CH:43 Understanding


As I slowly regain consciousness I'm greeted by a splitting migraine. I grown as I place my hand on my forehead and try to sit up. But a strong hand rests on my shoulder and gently pushes me back down in my bed.

'Wait... In my bed? What happened?' I couldn't help but only think as my throat hurts so bad that I couldn't say a word.

While I try to open my eyes to see who is next to me, my migraine erupts even worse, causing me to groan in pain again.

I hear a rough chuckle next to me as Raphael speaks up, "Easy there, Tiger. You have been out for over a month."

My eyes shoot wide open from shock and with a rough cracked voice I yell out, "A MONTH?!" Then I can't help but squint since my eyes are not use to the light and my head gives an extra painful throb.

I look to my side and see Raph sitting on the edge of my bed as he chuckles again, "Yeah, you gave us quite the scare. My bros thought that you sure as shell weren't going to wake up. But I know that you are to much of a fighter ta give up that easily." He finishes with a smerk before he jumps off my bed.

Yet all I feel is at ease. The only thought running through my mind, 'Thank the stars he is alive.'

"Anyways, you should get a bit more rest before you come out. Everyone wants to ask you a bunch of questions about whatever you did to save the day." He casually throws out as he leaves my room.

I just hopelessly blink at his shell while he walks through the door. 'At least I was able to keep everyone alive... But what happened...' I started to ponder, but next thing I knew I passed out as I'm still completely exhausted.


I wake up a full 24 hours later with Raphael sitting in a chair pulled next to my bed and his head on the mattress, snoring away.

I feel much better this time, although I am quite hungry. So, I sit up in my bed and stretch out my stiff back. As I finally feel looser after stretching, I look down at Raph's blissful snoring face and chuckle a bit before I wake him up with a gentle rub of his shoulder.

With groggy eyes he looks at me, "Hey, you're awake. I was worried after you didn't get up yesterday. You must have given it your all in that fight." He finishes with a chuckle, bit with a concerned look in his golden eyes.

"Yeah, I must have..." I say as my mind starts to wander about why his eyes aren't a shimmery as usual. "I honestly don't remember much though."

Raph looks down and starts to grumble, "At least you remember a little. All I remember is fighting that big guy, then I woke up here. My brother's won't tell me what happened until you get up so they can ask you some questions first." He finishes looking really annoyed.

With a perplexed look on my face I say, "I don't know how much I'll be able to answer."

Raphael chuckles a bit and flashes his smirk, "Doesn't really matter, I'm just glad your still kicken." He stands up straight and stretchs out his back. "I'm going to see what Mikey is making, come join us in the kitchen when you're ready." He gives a kiss on my forehead before he leaves to let me get dressed.

I sit up on my bed, cross my legs and stretch my big t-shirt that I sleep in over my knees as I get comfortable and pause for a moment as I look at my clothes and whisper to myself as my eyes widen in shock, "Someone must have put me in this..."

I shake my head and clear my thoughts. The last think to run through my mind is, 'Only one way to find out what happened.' I start to focus on beginning my meditation.

I begin by thinking about the fight and I start to panic as I re-experience the feeling of not having control of my own body. I shake my head and think, 'I need to go deeper for the answers I'm looking for.' So, I refocus on my old Master Zenith. Hoping that he shared some wisdom in the past to help me understand what I recently went through.

Once I finally calm my mind, I start getting a clear vision of the old master in front and my blood brother, Yang, by my side as we excitedly wait for our lesson to begin.

Zenith clears his throat before he starts, "Today I want to tell you two about your instincts. You see, since you are two beings of the same soul, your instincts are what actually connect you two together." Yang and I glance at each other in confusion before the master continues. "Heh, let me explain. Yin, you will find that your instincts will cause you to act with more aggression from your bond with Yang. And you Yang, will find that your instincts will force you to feel compassion for life from your bond with Yin."

Yang gets a disgusted look on his face as he snips back with an arrogant tone in his voice, "I highly doubt something as pathetic as Yin can affect me enough to care about a bug." Making the old me in the vision cower at his glare and words as his smooth, cold and conceited voice rings through my head.

