Accepted into Kuoh Academy and a New System Branch.

"Alright let's get this over and done with." Barrington says parking his car. "I wonder if I will see Rias again today." Barrington says to himself. " I am here now, lets's go in." Barrington says opening the door to the main office. "Hello." Barrington said to the same office worker from the previous day.

"Hello, do you have the paperwork done?" The office worker asked Barrington.

"Yes I do." Barrington said handing the paperwork over.

"Thank you." The office worker said reading the paperwork. "Everything seems to be in order." The office worker said looking at Barrington.

"Oh, good I did everything right." Barrington said with a smile on his face.

"I will have someone waiting for you at the front gate tomorrow to escort you and give you, your schedule to you, you will also be fitted for your uniform." The office worker said to Barrington while writing a note.

"Okay, what time should I be here tomorrow?" Barrington asked the office worker.

"Make sure to be here by 7:00 am, alright?" The office worker stated.

"Alright, thank you. Have a nice day." Barrington said walking out of the main office. "Time to go home." Barrington said getting into his car.


Mission Complete:

Task: Find Kuoh Academy, and become a student.

Rewards: You are a student of Kuoh Academy.(1,000xp)(+1 Point to CHA)

Failure: You are not a student of Kuoh Academy. (-3 Points to LUC)


Player Leveled Up

"Good, Very Nice." Barrington said pulling out of the school's parking lot.

-5 minutes pass-

"Hey system, why haven't I felt hungry at all." Barrington asked the system.

{Ding} You will only get hungry when your mp is low. Due to you having infinite mp you will not feel hungry.

"Alright, that makes it easier for me." Barrington responded. "Open the harem tab, please." Barrington requested the system.



Current Lovers:

Possible Lovers:

Rias Gremory: Affection (1)

"Really? Just talking to her once gave her 1 affection points." Barrington said to himself. "Is there a why for me to check the stats of another person?" Barrington asked the system.

{Ding} Yes there is. There is a skill called observe, would you like to learn it?


"[Yes]" Barrington responded.


Skill Learned: Observe

"Alright that will be very beneficial." Barrington said to himself. " Hey system, use summoning magic and custom servant summon." Barrington stated


Skill Learned: Summoning Magic

{Ding} How would you like your servant to be

"Make him 6ft tall. Make his hair white, make him have long straight hair going down to the middle of his back. Oh also give him a full beard. Make him and much older person. Make his body very strong and broad. Have his race be a dragonoid, looks like a regular human. Give him formal butler atire, and give him butler and maid skills. Name him Nazara Tian." Barrington listed.

{Ding} He will be done shortly.

- Timeskip to 5:00pm-

"Hello Lord Barrington, I am Nazara Tian. How can I serve you." Nazara said to Barrington, bowing.

"Very Well, Nazara your first task will be to clean this house." Barrington said to Nazara.

"Right away, Lord Barrington." Nazara said walking away to start cleaning.

{Ding} Store has restocked

"Oh, Good." Barrington said to himself. "[Store]"



Item 1: Dragons Blood Line

Item 2: Business Summon

Item 3: x1 GS

Item 4: Rifle Mastery

Item 5: Judo Mastery

Item 6: Blacksmith Sub-Class

Item 7: Necromancer Class

Item 8: Western Dragon Summon

Item 9: x1 GS

Item 10: Military Vehicle Summon

"Buy everything system." Barrington said to the system.


Class Unlocked: Necromancer

Sub-Class Unlocked: Blacksmith


Skill Unlocked: Rifle Mastery

Skill Unlocked: Judo Mastery


Blood Line Unlocked: Dragon

"That's very useful."Barrington said to himself. "I should have asked this earlier, but how do I earn money. I know some missions give money, but I don't get them all the time." Barrington questioned the system.

{Ding} You would recommend you start a small business to have an income. I recommend a laundromat due to lower operating cost compared to others to start off with. You must use a business summons, you can not use a regular house summon.

"I understand." Barrington stated.


Would you like to use the business summon to make a laundromat business?


"[Yes]" Barrington responded


Who do you want to leave in charge?

"Nazara Tian." Barrington said.


Business will be ready soon.

"Even Better." Barrington said smiling. "[Inventory]" Barrington stated.



Iron Chest Plate

Iron Leggings

Mana Staff

Summoning Magic

Summoners Robe

Platinum Halberd

Master's Ring

Western Dragon Summon

Military Vehicle Summon

"Hey system, Learn Summoning Magic, Western Dragon Summon and Military Vehicle Summon." Barrington stated.


Skill Learned: Summoning Magic

Skill Learned: Military Vehicle Summon

Skill Learned: Western Dragon Summon

System Branch Unlocked: Dragons

"Even Better." Barrington said to himself. "What time is it system." Barrington asked the system.

{Ding} It is 8:00 pm.

"I'll check the new tab tomorrow, goodnight system." Barrington said walking to his room.

{Ding} Goodnight.