Unexpected Recruitment

Fein's eyes narrowed as another realization dawned on him. "And it's not just my growth that's been affected," he continued, his voice laced with concern. "The level up function in my system has vanished. I can no longer gain experience points, even if I were to defeat powerful SS-rank creatures."

Michael's brows furrowed, his jovial expression giving way to a more serious demeanor. "That's certainly unexpected," he mused, his mind working to grasp the implications of Fein's predicament. "It seems the path to further advancement has been blocked for you and is for me. I want to step down as the captain of Ranger's Eye."

As the words hung in the air, Fein's surprise was evident. Michael, the steadfast captain of the renowned Ranger's Eye, had just revealed his intention to step down from his revered position. Fein's eyebrows furrowed as he leaned forward, a mixture of curiosity and concern etched on his face.