Fighting Or Bullying?

"At the abandoned garden be there in 30 minutes or else you will automatically lose the match." he said and walked away


'If I remember correctly the abandoned garden should be somewhere around here.

Yeah I can see some people, he brought his friends along.'

"Ah here is the dirty mongrel, I almost thought that you got scared and ran away." said Peraan

"Why would I run away from a chest that is waiting for me to open it." I replied

"Hey isnt he acting up too much for child who was taken from forest." said a girl about Peraan's age

"Yeah he should be kneeling before us and thanking us for showing him mercy, he is just like a wild animal." said another one of his friends

"I dont want to listen to your noble mockery so lets just fight and get it over with." I said holding back my anger

"Hold on, before you start fighting shouldnt we discipline this wild animal. A lowly being like him should be should be respecting us." said a girl about my own age

'I turned to my back to see who said that, I was shocked when I saw Allaria, Alfred's daughter.

I didnt know that even she was like these nobles, well what did I expect. People show their true colours after some time.'

"You can start the match after this wild animal properly respects us." she said

"I dont remember saying that I will kneel before the match."

"Well the terms have changed and now you will kneel down to us or else you will face consequences."

"What consequences?" I asked

When I spoke that a man or a boy came forward, he must've been around 18 years old "See him, he is also a our family's sponsor, he just finished graduating from the Stain academy. He is a very obedient pet of mine so if you dont kneel he will crush you skull." she said with a dark look

'There was sweat rolling down my face, I was scared because he looked really powerful. I didnt want to kneel but now if I dont I will end up in the infirmary. So clenching my fists and biting my lips and holding back all my anger, I knelt down to her.'

"Good, now bow" I did as she said

"Bow deeper" The blood in my veins was already boiling but I stayed calm

"Okay now you can start your match." she said and I got up from the ground, my face filled with shame "Who said you to get up, keep kneeling and bowing." she yelled.

'Wait what? did she mean for me to stay on the ground and get beat up.

Right after she yelled someone hit me on the back of my head.'

"Did you really think I told you to come here for a rematch. Hahahaha you are so naive, I bought you here so that I, no so that we could all beat the hell out of you.

I've waited for this to happen for so long that you cant even imagine, I hate to admit it but you are way stronger than us, even if we ganged up on you, you would still defeat us so I waited until he arrived in the mansion. I knew that if he is here then you wont be able to defeat us.

Its just like people say 'patience is virtue' I can now finally take my revenge. After this you will be wishing to go back to your forest."

"Yeah a dirty mongrel like you should just go back to the forest."

'Him and all of his friends started to punch me and kick me, I lay on the ground curled up.

I could easily attack them but I was sure that Allaria's pet would intervene and make me into a pulp.

There were 3 guys and 2 girls that looked around the age of 11 or 12. I was on the ground getting beat up by them, I thought in my mind that how shameless do you have to be in order to gang up on a 7 year old.'

"Hey this guy is pretty resilient, lets take out the poles." all the people who were beating me up took something that looked like metal rod out from their spatial rings

bang! bang! bang! bang!

'The noise of the rods hitting muscles and bones reverberated in the garden.

I shouldnt have gotten greedy and come here. I should've known that something was wrong when he told me where the rematch was going to take place.

The abandoned garden is inside the forest and nobody comes here not even the maids, thats the reason he brought me here. So that they could bully me without anybody noticing.'

"Hey beg for mercy or else we will beat you until you are dead."

'It was really painful, a lot of my bones were broken, I was bleeding from my head, my nose, my nails. This pain was even worse than when I fought with the wolf, I felt like dying.'

"This cockroach, he isnt dying nor is he begging for mercy."

"Tch, You people cant even beat someone properly. Rek beat him until he begs for to you stop." said the girl who was my age

'They stopped beating me and let the old guy deal with me.

In all of this Allaria was watching me get beat up like she was some kind of a maniac, she had a wide grin on her face.

I was already covered in cuts and bruises which were hidden by my blood but still Allaria's pet didnt show any kind of pity. It was like they seriously didnt care anything that happened to me.

I know that this world is cruel and filled with discrimination but I didnt think it would be till this extent, they are even ready to kill me. This world is even more messed up than I thought.

God sent me to this place to save these mother*******, god wants me to protect these people, who are even ready to kill a child. Isnt it better if this world is destroyed.

No, not all people are like these shitheads. The people in the village, Cera, my grandpa, Alfred, all these people are good.

I get it now god sent me to this planet to kill all these shitty people, these people are the threat to this planet, I should protect the good hearted and exterminate the bad hearted.

My patience has reached its limit, I will kill all the people who beated even if it means that I die.'

"This animal is still not begging for mercy, kill him." said Allaria

'He lifted me up from the ground while holding my neck in his left hand. My feet were dangling from the ground as he was double my height.

He made a water sword in his right and he was about to stab me right in the heart but then I conjured an earth shield which blocked the stab.

He was shocked when a piece the earth rose from the ground and levitated right where he was going to stab.

He looked at my bloody face with astonishment in his eyes and then followed by a 'I have to kill this boy' look.

He cancelled his water sword and covered his whole body with solidified water, it looked like a plain and simple armour but transparent.

He proceeded to punch me with his water reinforced fist, I again conjured an earth shield but this time his fist destroyed the shield into pieces.

His fist hit me right on my left cheek, this time I was sure to reinforce my body with mana so that his punch wouldnt hurt me that much.

I should've reinforced my body with mana when I was getting beat up but I didnt because I thought they would leave me after beating me up, I was so wrong.

When he punched my face he got to know that I had reinforced my body with mana, unlike his reinforcement which creates an armour like thing, my mana reinforcement is like making my body more sturdier.

He is solidifying water and using it as an armour whereas I am channelling mana into my muscles, skin, bones and blood to make my body itself like an armour.

I had stopped my bleeding right when they stopped beating me so that I wont lose too much blood but now I am becoming dizzy and my body feels really heavy. I might pass out at any moment.'

"Hey Rek just kill him already." shouted Allaria

"Shut up!! I am only doing this for the money, dont think that I am one of your obedient servant. If I wanted to kill you right I could and I would even get away with it so shut up." said Rek

'When I heard him say that, I was shocked really shocked.

I thought that she controlled him, she even called him her pet but this guy is doing this only for the money, maybe I can turn the tables.'

"Hey you are doing this for the money right, I can make you more money than what she is giving you." I said while was still moaning in pain

He turned his head to face me and asked "How much?"

"500 golds"

Everybody's face turned into looks of shock and then after a few seconds they started laughing maniacally while saying "How will a wild animal like him have 500 golds with him." "He maybe a wild animal but he sure knows how to make jokes"

"How will make me 500 golds." asked Rek

"If you let me fight Peraan, I can give you the money.

He and I made a bet where if he loses he has to give me 500 golds."

Everybody became quite and Peraan's face became pale "Is this true Peraan?" Rek asked Peraan looking at him dead serious

"Yeah" he replied with a pale face knowing that what is going to happen next

"Okay then both of you can have a fair rematch now" Rek said and created a water table for him to sit on

'Hahahaha Now I will show this goddamn snotty mf what I felt during all that beating.'