Disappearance of Leveling Function

Once candidates had been qualified, they were allowed to campaign and present their platforms and visions for the future of the unified lands. Fein encouraged a spirited and respectful campaign, where candidates engaged in debates, town hall meetings, and rallies to connect with the people and gain their support.

On the day of the election, eligible citizens exercised their right to vote, casting their ballots to choose their preferred candidates. Fein ensured that the voting process was secure, transparent, and accessible to all, implementing measures such as voter registration, precincts, and the use of reliable voting machines or manual ballots.

The term of the president and vice president was set at six years, with a maximum of one re-election. This allowed the elected leaders ample time to implement their policies, initiatives, and reforms while ensuring a healthy turnover of power and preventing prolonged stays in office that could lead to abuses of power.