go play with children from the mansion."

"Seriously you think we havent tried that yet. They always say that we are peasants and that nobles dont play with the peasents." Cera said

Sir Cliff's faced turned a bit furious when he heard that "Well if you cant play with them then make them to play with you."

"What does that even mean?" I asked

"Teach them some manners, that's all

I will be going now so like good children go back to your home okay." he said that and left

"What did he mean by teach them some manners? Does he want us to bully them?" Cera asked

"Yeah probably, lets go back to our rooms we will decide what to do there." I said


'Pfffft, we ended up in the library.

I've read all the books there is nothing more for me to read.

I finished reading the history, teachings on mana and combat. Even Cera has read all of this but why does she still come here.

I will make an excuse and go somewhere, I kept the book and walked towards the table at which Cera was sitting at and told her'

"Cera I am going to the washroom so I will be back in a bit."

'She didnt respond, her face was was blocked by the book she was holding. I thought she was too engrossed in reading so she didnt respond to me, I took this chance and got out of the library silently.

I was roaming around in the mansion and then I bumped into somebody.'

"Watch where you walk lowly peasant." said the person I bumped into

'I turned my head to look at the person and it had to be the last person I would want to meet right now, Peraan.

He is the son of Alfred's brother and 5 years older than me, in short he is an asshole.'

"What do you want Peraan?" I asked

"Its sir Peraan you imbecile!"

"Will you please shut up or do I have to do the same thing I did to you a year ago."

"Call me with me respect, I am superior to you!!"

"Yeah a superior who got his ass handed to him by a six year old." I said mockingly

"I lost that fight because you cheated!

Anyways I was going to come to you for a rematch. Lets do the rematch right now."

"Nah I am not in the mood for fights so sorry I cant fight you."

"Are you chickening out." he said while having a smirk on his face

"Let me get this straight, the reason I am not fighting you is because I dont have any spare time to spend it on some weakling. I know that the moment I touch you I will be the winner of the match and you will be going back to your dear mama with your pathetic crying face just like last time."

"I knew you wouldnt accept the rematch just like that so lets make a bet, in this bet if I lose I will give 500 golds if you lose you have to run the whole mansion naked and while doing a hand stand, will you accept it now." he said while holding his anger in

'Right when I heard 500 golds my mind said me to agree immediately but then I took a second realise, why would a child have so much money and even if he did have that much money wouldnt he be absolutely confident in himself, he may have somthing planned.'

"Hmm I will agree but first show me the 500 golds."

'He double tapped a ring in his right middle finger and a bag came out. He opened the bag and showed me 5 five gold ingots and shoved the bag back in the ring.'

"Okay but you have to give me the ring too." I said

"Agreed but you have to respect our bet on your side too."

"Dont worry I stay true to my word.

Where is this rematch going to be held?"

"At the abandoned garden be there in 30 minutes or else you will automatically lose the match." he said and walked away