CH:44 Raph's Passion

After our intense conversation Sensei insisted that we all did some training, mostly focusing on me and my abilities. Pitting me against the turtles in different team-up drills.

I could tell that Leo was going easy on me, while Mikey and Donny were still doing their best to take me down. Unfortunately for them, their best is not good enough. Mikey is a bit too impulsive while Don overthinks his actions. Yet both could be used against each other to take them out of our spar. I just had to stand between them blocking their view of each other, then jump out of the way just the right time.

Raph seems to be lost in his anger and when I threw Leo at him, Raph ended up snapping at Leo. Before Leonardo could even defend himself, Master Splinter hollers at us and we all stand in line with a "Hai Sensei!"

While he walks up to Raph, Splinter just shakes his head and with a stroke of his beard he says, "Ah my son, so angry. Rage is a monster that will kill you from within. A true warrior finds balance within all things. There are few circumstances so self destructive then one's anger."

"Huh, and here I thought it's destructive to others." Raph replys with a smerk making Sensei's left ear twitch in annoyance.

"RAPHAEL! This is not the way of the Ninja! You must let your anger wash over you, like a river over stone." Then he heaves a big sigh and dismisses us from training.

'Raphael seemed a bit distracted in his thoughts the whole time. It usually takes a lot more to take him and Leo down, if I even can.' I couldn't help but think when we were all walking out of the dojo.

Like usual Mikey went off to the TV, Leo went to the training platform, and Donny went to his lab.

Deep in thought, I went off to my lab room, with Raph following behind me. 'No ninja silence for him today I guess.' I think to myself as I remember how loud he was during our training.

Before I get to far into the room he shuts the door behind him, "Ying, I need to talk to you."

Feeling slightly nervous I simply say, "Sure." As I turn to face him.

He begins passing back and forth as he starts talking, "I know you didn't have any control over what you did, but I need you to be more careful about using your energy. That was down right reckless and you can't keep risking your life like that."

I look at him a bit amused, "Is the big brave Raphael worried about little ol' me?"

He stops his passing and gives me a stern look, "Damn rights I am! You mean the world to me!"

With a raised eyebrow I state, "Then wouldn't you do the same thing if it was my life on the line in the middle of a fight?"

He starts stammering, "I... Well... That's besides the point!"

With a hand on my hip I state, "Ha! Raph, that IS the point. I will do what it takes to save any one of you guys. I am a lover, not a fighter. But I will fight for who and what I love. Even if I have to risk everything."

Raph looks at me with huge shock filled eyes, sparkling the brightest gold that I've seen so far. He stares at me for a brief moment before he takes one big step, so he is standing right infront of me. With a quick motion, before I can even react, he sweeps me up in his arms and plants his lips on mine.

The passion of his embrace shocks me to my core as his tongue explores my mouth, grazing up against my fangs sending a shiver down my spine.

'Why does this kiss feel so different?', is the only thought that can run through my mind before Raphael lifts me up, spins around and pins my back to the wall. Instinctively, my legs wrap around his waist and my arms around his neck, holding on to his shell behind his head. As my mind fades into mush, a rush of heat runs through my body while a moan escapes my lips just to be muffled by his. The mightiest ocean couldn't put out this flame.

Now that I'm pinned against the wall, Raph's hands have freedom to explore my body. His one hand bunches in my hair as the other grabs my knee to pull it up a bit higher. Then he slides his hand down the outside of my thigh until its grasping around my butt cheek, pulling my hips into his creating another wave of heat crashing through my body a groan escapes my lips.

My mind starts turning to mush as our tongues dance from one mouth to another, inciting more moans from me only to be muffled by his lips.

Raph's passion seems to hit new heights as the hand that was in my hair starts to slide down. First caressing my cheek for a moment. Then he proceeds to slide his hand down my neck, over my shoulder, then to my breast. He firmly cups it, teasing my nipple through my clothes instantly making my back arch.

As I get hit with a wave of excitement unlike anything I have ever felt, my tail starts to twitch like it has a mind of its own. It starts wrapping around Raphael's leg and the tip starts wiggling like a cat's tail, grazing the inside of his thigh.

Just as I'm getting lost in the intimacy of our embrace, the door to my lab slides open and Mikey comes running in, "Ying! Are you alright?! Whaaa..." He stops dead in his tracks with a very red face and huge eyes when he notices Raphael pinning my glowing body to the wall, with me wrapped around him.


Hey readers!

If you're feeling generous, then help me out with some motivation! Send some power stones my way. Light a fire under my ass to write more chapters!

Cheers! ♡