Applying For Kuoh Academy and Meeting a Red Head.

"Hey system before I do anything else, do I have all the legal documents for this world?" Barrington asked the system.

{Ding} Yes you do, all of your previous documents have been updated and sent to this world.

"Oh okay good, now I don't need to worry about that. Well than, time to make my way to Kuoh academy." Barrington said walking to his car.

-5 minutes pass-

"There it is." Barrington said pulling into the schools parking lot. "Ah, Hello can you point me towards the main office." Barrington asked a red headed student passing by.

" I can show you if you would like." The red headed student said.

"That would be great." Barrington responded. Barrington than followed the red headed student.

-3 minutes pass-

"Here it is." The red headed student said looking at Barrington.

"Thank you so much, oh and my name is Barrington." Barrington said to the red headed student.

"I'm Rias, but I must be going." Rias said to Barrington.

"Thank you again." Barrington said to Rias.


Notification: New Possible Lover

"Oh that's interesting." Barrington said in his head, entering the main office. "Hello, I would like to become a student of this school." Barrington said to the worker behind the desk.

"Alright, fill out these papers and return them tomorrow. If all the paper comes back correctly, you will start Wednesday." The worker said to Barrington.

"Very well, thank you." Barrington said to the worker while leaving the room. "That was easier then I though it should have been." Barrington said to himself while getting into his car. "Alright time to go home." Barrington said to himself driving home.

-5 minutes pass-

"Now I get to spend 1 hour filling out this paperwork." Barrington said opening his side door connected to his garage. Barrington sits down at his table.

-1 hour pass-

"Finally, I finished the paper." Barrington said tired. "It's only 4:30, I don't care I'm going to bed." Barrington said walking up his stairs "Good Night." Barrington said to the system.

{Ding} Good Night Barrington.

-13 hours pass-

"What time is it system." Barrington asked the system walking up.

{Ding} It is 6:00 am.

"Alright, thank you." Barrington said getting out of bed. "System can you order my soldiers return back to the barracks?" Barrington asked the System while walking out of his room.

{Ding} Yes, would you like me too?

"Yes please." Barrington responded walking out the front door. "Alright than." Barrington said to home self standing in front of the barracks door. "Attention." Barrington yelled with authority seeing the last soldier coming through the portal. "[Military]" Barrington said in his head.



E-1: 10

E-2: 10


1 soul: 5 soldiers

5 souls: 25 soldiers

10 souls: 50 soldiers

Rank up:

E-1: 10

E-2: 1

"Rank them all up" Barrington asked the system in head.

{Ding} It will cost 65 USD. Do you wish to proceed?


"[Yes]" Barrington said in his head. Barrington saw 11 soldiers insignia change. "Congratulations to those of you who have been promoted. Lance Corporal come here." Barrington said looking at the soldiers.

" Yes, General Washington." One of the soldiers said walking in front Barrington.

"System, how many soldiers can a Lance Corporal command?" Barrington asked the system in his head.

{Ding} Lance Corporals can command 5 privates First Class and all they command.

"Very Good." Barrington said in his head. " Lance Corporal, I want you to take 5 of the Private First Class and the last 10 Privates and get them ready for battle." Barrington said to the Lance Corporal.

"Yes, General Washington." The Lance Corporal said saluting to Barrington. "[ID Create]" said in his head while thinking of what he wants.


Dungeon: Hyperbolic Time Chamber

Dungeon: Revolutionary War Era America

"Alright that's good." Barrington said to himself in his head. "[Uniform Creation]" Barrington said in his head, thinking of how the uniform will look.

"We are ready, General Washington." The Lance Corporal informed Barrington.

"Good, here is your uniforms your going to wear. They are made up of a very light reinforced Kevlar, making it very hard to be pierced by many things. Just remember you still can be injured, be carful." Barrington said the 16 soldiers while walking next the training portal. "The time difference is 8 days in there to 1 day here, understood?"

"Yes, General Washington." The 16 soldiers said in unison.

"Good, now move it." Barrington watched the 16 soldiers start moving into the portal. "You 14 go back to training, I want at least 2 ready to be promoted next time you come back." Barrington said to the remaining soldiers.

"Yes, General Washington." The remaining soldiers said walking back through the portal.

"Now lets get going to the school." Barrington said to himself leaving the barracks.