C.O.D Is Broken

Clicking the Cogwheel he was brought to the visual setting. On top were Five categories Visual, Controls, Audio, Status and Sign In.

The first thing he did was check if the visual settings affect him. He turned the brightness down and instantly the world got slightly darker. Seeing an immediate reaction Thomas turned off motion blur and weapon blur and turned the grain down a bit. The world looked to be cleaner and smoother.

For audio, he put boosted night mode with the music turned down, and voice chat at 90 instead of 100. Everything else stayed the same.

For controls Sensitivity was the only thing that can be changed. He ignored it feeling like he might get sick if he moved it just a tad bit.

He then opened the status page.



[ Status]

Host: Thomas Blair

//Passive Skill//

Tight Recoil, C.O.D Body, C.O.D Movement, C.O.D Vision

//Active Skill//

Bullet Time LV1

Perks: None


x3 Shield Plates, x2 Stim, Headquarters

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« C.O.D Body » After taking three deep breaths when coming to a stop or walking, the body immediately returns to its peak physique. Body is less affected by recoil.

« C.O.D Movement » 3-meter Slide on any surface, 2-meter Dive from any position, B-Hopping, quick prone and Mantel. During these movements hitbox shrinks.

« C.O.D Vision » Host now has a crosshair. Hit marker indicator. Red blood splat demonstrates how severe an injury is. Minimap shows red dots to indicate enemies, blue to indicate allies and grey to indicate passing strangers.

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« Bullet Time LV1 » Move at Mach 1 for a second. 1-minute cooldown

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« Shield Plates » Negates instant death

« Stim » Instantly regenerates injuries that happen in the last 24 hours. Additionally gives a slight boost in the overall movement

« Headquarters »Takes any owned building and transforms it into a fully customizable base



"Hmm it looks like death won't get me so easily this time around"

When he opened the "Sign In" category he was greeted by a set of instructions.

[In this category the host will find, Daily Sign In, Weekly Sign In and Monthly Sign In. Daily had 5 rewards, Weekly has up to 3 rewards and Monthly has 2 rewards. The rewards come from the Call Of Duty universes. Rewards can be anything from a sandwich to a spaceship. Skills Level Up by getting the same skill from the Sign In's. Daily is the lowest chance to get good rewards while yearly has the highest chance of getting good rewards.]

He then clicked on the Daily Sign-In which had an exclamation next to it.

[Congratulations your rewards are: 3 Infinite Vending Machines, $10,000, Grey IVM Parker Jacket, Dark Eather's Cry, Rage]

{Infinit Vending Machin: Also known as IVM are vending machines that sell an infinite number of any IVM items once placed inside. Each machine can sell 10 different items}

{$10,00: Its money}

{Grey IVM Parka Jacket: Place Into IVM for infinite jackets. Users will feel warm and cosy}

{Dark Eather's Cry LV1: A voice in a corrupted reality cries for company. The host can summon up to 50 slow zombies and 10 Hell hounds within an area of 300 meters Additionally, gives a 10% chance to stun enemies}

{Rage LV1: Originates from Black Ops 2 Raul Menendez loses his wife and goes on a killing spree. No sense of pain, increased strength, Increased speed and hyper-awareness. lasts for 15 seconds with a 1-hour cool down}

'Who knew a call of duty system could be so broken? Where did the infinite vending machine come from, I don't remember any C.O.D game having one'

[IVM is like most Vending Machines in C.O.D are never seen to be empty even if the background is a war-torn battlefield. This can only mean it has an infinite number of items inside]

"In that sense, the food wouldn't mould either"


"Well, that is something. The headquarters thing is interesting It'll have to wait till I'm done here. System I'm ready, let's see if cod movements translate well"

At his words, the world returned to normal with the bullets now speeding towards him. In a seamless motion, he dropped flat on the ground while turning the safety off and taking aim between his 'shields' legs.


Firing two shots that hit one in the shoulder and the other hitting the leg of another. Leading them to clutch their wounds whilst shouting and crying.

"Ah fuck!!"

"Fucking cunt!"

Thomas's movement was so fast that his 'shield had yet to fall without his support. As his 'Shield' collapsed he stood back up. Whilst shooting he slid backwards before cancelling it with a jump. Just as his feet touched the ground he dived to the left while shooting he performed a forward roll allowing him to go straight into a slide back to his original spot.


