CH:20 Rescue Op .:Part.1:.

When our feet land in the building we immediately duck around a corner and head straight for the Elevator Shaft to get to the 48th floor April was on.

Once we got close to the right floor, Raph opened the door just wide enough to poke his head through. The moment he did, he sees a bunch of business men that all look the exact same right down to the blank expressions on their faces... and holding rifles.

One of them in the middle looks at Raph, points and says, "Kraang, prepare to destroy the one that is needing to be destroyed by Kraang." Then proceeds to hit a big red button on the wall, triggering an alarm.

Raphs eyes go wide as he jumps back into the elevator shaft cursing, "Ah, shell!"

While Mikey cheers, "All right!" When we all give him a stink eye, he says, "Finally someone set off an alarm, and it wasn't me", flashing a satisfied smile.

Five Kraang then stuck their heads into the shaft and started shooting at us.

Mikey flings himself up and uses his extended nunchuck chain to wrap it around three of the Kraang, pulling them into the elevator shaft yelling, "See you next fall!" Making Raph almost fall as he facepalms.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I say, "Really Mikey?"

"What? I've been holding onto that one for years!" Mikey responds with a giggle as we all dodge enemy fire.

Without a word Leo pulls out one of his swords and reflects a few of the pink laser shots from the Kraang back at them, taking out the last two standing in the door.

I get a bad feeling as I look at the elevator cables, noticing they are moving. I look down and grown out through clenched teeth, "Guys, we have company."

Leo looks down and notices what I'm talking about. With a heavy sigh he says, "Well, let's go greet them."

Then proceeds to jump down from side to side towards the elevator that's approaching us which has a few Kraang bots standing on the top.

Raph chuckles sinisterly as he says, "I thought you would never ask!" He jumps straight down over 20 floors and lands on top of a Kraang. Crushing it like a popcan as Kraang juice oozes out, thanks to the extra force from his fall. He then jumps up to do a spinning back kick, removing the head of another Kraang bot. The thing just crumples like a dead toy as the squishy brain-like alien pops out of the chest just to get stabbed through the eye by Raphs sai. "Hey! They quit working if you remove their heads!" He shouts back up the shaft at us.

Donny, Mikey, and I fallow Raphs lead and free fall landing on top of Kraang bots, making more crushed Kraang popcans.

"But this is so much more satisfying." I say with a sinister grin.

Mikey's eyes go wide as a huge creepy smile grows on his face as he says, "Agreeeed" making Donny chuckle nervously.

Leo takes out the last one as he lands with an over the head swing of his sword. Slicing the Kraang into two perfect halfs.

Once we finished off the bots, Leo pants a bit then says, "Okay, let's get inside where it's safe." Then opens the escape hatch on the top of the elevator. We all look in just to see seven Kraang bots staring back at us. We all simultaneously let out a small scream of surprise and Donny slams the hatch shut just as the Kraang start to fire. Leo rubbs the back of his head and mumbles, "I gotta stop saying things like that."

"Well at least I came prepared." Says Donny with a smerk as he pulls out a smoke bomb, cracks the hatch open a bit and drops it into the elevator.

Since it was such a confined space that the smoke bomb went off inside, it also blew the lights while the whole elevator filled with dense smoke. The Kraang stopped shooting in confusion so we all jumped in the elevator and quickly took out all the bots, as the smoke cleared out through the open hatch.

When we were done fighting, I charged a bit of power to make my horns glow enough to light up the elevator with an ominous purple glow. I look down and see my claws are glowing as well, 'Huh, I guess my body is so bright that I never noticed before.' I think to myself as I start checking out my fancy-ass nails.

Raph asks in a very annoyed tone, "Can we please just ride this thing to the top now?"

Donny hits the button a few times before saying, "We can't. There's a retinal scanner."

I look down at one of the decapitated bot heads at my feet and ponder out loud, "These guys got up there." I pick it up and toss it to Donny saying, "I bet these Kraang things would work."

Sure enough it did. As soon as Donny put the bot head up to the scanner, it beeped and a hollow voice came from the head saying, "That which is known as access is granted to Kraang."

The elevator dings and starts moving up. Mikey leans against the back wall and says, "Hey, this is so much easier."

Leo replys, "Yeah, finally a chance to catch our breath." Making me nod in agreement as I continue to check out my claws again.

Mikey starts tapping his nunchucks together making a beat but just as he starts to beatbox, Raph smacks him upside the head saying, "Shut it Mikey, we don't have time for games." Making me giggle. Just then the elevator dings again, letting us know we got to the right floor before it opens.

We quickly run out of the elevator into the hallway but only making it a few steps, just to be greeted by a small army of around 30 Kraang.

We make eye contact for a minute as no one moves before one of the robots in the back says in a hollow monotone sounding voice, "Kraang, stop those ones that are coming to this place before those coming to this place get to the other place."

All the alien robot business men point their automatic laser rifles towards us perfectly in sync. The one standing closest to us says, "Stop", before they all start firing. The entire hallway that we are in is filled with "pew pew" noises and pink lasers flying in every which direction as they reflect off the metal walls.

We do jumps and flips and shit to avoid all the lasers till we close in the space between.

Mikey yells, "Wow! They aim like Stormtroopers!!" As he smashs his nunchucks into the alien faces of the robot chests.

"Who the fuck are Stormtroopers?!" I ask in confusion, making Mikey chuckle as I jump onto a Kraang before removing its head with one swip of my glowing claws. Leaving a faint streak of purple light in their wake that disappears in seconds. "They have a formidable title, shouldn't they be great warriors?" I question further but get no answer before I do a flip in the air. Spinning to the side with help from my tail, I land two consecutive kicks to a couple of Kraang, knocking them back.

"The probability doesn't make sense. They should have at least landed one hit on us by now." Donny ponders as he jabs his bo staff into the eye of an alien, securing him like a kebab on his staff.

"Yeah, this is kinda fun! Its like easy mode!" Mikey yells while he throws out his extended chain to wrap around one of the Kraang that are firing. He then twists his hips, steps on the chain with one foot and yanks the chain using his other foot like he's doing a spin kick to whip the Kraang around so he would fire on his own.

"Or maybe we are just that good", says Raph before he tears off an arm from the Kraang exosuit and jammed it into the chest of another one. Then proceeds to execute a perfect spin kick removing the head of the first Kraang.

I think for a moment before I reply to Donny, "Perhaps they are just not that good at working their exosuits. Just look at their stiff movements." I point out while I grab the ankle of a Kraang and give it a yank so the bot falls on its back to prove my point before I stomp on its chest, crushing the blob under my combat boot.

Leo sighs as he slices through a few robot torsos like butter, "Focus guys we have a mission to complete."

"Easier said the done, Leo. We don't even know where April is on this floor!" I reply as I rip through an alien blob inside the robot chest with a strong swipe of my claws, painting them a slimy purple colour.