Another week had passed. During that time, he had been working on the game for Nintendo. He decided to go with the underrated Crypt Of The Necrodancer.
Crypt Of The Necrodancer is a turn-based roguelike rhythm game that was initially seen as just another gimmick but on release, everyone was pleasantly surprised by how fun and integral the "gimmick" was.
Creating the game wasn't that difficult sure it required two days of no sleep to build the game mechanics, particularly with the code just randomly not doing what it's supposed to do.
For the art, he made a filter that was then applied to a bunch of the Enter The Gungeon assets. Despite the changes, it still looked like another generic pixel dungeon game so he made the difficult decision to change its art style and went with the borderlands comic style to give it some character. The art took him 3 days of no sleep before he was satisfied.
After the art, he had to tackle the biggest problem with Crypt Of The Necrodancer, difficulty.
The difficulty for Crypt Of The Necrodancer is simply disastrous game planning with four of the 14 characters only having a %1 completion. He made the necessary changes to the other ten characters. To give players a chance to beat bosses in their first attempt he made it so a silhouette of the boss's move sets would play out twice before stepping into the agro range.
The last thing he's yet to finish is the music. He had managed to copy all the music used in Crypt Of The Necrodancer but there isn't a lot. He had put out a request to talented artists on his socials with the required tempo and beats.
The internet cafe has begun to take shape with the help of Nintendo, Xbox and Playstation providing consoles for free with a bundle of well-known games. He also got over 300 gaming chairs and monitors. The furniture for the second floor had already been installed. In the centre of the wall made of vending machines was a wall of neatly stacked microwaves, ovens, boiling water and utensils. The PCs and arcade machines were set to arrive today.
His rewards for the last 6 days were as followed.
{Day 1: $10, IVM Porridge, IVM KitKat, IVM Mushroom & Chicken Soup, IVM Lemon Soap, $50}
{Day 2: IVM Black Blanket, IVM Sleeping bag, $5, IVM Winter Glover, IVM Flint & Steele}
{Day 3:IVM Coke Can, IVM Sprite Can, IVM Fanta Can, IVM Dr Pepper Can, IVM 7-Up Can}
{Day 4: Nothing}
{Day 5: BO1 Jammer, $1000, IVM Mini Torch, 10x IVM Machines, 3ply Toilet Paper, }
{Day 6: Nothing}
Once again Thomas woke up in his cabin and took three breaths before signing in.
{Daily Sign-in: IVM White T, IVM Black T, IVM White Camo T, IVM Hot Doritos }
{Weekly Sign In MW19 – Rose Skin, Ghosts – Honeybadger, BO1 Ballistic Knives}
{Modern Warfare 2019 Rose Skin: The infamous skin dawned by corner camping sweats. Muffled movement in the dark. Travel between shadows. Increases durability against blunt attacks. Note it's shifting between shadows and not moving in the shadows. The max distance between shadows is ten meters}
{Ghosts Honeybadger: An assault rifle from the infamous Ghosts. Integrated suppressor, full auto, semi-auto and burst. Using cod logic bullets are only depleted when shot not when the mag is replaced. 30-round mag with 230 bullets spare. To replenish bullets complete weapon challenges}
{Black Ops Ballistic Knife: Black Ops introduced wager matches that gave birth to a rise of knifers who sharpened their blades to the sounds of screams and slurs. The ballistic knife is a weapon that projects knives but can also be used to quickly stab enemies. Comes with three projectile knives. A one-meter lunge. After each kill gain, a short boost in movement, auto picks up knives when the body killed by the projectile is at the host's feet }
{Congrats on your first Cod Weapons. When a weapon is used for combat a challenge will appear. Completing challenges replenishes ammo and will either be rewarded with a camo/skin or an attachment. The challenge will change for every combat}
While nodding to himself he gave an excited reply "This looks like a ton of fun"
While standing in his cabin he pulled out the ballistic knife and took the one with a big red button on the side into his right hand while holding the pair in a back grip with his left hand.
He repeatedly threw it up and caught it a few times enabling his hands time to get used to the weight before spinning it around his hand to understand its balance.
He then moved on to doing slashes, stabs, blocks and parries before finely pressing the button that shot out a knife going at surprising speed.
"Oi isn't this spring-powered how come it moved like it was shot from a 160 lb draw bow? And the reload is also too easy for a small spring to produce that much energy"
[Host is recommended not to use logic when using Systems products]
"Duly noted, now let's try this skin"
In his hands was a hard shell carbon fibre mask that had no special look to it. He raised the bask to his face before spikes came out from his shadow and encased his body. His skin was wrapped in a thin black breathable black latex with his wrist being the only thing naked. He had black paint around his eyes and on his lips.
He then took the elevator down to the first floor and turned the lights on. Looking at the many shadows cast within his ten-meter range he decided to go with the closest Arcade cabinet. While placing his foot down on a desk's shadow.
Taking a deep breath his body instantly collapsed into the shadow before a thin line shot across the floor where it reached the Arcade cabinets shadow. From that shadow, Thomas appeared.
When Thomas came out he felt like his body had been frozen to chill while shifting but the moment he popped out his body temperature returned to normal. He then shifted between shadows a dozen times before wanting to try something new.
While standing in a shadow he pulled out his ballistic knife and shot it before collapsing and reappearing in the flying knife's shadow. After essentially spawning he quickly spun and recaptured the knife in the ballistic knife handle.
After recapturing the he gave a delighted smile as he repeated the process a hundred times with his figure despawning and spawning around the room.
"Now that's fucking cool!"
He didn't bother testing the honey badger simply because he did not want to waste any ammo.
Giving a mental command the rose skin melted off his skin and fell into his shadow while the mask plopped off and fell into his hands.
With the skin sorted he began his morning routine which was made up of performing the many martial arts he had learnt in his lifetime. Due to now being under the system's influence training no longer increases his strength, stamina and speed. Thankfully the System did not influence his muscle memory.
After 4 hours of training, he stopped at Zubway and ordered 1 of every sandwich. He got straight back to work on the game. He first played it to find any bugs and glitches. Then played it again noting whenever he thought something redundant or needed improving.
This took him three hours before opening up his second business email with over a thousand unread emails from musicians. He had a big lunch made up of takeaway pizzas from all over Gotham while listening to the submitted songs.
Today was the expected delivery for his PCs and arcade machines. At 07:00 pm his delivery finally arrived. After an hour and a half of installation, his Internet cafe was officially ready to open.