Shots were fired from both sides yet Thomas's weird movement almost made it impossible for their shots to hit. Numerous bullets had entered his body yet there was no blood.

Despite the movement advantage, Thomas did not have the gun skill to aim whilst moving erratically. Because of this, his shot mostly missed and only injured 2 others. He had almost dumped the whole mag but thankfully he got a red prompt saying "Low Ammo" and stopped at 2 bullets.

"Fucking shoot him already, I'm focking dying here" Shouted one of the members who was clutching onto his punctured abdomen

*Click, Click*

Dropping their depleted Aks they started firing their sidearm in a panic whilst running to the hostages. Even in this desperate situation, Thomas kept a cool head. Jumping back to his feet he then willed for bullet time to activate.

The sound of sobbing hostages and pained grunts from the Jokers became unrecognisable as they all turned into one long muffled tone. Everything moved at a sluggish speed. He gripped his pistol tightly and focused his eyes on the running Jokers.

He squeezed the trigger twice releasing two bullets that zipped across the bank before landing in the crazy heads of the Jokers.

*Bang, Bang, Crunch*

Time returned to normal as the sound of his two shots turned into one and the two standing Jokers staggered forwards and fell to the floor while blood seeped from their heads.

The hostages looked at him with wide eyes as he walked around the bank knocking the other Jokers out before putting the gun down on the ground. He then went back to his Aunty Sarah and with a gentle smile "It's okay now Aunty, it's all over"

Sarah jumped up and hugged her nephew before pinching his ear "That was too dangerous, fistfights are one thing but they had guns Thomas"

"Haha, it's fine besides how am I gonna scare off the IRS if I can't even deal with clowns"

"Hahaha don't make jokes," Said, Sarah while trying to hold back her laugh

The other hostages got up and began calling their friends and family before the police stormed in.

Within a crowd of policemen a powerful voice full of wisdom sounded "Thomas it's been a while"

It was commissioner Gordan shaking his head as he looked at the 5 dead Jokers. "Since when did you use guns?"

"You're not expecting me to fight hand to hand against 10 armed criminals. I'm not Batman with his bulletproof gimp suite"

"Sigh yeah well, you know the drill"

Thomas followed Gordon around the bank while retelling the events before feeling something drop behind him. Thomas moved on instinct and tried to throw a spinning back fist at the figure that appeared behind him only to feel his hand graze the head that ducked under his decisive punch.

Looking at the man Thomas confusedly commented "Batman?"

Batman didn't reply and instead quickly lunged forwards whilst throwing an uppercut at Thomas's chin.

Thomas grabbed the outstretched arm before he spun around Batman while intending to bring the arm to the back where he can restrain him. But Batman rolled to the side and escaped his grasp.

Thomas hurled a roundhouse to Batman's head only to see him lean back as he performed teep(sparta) kick that landed on Thomas chest. Just as Thomas was propelled back by the force he grabbed Batmans ankle. Batman flipped back and broke free.

Before jumping right back to it Gordan got in between them "Hey, hey what are you doing Batman!?"

Batman gave Thomas a cold glance and replied with a rough voice "You shouldn't be able to move so easily with a hole in your thigh?"

"It must be the adrenalin. I'll probably be limping in a while" Said Thomas

"You could have injured the last two why did you kill them?" Asked Batman

"They ran towards hostages I had to play it safe. How do you know what happened?"

"I got here when the police entered and watched the security footage. You've gotten stronger"

"What do you expect I was 13 of course I'm gonna be stronger at 24. How do I compare to the rest of the bat family?"

"If it's strictly handed to hand, your stronger, faster but most of all, more skilled. If it's with weapons I'm not so sure"


"Ah, I almost forgot I have a dentist appointment. See ya later" Said Thomas as he made a break for the door. Just as he reached the door he said "Oh and if we were talking cold weapons well I specialise in that"

"Is the kid that good?" Gordan asked with a stupefied tone


"Sigh lost another talent to video games," said Gordan sadly


A.N: If any are wondering how marvel is involved I took inspiration from Chinese fanfic where the MC will sometimes wake up in either universe. For this, I'll rely on the Cod Zombies method of teleportation but just glitch out.

I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading