
'Hahahaha Now I will show this goddamn snotty mf what I felt during all that beating.'

"Wai.. wait I didnt come here for a rematch." said Peraan

"So is the boy lying? even if he is lying why do you look scared to fight a kid about half your age, who is also in such a bad condition." Rek asked

"I am not scared or anything its just that I am not prepared to fight right now."

"Just fight!" Rek said with such a cold voice that Peraan would've wet himself.

Peraan turned towards me and said "Hmph you are already dead." with a smirk on his face he dashed towards me while holding the rod in his hand which was ready to hit me but sadly for him even if he had tried to kill me in my sleep he would still fail, he is like a normal human and I am like a humanoid tank.

Its just simple, he would never be able to defeat me not even in his dreams.

'He dashed towards me, I was lying on my stomach barely able to see because there was blood in my eyes too.

I wasnt able to stand up, because I had 5 fractures in my lower body but it didnt mean that I couldnt use magic.

The look on his face was like he believed that he could defeat me, hmph amateurs will be amateurs.

While he was running towards me, I just made the ground rise up into a 2 inch slab where he was going step on next and


He tripped on the slab and fell on the ground. He got up looking furious and started running to me again and just like last time I made a ground slab


He tripped again, he was just a few feet away from me so the same trick wont work anymore.

I conjured the ground to trap him while he was still trying to get up, his arms and legs were being held tightly in place. He was struggling to free himself but wasnt able to move his limbs even by an inch.'

"Release me you mongrel!!" yelled the boy

'Such a di*k, he is literally his opponent to let him win. Like hell anybody would listen to him.

I took a rock the size of a basketball from the ground and made it fly up to the height of around 100 feet.

And released it, making it fall on Peraan's head. There was a low thud when the rock touched his skull. He was bleeding and unconscious but alive.

I won the match, it was way too easy.'

"I won the match" I tried to say with the last last remaining teeth that I had left in my mouth.

"Yeah, the winner of this match is... is... whats your name" He asked mid sentence

"Cl..Clay" I fell unconscious after saying my name.


"..... no no no, he has to be severely punished. We cant let him leave just like that without any severe punishments, Look at what he has done to my son, your nephew!!"

"But look at what they, your son have done to him, its even a miracle that he is still alive. The punishment that I have given to him is already big enough maybe even too much!"

"Shut up both of you!! Dont fight like children, I will decide on what punishment to give him and neither of you can argue to me on that."

"Mmmmm" I was trying to ask them what was going on but met with just some muffled noises, it seems that I still cant talk properly.

The three of them turned their head and stared until one of them said "Ah the devil is awake"

"Just shut up, he isnt a devil."

'When they turned their faces towards me, I recognised them properly. Alfred, his father and another guy who was from the Sian family.

I got the gist of what they were talking about.'

"Clay do you feel okay now or are you still in pain." asked Alfred

"umummmhmu" I tried to speak again but to no avail so I just nodded

'When I was being beating, someone had hit me in the throat which made my voice box severed.

But at that time I could still muster up some words, I dont know why I cant speak right now.'

"Clay we are just going to ask you a series of questions, just nod your head to say yes or no." said Alfred

"And truthfully" added the other man

I shaked my head up and down to say yes

"Okay I will ask the first question. Did you steal the 5 gold bars from the family's treasury." asked Alfred's father

My face turned into shock when I heard and thought 'That idiot stole the money, no wonder he had that much money.' I shaked my head sideways to tell no

"Okay so then do you know who did it" he asked again

I said yes

"Was it Peraan?"

I said yes

"This child is lying, Peraan himself told that this boy stole the money!!" yelled the other man standing

"Keep calm son, you can ask him questions when I am done.

So Clay are you sure that he stole the money."

I thought about it since I didnt really see him steal it so I said no.

"But you are sure you havent stole the money?"

I said yes right away

"Okay my questions are done. You can ask him now."

The man walked towards and asked me with a very cold tone "Did you cut my son's tounge"

'Bro wtf I didnt cut his tounge I just knocked him out with a rock so I said no. Who the hell would cut a tounge off.'

"Then did you bash his head with a rock"

'I didnt bash his head I just hit it once but anyways its true so I said yes.'

"Did you lure him to that abandoned garden."

'Hell no, its the other way around.'

"Then did you lie to any of my questions."


"Okay then, Alfred you can ask him questions." He looked at me with the eyes of revenge and backed away giving space for Alfred to stand

"I want to ask you only one thing, why did you go the garden?"

'What the hell, is he on weed!! That is not a yes or no question, How can I answer you!!'

"I can read your mind so answer me by thinking it in your mind."


Holllllyyyyyyyy shiiiiiittttt, this guy can read minds. Does he know that I am reincarnated!!, nah thats not possible right, god must've done something with my mind so that others cant find out that I am reincarnated. Yeah its totally fine no need to panic, just calm down and get the hell out of here asap.'


"Hmmmmm so thats what really happened, okay you are good to go, you wont be punished but Peraan will." Alfred said after he read my mind about what really happened

"What? Why will Peraan be punished?" asked the man with confusion in his face

"Because my brother your son is such a dirty liar. I will make sure his tongue is cut... oh wait its already cut too bad something else then."

"What do you mean by dirty liar?"

"Just now I read this boy's mind and got to know all the truth." said Alfred

"What theres no way.

How can you believe this boy, he must have made all that thing up in his head.

He is a goddamn peasant and my boy is a noble, who would you rather believe. A born liar or a born truth." the man said

'Dude this guy has some serious problems'

Alfred looked at the man with the most scary eyes that I have ever seen and said "He is not a peasant." and walked out of the infirmary

"Lets go meet your son." said Alfred's father and took the man with him


He stole that money. well that guy, Rek would've taken it anyway.

What happened after the fight and where is Rek.'

My mind was full of different thoughts about today and especially about Alfred's mind reading ability