
A.N: Hello, it's been a hot minute/months. No real excuse I just fell back into the cesspool that is Warzone, R6 and just general writer's block. The world by the way is now a Marvel and Dc mix not what I had initially planned where he travelled between the two.

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A day had passed since the bank robbery. Thomas woke up in the apartment he lived in with his mom.

He took three deep breaths that resulted in his tied body being revitalised with energy. There wasn't even a need to give the traditional morning stretch or rubbing of the eyes.

C.O.D Body can even make it so that he doesn't need to sleep and all it takes is three deep breaths.

"Sign In"

[Daily Sign In: $10, IVM Mint, $50, IVM Umbrella, IVM Spring Water]

{$10, $50: Its Money}

{IVM Mint: Keeps breath fresh}

{IVM Umbrellas: Keeps the rain out}

{IVM Spring Water: quench thirst}

"It's great that I can almost fill at least one Infinite Vending Machine. I also have money for today's meals" He said while quickly getting off his bed.

Today he planned to see what happens when sensitivity is turned up.

He freshened up and changed into sportswear. Wearing grey joggers, a white hoodie and a face mask before leaving. His destination was the Park Row theatre. It had been on its last leg and the owner was looking for any sore loser to take it off his hand.

Thomas willingly became that loser. He got it cheap too. Just a mere $30,000 for an entire theatre.

Once inside he opened his system and activated headquarters. In front of him was a green projection of the building's schematics. Along the side were a bunch of materials and items to build with.

"Urgh, this would be a bad investment if I don't turn the building into a business. I could make a dev team but that won't make

I know nothing about running a theatre so let's start a new business. In my second life I had been around the world there's gotta be something... Ah yes, high-end Japanese internet cafes could work. A legal business in Park Row... It's too late to go back on it now"

"Make two floors with two basement floors. For the ground(1st) floor remove the inner walls and keep the room open. Purple wine walls. Divide the room into two using the vending machine's one side computer and the other side will be arcade machines. Six rows of desks with room dividers in between them and 5 karaoke-sized rooms for console games. The top floor will have VIP rooms that also act as a bedroom, one big hall for sleep pods and lastly bathrooms. 3 elevators with card swipe. A basement for servers and storage, below that, will be a bunker. Now for my sleeping arrangement hmm..."

"I miss the village life so let's see hmm. . . Keep everything as it is but have a courtyard in the centre, plant life, a fish pond and a luxurious log cabin with 5 smaller cabins around it. Move the pod rooms to a slightly bigger cabin with bathrooms. This means more VIP rooms and more money. Make the walls French windows/doors. The roof is wasted if I don't use it so let's make it a roof garden"

"Lastly a name. Goliath, Vendetta, Geared, Flash Bang, Julius, Reborn, 2nd Chance nope that sound like a strip club. Safe House, Old Scar that's a pub name. Smoke Screen is my best option. Have one big generic white sign outside with a small neon sign. Done"

Once done the System made some necessary changes and additions. It had cameras in every possible blind spot with motion sensors scattered around. It spawned multiple types of fire extinguishers, fire axes, smoke detectors and sprinklers. Additionally, its very own power and water supply. The entire structure was reinforced to shrug off gunfire except for explosives.

The projection flashed a big white light that blinded Thomas. By the time Thomas regained his vision, the dusty and cobwebbed theatre turned into a

He then made a bunch of orders for PCs, Monitors, TVs, Office Chairs, Consoles, washing/drying machines and fish for his pond. He then announced on his socials that he was looking for clerks and cleaners.

With the business somewhat sorted he made his way into the courtyard where his senses were attacked by nature.

He took a deep breath and recalled his days as a village chief. That deep connection was not just with his people but with nature itself. A simple feeling of content washed over him.

After reminiscing he went into sensitivity and turned it up to 5. His joints suddenly felt loose and floaty almost.

"It increased my flexibility! Which then increased my overall mobility"

He pushed it a step further and put it to 10. He attempted to turn his head slightly but lost control and found himself turning all the way he did the same with his torso and saw the same results.

"Urgh, more flexibility requires more control"

He spent the next hour running around while quickly changing direction before finally finding that sweet spot.

"Okay let's test rage"

His vision turned red with blood splats at the corners. He took a step forward and felt his feet sink into the dirt with cracks around his foot. He took a deep breath and loosed his body before sprinting around.

*Thud, Thud, Thud. . . . *

He then performed a bunch of kicks and punches before the effect disappeared.

"Strength is around 900lbs, speed is around 60mph. With hyper-awareness, all my senses combine to create a radar that reports life-threatening situations. A perfect skill to use when things go wary"

He then pulled out the 3 shield plates from his inventory. The moment he did so the plates flew into his body. In the bottom left of his vision was a floating shield plate with ×3 on the side.

*Ring, Ring*

"Hello, yes this is Thomas Blair. Nintendo?!"

"On behalf of Mr Furukawa, It is with great pleasure that we officially invite Mr Blair to be a part of the Nintendo family"

"Thank you for the invite but I will have to decline"

"Are you sure, the terms are very generous?"

"Joining the Nintendo family is an amazing opportunity but the games I want to create in the future would not reflect the family fun brand Nintendo had built. For that, I'll have to decline"

"I understand Mr Furukawa had anticipated your answer and would like for you to produce an exclusive game for Nintendo"

"Hmm I'm curious you know I don't have a team anymore so what did Nintendo see in my now solo dev team Vendetta"

"Mr Blair everyone knows that you were the heart and soul of the team. That much is obvious with the last two games still having the quality of when you had a team. To answer your question it's your creativity"

"Thank you for the compliments but I cannot accept full exclusivity instead let us agree on 3 months"

"Please hold. . . Nintendo agrees but has its terms"

"Understandable as long as they are not outrageous then I will do my part"

"The game must be ready before September. It is required to have a co-op, free in-game exclusive Nintendo items and be a dungeon game that does not correlate to previous games created by you. Nintendo will pay $40,000"

"hmm... If I get it done before this Christmas can it be double?"

"Cough, sorry sir did you say this Christmas? As in 3 months?"


"Please hold for a second. . . . Sorry for the wait Mr Blair. As long as it does not affect the quality then Nintendo will be ready to pay $95,000. Is there a time at which we can meet?"

"I'm free all week, let's meet at Gotham, Park Row Theater?"

"Gotham, Park Row! Cough is there another place we could meet"

"Starbucks on Old Avenue. It has a police station sitting on the opposite side"

"Um is it possible to meet outside of Gotham? Say, New York City somewhere around Chelsea?"

"Sure, send me the details"

"Of course, we'll keep in touch"

"Thank you I hope we will be able to cooperate well"



Hope you enjoyed thank you for reading