It was early morning, the sun had just barely risen and Thomas was hard at work. He vacuumed, broomed, fluffed, dusted and polished every nook and cranny.
He tested every single Pc and Arcade machine. Put up a bunch of framed posters and neon signs on the wall. Checked on the rooms and pod rooms.
At 6 am Smoke Screen internet cafe was officially opened. Not even a minute passed before a small figure rushed through the door.
Thomas looked at who his first customer was and saw a child. Long scruffy brunette hair wearing an oversized shirt that used to be white but was now an ugly brown with a red blood splats. Ghostly pale white skin clung to her small and bony frame. Mud and derbie from the street stuck to her feet.
As she ran in her eyes darted around the room. She then spots the vending machines filled with food and sprints at it before jumping 6ft into the air as a pair of two metallic claws popped out from her knuckles. While falling towards the vending machine she thrusts her claws expecting an easy entry. Instead, the feeling of hitting an indestructible wall was felt as all the strength she put in bounced back and caused her arms to go numb.
The little girl did not hesitate as a low snarl was heard before she angrily swiped her claws hoping to open the vending machine. After many swipes tears start to fall as she begins to sniffle.
Thomas steadily walks up to her "Do you need help?"
The girl promptly turned around while in a fighting stance.
Putting his hands up with five dollars in his right hand "I'm not armed. I'll get the food for you"
The child cautiously let him pass. Thomas gave a worrisome smile and then put his five dollars in.
"What do you want?"
The child looked at the vending machine as her dark brown eyes shone with greed and her stomach gave a loud growl.
"Okay, five dollars will not be enough so I'm gonna reach into my pocket and grab my bank card. Don't stab me, Okay?"
The child didn't react and simply watched cautiously as he reached for his pocket pulled out a wallet and fished out his bank card. Using his card he ordered 10 cans of tuna, 20 KitKats, 20 Snickers and 10 Chicken & Mushroom Soup pots. All of that cost him $58.
After a few seconds of listening to the sound of the orders tumbling out, he bent down and collected everything. He stepped back and jokingly said "A feast for a gentle soul like yourself"
The girl moved quickly as she swiftly shredded the wrapping around the chocolates before stuffing her face. Just as she was about to feast on her third chocolate bar Thomas snatched all the chocolate from her.
The girl quickly slashed towards the retreating hand that grabbed her food. Thomas responded by lightly tapping her wrist away. The child slashed with the other hand which led to another well-timed parry. The girl then dropped to a lower stance as she threw a vicious kick toward Thomas's crotch.
Thomas quickly grabbed the foot but from it, a single metallic claw pierced his hand completely through.
"FU-FRICK!!" Shouted Thomas as a cold sensation rushed through his body.
The girl froze as she stared at the blood that gushed out from Thomas's hand that then slid down her foot and onto her legs. Her claws retracted back as the hole left behind quickly healed. She fell back on her butt, brought her knees up and hid her face as she sobbed quietly.
Thomas quickly took three deep breaths leading to his punctured hand to heal just as fast as the girls did. Thomas grabbed four soup pots, opened the sachets and filled them with boiling water.
He then put it at the girl's feet and said "Eat up kid and don't even worry about my hand"
He showed his hands hoping to calm her down.
The girl wiped her tears and greedily grabbed the soup pots "It's Laura"
"It's Laura not kid," She said before scooping the soup up with her spoon
"Careful, it's hot"
"Ah h-h-hot" She frantically fanned her tongue
Thomas quickly passed her the bottle of spring water which she chugged down. After a few seconds of blowing into her soup, she got tired of waiting and lifted the cup of soup to her face before making it disappear.
*Gulp, gulp, gulp, shlooop*
She quickly grabbed the other cups of soup and began to feast.
While she ate Thomas went to the vending machine that provided clothes. He got black jeans, White T-shirt and a Grey Parker Jacket. He then got a bunch of toiletry stuff and put everything in a bag.
"You done eating?" Asked Thomas
Laura nodded
"Are you on the run?"
Laura hesitated before nodding again
"You can stay here if you want?"
She shook her head and quickly replied "When they find me they'll kill you"
"It's nice of you to worry about me but I'm not so easily killed. How old are you by the way?"
"Do you have any family you can go to?"
"I have an Aunty but she has a daughter and I don't want them to be in danger. My mum gave me this before she died, she said this guy is my dad" Laura showed a group photo with some obvious mutants while pointing at a scruffy guy standing next to a bald man in a wheelchair.
For the first time, she gave a genuine smile as she reminisced "Mom said all my abilities come from him but I'm better"
"Okay, you'll stay here while searching for your Dad. Luckily for you, this is the best city if you don't want to be found. I'll have to be ready for the Bat when he comes to ask questions. First things first get yourself cleaned up, follow me"
Laura then followed Thomas to his log cabin where he then left her with the bag to clean herself up.
30 minutes later she reappeared with her skin now squeaky clean, her hair full of life and bounce. Wearing black jeans and an oversized white t-shirt.
Thomas while clapping enthusiastically he complimented "From street rat to house rat"
Laura gave him the stink eye
Thomas ignored it as he shut the place down "You know today was my opening day oh well"
Crouching down with his back towards her he said "Jump on I can't be seen forcing a kid to walk barefoot that just asking for trouble. Come on, I don't have all day I still got a shop to run"
Laura then wrapped her arms around his neck while her legs wrapped around his waist. He could feel her erratic heartbeat and her nervous shaking before it calmed down as she rested her face on his back.
Thomas surprisingly heard a muffled "Thank you"
Thomas chuckled and pulled his turtle neck up covering his face. "We'll get you some nice clothes and shoes to match your bubbly personality"
Laura's calm breathing once again became erratic as she tightened her grip.
"Cough, ah sorry, sorry but if you don't reply I'm gonna continue"
"Y-your annoying," She said angrily
Thomas laughed ignoring the little monster who continued to tighten her grip hoping to shut him up.