Master Zenith just clears his throat before he says, "Be that as it may, if your instincts do take effect, the other sibling will have a much stronger of a connection to you. Some of us try to use this ability to find the ones that are lost, but we rarely succeed. Although none of us are as strong as you two are."

This realization shocks me to my core and I snap out of my meditation and once again fall the 3 feet to the soft bedding below. "I need to tell the guys!" I blurt out as I scramble out of my bed and head over to my new dresser that holds all my clothes.

I just throw on a simple fitted gray t-shirt and my tight dark green jeans with my matching black lace bra and panties before I head out to talk to the guys.

When I walk through the door to the kitchen, I notice everyone is already there. The moment they notice my pressence the room goes silent. I could probably hear a pin drop before Leonardo speaks.

"I'm really glad that your up, we have some questions that need answers." Leo says with stern coldness on his face.

I swallow hard as I think, 'I haven't seen that look on his face since the first time we all met.' I take seat as I get my barrings and clear my throat before I say, "Ask away." As if I'm on trial.

Leo looks at me with a calculated gaze before he says, "We need to know exactly what happened to you during that fight. It was like you were an enraged animal."

I wince a bit at his comparison before I answer, "That was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. It was like I got chucked in the backseat of my own body with no control of what I was doing. I could barely hear a thing and even my vision changed. All I could really see was the different energies that reside within everyone."

This gets Master Splinter's attention as he asks, "What do you mean by different energies, my child?"

I pause for a moment as realization hits me, "It was like I could see the purity of their souls. Almost everyone in that abandoned warehouse had a red soul and some were orange. But a few were quite different like you four turtles, Casey and that big brute of a man. Jones had a very pale yellow soul, and you guys shine a very bright greenish white. While the big guy was such a deep red that he almost looked black." Sensei just strokes his beard deep in thought.

Donny speaks up, "Casey told us that the big guy's name is Hun. He is the leader of the purple dragons and also the one that torched his family's shop, killing his father in the process."

Realizing no one is going to continue as we all process what we learned so far, Leo then asks, "So what caused you to go into this state, Ying?"

I look down rather sheepishly as I answer, "I honestly thought Raph had died and I guess the thought of losing one of you made me snap." Everyone went silent once again.

Unable to hold back any more, Raph almost yells, "What the shell happened?!"

Donny cleared his throat and nervously answers, "Well after you passed out when you hit the wall next to me, Ying's whole demeanor changed. Her eyes went to slits and she let out a huge roar that shook the whole building. Then she took out a few of the gangsters without any mercy before she let loose an energy beam from her hand that vaporized Hun's arm off, and took out half the building in the process. Passing out right after the force of the beam through her into the wall behind her."

Mikey giggles a bit, "Yeah! It was like something straight out of the comic books!"

Raphael becomes furious as he looks at me and shouts, "You seriously risked your life just for revenge? That is supposed to be MY dumb ass move!"

Feeling a bit unjust, I snap back, "Not like I had much control over the situation! I tried to scream and stop but I couldn't do a thing!"

Everyone else around the table is just shocked at what they heard. Finally Leo asks as the coldness finally stars to fade away in place of worry, "What do you mean, she risked her life?"

Raph just starts grumbling as he sits back down steaming in his chair before I answer Leo, "Well... You see, my people don't die of old age like normal people do. We can only pass on when we run out of energy. When I go unconscious, that's my body's last resort to save any energy it can."

As realization hits everyone Leo mumbles, "You risked your life for us all those times that you ended up passing out? Even when you didn't even know us?" I just nod my head in return.

"No wonder you have been trying to expand your energy so much lately." Donny ponders mostly to himself and again I just nod in return.

Master Splinter looks at me with determination, "And now you must try even harder to do just that."

I take a deep breath before I say, "Unfortunately, there is more." Getting concerned looks from everyone. "I meditated on this to figure out what exactly my instincts were... Apperently it's the connection to my blood brother. That's why I was filled with such rage... And as the icing on the cake, he can sense me when I use my instincts..."

Mikey goes pale as he asks, "You mean your brother that has power over chaos and destruction? This really is like totally outta the comic books!"

Donny continues asking, "And now he knows where you are?" I just nod at both of them.