Preparation and First Day Of School.

"Ahhh, fucking hell him why am I so stiff." Barrington said to himself. He slowly got out of bed walking to his bathroom to take a shower before his first day back to school. Soon after he got out of the shower and dried off. "What should I wear today?". Walking to his closet he had thought to himself. "Should I wear regular clothes, dress clothes, or my dress blues?". He said looking at his 5 pairs of clothes. "If I wear the regular clothes, I can blend in better but I may seem that I don't care enough about the school to come wearing at least somewhat fancy clothes." Barrington said looking at his 3 pairs of regular clothes. "Maybe I should wear my dress clothing, I think that might be better due to there uniforms. However they may think I'm just a stuck up kid." He said pulling out his dress clothes. "Finally my dress blues, I can't see anything wrong wearing these other than my age. Most people will think I'm to young to be in the military, let alone a high rank." He said looking at his dress blues. "I don't know what to pick.". Being in a dilemma he asked the system "What do you think System. What should I wear? Also what time is it?".

{Ding} I believe you should wear your dress blues. You should also bring your highest rank soldier with you. It is 5:45 am

"Alright, I can do that." He said smiling. Spending 10 minutes getting dress, he finally left his room. As he was walking down stairs he saw Nazara waiting for him at the bottom. "Hello Nazara, are you waiting for me?" He asked him reaching the bottom.

"Yes I was Lord Washington. I will be going to open the business your system has informed me to operate." He said looking at Barrington.

"Very good, I will be leaving to go to school once I go to the barracks."

"Understood, have a great day at school Lord Washington." Nazara said to Barrington while leaving.

"System recall the soldiers back for me please." Barrington said leaving to the barracks.

{Ding} Right away.

-5 minutes pass-

Barrington can be seen walking through the barracks front door. All 30 soldiers can be seen in 3 lines of 10. Highest rank front and center with the lower ranks lined up behind and beside him.




E-1: 10

E-2: 19

E-3: 1


1 Soul = 5 Soldiers

5 Souls = 25 Soldiers

10 Souls = 50 Soldiers

100 Souls = 500 Soldiers

1,000 Souls = 5,000 Soldiers

Current Souls: 4,536


1 E-1 = 1 low rank devil or 1 single pair winged Angel/Fallen

1 E-2 = 2 low rank devil or 2 single pair winged Angel/Fallen

1 E-3 = 3 low rank devil or 3 single pair winged Angel/Fallen


E-1: 10

E-2: 9

E-3: 1

Price: 220 USD


100 Souls =1 Small Soldier Transport (10)

1,000 Souls = 1 Medium Soldier Transport (100)

Current Souls: 4,536

"Promote all soldiers for 220 USD. Use 1,000 souls for 1 medium soldier transport, also use 6 souls to summon 30 soldiers. Save the rest of the souls for later."

{Ding) Massive Promotion in Progression. Possible chance of double promotion.

"That sounds very interesting." Barrington said looking at the soldiers insignia changing. He noticed some different this time round, the insignias had a small white light coming from around the insignias. All them were light that, all but one that was. One of the insignias had a blue light coming from it. It was coming from non other than the first Lance Corporal. The lights started to die out one by one. Once the last light died out all the previous solders had a new insignia. "Pull up the Military tab please system."



E-1: 30

E-2: 10

E-3: 19

E-4: 0

E-5: 1


1 Soul = 5 Soldiers

5 Souls = 25 Soldiers

10 Souls = 50 Soldiers

100 Souls = 500 Soldiers

1,000 Souls = 5,000 Soldiers

Current Souls: 3,530


1 E-1 = 1 low rank devil or 1 single pair winged Angel/Fallen

1 E-2 = 2 low rank devil or 2 single pair winged Angel/Fallen

1 E-3 = 3 low rank devil or 3 single pair winged Angel/Fallen

1 E-4 = 1 mid rank devil or 1 double pair winged Angel/Fallen

1 E-5 = 2 mid rank devil or 2 double pair winged Angel/Fallen


E-1: 0

E-2: 0

E-3: 0

E-4: 0

E-5: 0

"Hey system does the blue light signify a double promotion?"

{Ding} Yes it does. White signifies a single promotion, Blue signifies a double promotion, and Red signifies a triple promotion. You may not get a triple promotion even after 10,000 double promotions which you get after roughly 100-150 single promotions, based off of your luck stat.

"Good to know. So if I get more points in luck the chances get better?"

{Ding} You are correct Barrington.

"What are the names for E-4 and E-5, and how many soldiers do each command."

{Ding} E-4 is called a Corporal, it commands 10 E-3s and all they command. E-5 is called a Sergeant, it commands 20 E-4s.

"Attention soldiers, I want 15 of the privates first class to take the 30 new recruits to the training area, the rest of you are free to stay here. Sergeant front and center."

"Yes, General Washington." 45 soldiers begun to leave towards the training portal, while one walking in front of Barrington. The rest stayed still, just reformed the lines.

"Sergeant you will be coming to school with me today, put on your dress blues"

"Yes, General Washington."

"Let's go than."

"Yes, General Washington." The sergeant said following Barrington.

-2 minutes pass-

"Get in soldier." Barrington ordered the sergeant

"Yes, General Washington."

"I want you to call me Barrington when we are at the school, it's only for today. Unless they know rank insignias, my rank will Lance Corporal. You will also be given the name Robert E. Lee"

"Yes, Barrington."


-5 minutes pass-

"We are here, just act like your not a soldier.

"Okay" The sergeant responded.

"We are going to meet someone to be our guide for the day, than they will get my measurements for my uniform. I think that's them over there."

"Hello I am Souna Shitori, Student Council President nice to meet you."

"Yo I'm Saji Genshirou, Student Council Vice-President nice to meet you."

"Likewise, I'm Barrington Alexander Washington."

"I'm Robert E. Lee, please to meet you."

"Before we continue, what with the military get up?"


"It's alright Souna, I am Barrington Washington Lance Corporal of the United States Marine Corps."

"You served? What about the other guy?"

"Yes we have Sanji. Robert give them your rank, why don't you."

"I am Robert Lee Sergeant of the United States Marine Corps."

"I'm sure you have heard this before but, aren't you too young?"

"For a normal case yea but, do to me being an orphan military does not care. I started training to be a soldier at the prime age of 8. I was given my first rank at 12, and now I'm 16 with the rank of Lance Corporal."

"I have been tasked by the general to watch over Barrington here for the day."

"Alright I'm not going to ask why a US marine is here, so we will move onto the next thing. Here is your schedule for your time here."

"Thank you Souna. Shall we begin?"

"Yes we shall."

- 7 hours pass-

"Well than that is all for your first day Washington-San, what did you think about?"

"I thought it was very good, what about you Robert?"

"The schools very nice and so are the people, we'll all except 3."

"I know I wish we could do more about them. Anyways if you have any further questions you can find me in the student councils office."

"I ,thank you once again Souna."

"If you would like you may come to school with your uniform or the schools uniform, I can arrange it with the school."

"It would be great if you can. Oh and one more thing."

"Yes, and that would be?"

"You may call me Barrington if you would like."

"Oh, with your permission I will Barrington."


New possible lover

"Goodbye for now Souna, see you tomorrow."

"Likewise, Barrington."

"Let's go Robert."
