CH:19 Analysis Complete

I roll over on the couch just to wake up to the horrible sent if a turtle's foot. I immediately sit straight up, eyes wide and I look around.

The turtle in question is Michelangelo. He's passed out laying on his back. He is on the floor in front of the couch, with his feet up onto the couch seat. 'It kinda looks like he is just sitting there', I think to myself as I repress a chuckle.

Raphael is sprawled out on a lounge chair to my left and Donatello is curled up on a bean bag to my right. 'Lack of blue again', I think as I look at the three turtles snoring away.

Sure enough I look over my shoulder at the training platform to see Leonardo slowly practicing his Kamae and Katas alone.

With a mischievous grin I move as quietly as I can as I get up and head towards the training platform. Staying in his blind spot the whole time. The moment I get on the training platform though he whips around, landing in a low fighting stance.

As shock passes over his face Leo's says, "Oh, I thought you were Raph."

I chuckle as I ask, "What made you come to that assumption?" I cross my arms taking an over dramatic position and my tail wags a bit as I suppress my amusement.

With a know-it-all grin growing on his face he says, "Raph always approaches my shell slightly from the right." Then gestures towards my feet indicating that I am, indeed, standing slightly to right of him.

I look down and mutter to myself with conviction, "Noted. Officially going to start mixing up sneak attacks more often." I look up at him with determination in my eyes, "Up for some training? Or are you just taunting me with that battle stance?"

He shifts his stance to a more upright one, readying himself to spar as he says, "Of course. But I have to say, I really do admire how you always try to improve yourself." His electric eyes turn calm and cool with his complement, making my cheeks turn a bit rosey.

I giggle acting really cute at his compliment, throughing him off as he blushes. I took this chance to land the first strike and with that we trained for almost an hour before the other turtles awoke.

When Donny woke up he went straight to his lab with me right behind, leaving Leo to continue his practice alone.

Now that we know the alien code, hacking into the robots mainframes was easy. We found out that they are called the Kraang. Their biology was something else entirely, and it appears that they function with some sort of hive mind. The Kraang plaster a symbol that almost looks like a boxy flower on everything. According to Donny, Its even the same logo as the TCRI building in downtown Manhattan. 'Where ever that is...' I couldn't help but think to myself.

That is the only information we could get from the robots, though the technology itself was another story. Donnie and I were able to reverse engineer some communicators that he called the T-phone, short for Turtle Phone of course. He even started to modify his bo staff. He made it out of the Kraang metal since its so durable and also made it collapsible down to a footlong stick. Donny even equipped it with a scanner as well as projectile trackers. Donny was also able to make explosive throwing stars and while he did that I whipped up some more smoke bombs.

Just as we were breaking down the nitty-gritty of the robots, Casey came bursting into the lair in a panic.

"Guys! I need your help!!" Casey yells, startling Raph and Mikey up.

Leo turns around and asks, "Whats going on Casey?"

Raph gets up and walks towards Casey while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, "Yeah, where's the fire at?" Then Donny and I come out of his lab to see what's causing all the commotion.

Casey throughs his hands up in the air, "The FIRE is at the Stockman Inc building!!"

"The Baxter Stockman science lab? That is all the way in Brooklyn!" Says Donny with wide eyes.

'Is that far?' I couldn't help but wonder to myself as I'm starting to get confused by their conversation.

Raph shrugs his shoulders as he says "Isn't that the fire department's problem?"

Casey's face starts turning red as he is losing what little patience he has, "You guys don't get it! April was visiting her dad at work, she was the one who called me! Apparently there's a shit ton of dudes that all look the same that broke in and are grabbing a bunch of scientists! They were the ones who started the fire so no one could escape!"

This makes all our eyes go wide as Mikey yells, "It's rescue time, dudes!" Then he tries to jump over the back of the couch just to hook his foot and fall face first, earning him a chuckle from Raph.

Donny and I quickly run in different directions to grab some last-minute supplies, then we met the rest of in the Battle Shell.

Donny grabbed the new T-phones and some smoke bombs to distribute to everyone Once we got in the vehicle. While I grabbed my ninja outfit, putting it on once we were on our way with some help from Leo for my tail as Raph glares at him with envy in his eyes making me smile.

I look at my reflection in some shiny tech. 'I gotta admit, with my new ninja eye mask this outfit really feels complete.' I couldn't help but think to myself as a smile grows under my mask. A person literally can't tell that I have white skin now as I am fully covered. All they would see is my black outfit with those dark gray wrappings around my tail, torso, wrists, and ankles with my black combat boots. Of course I have my black gloves with my black gem-like claws sticking out just over an inch. On my head I have my ski mask with only my black gem-like horns sticking out the top and my green ninja eye mask covering the opening on my face just revealing my sparkling violet eyes, with four long ties going all the way down my back.

Casey is giving us all the details he can think of on the drive there. Once we arrive at our destination, we parked in the back alley. We noticed that the entire lobby and the first few floors of the skyscraper were up in flames with three fire trucks parked in front working together to quell the inferno.

"We will need to jump across." Leo says full of determination as he points to a tall high-rise next to the Stockman Inc building through the windshield of the Battle Shell.

Raph turns around to Casey saying, "You stay here in case we need a getaway driver." Making Casey grumble to himself as he sulks over to the driver seat.

With that the turtles and I jump out of the truck and as silent ninjas that we are, we run over to a fire escape, leaping up it in a matter of seconds. Once we got to the roof of the building Leo pulls out a small blade and whips it towards the Stockman building, breaking a window to give us entry. With a good leap we were in the building.