Her name is Jasmine

What about those who live in luxury, are pampered, and are cherished? What about those who live in the dirt and mud, making a living every day just hoping to have a full meal? All are human. Maybe it's just that one is better than the other. Yet, in the midst of a prosperous city, there are people who denigrate the work of others. Those individuals regard the effort that people put in to this work day and night as a pleasure. If it's fun, then there's nothing to worry about.

But if you think about it, it's not wrong! The people living in this red light district are not very nice. In a street soaked in sexual colors, everywhere you can hear the sound that makes people blush and dare not stop and listen, the blatant invitation of the people who do this job to make a living. It's true. No one can tell the world about their work with an arrogant face. A district that just by hearing the name, people also associate with cheapness and the mundane.

Aberick City's red light district, however, is more than that. People gossip and whisper to each other about a girl who lives in this place. Among the common people, she is like a pure and beautiful primrose, noble and unstained by the dust of the world. It is said that that girl can take away the souls of everyone who has ever seen her, regardless of whether they are male or female. That girl has a lovely name, just like her own person! Her name is Jasmine.

Those who have never met her wonder how they can know her beauty and beauty. The hair is as black as the night of the Joghtunham on starless nights, making those who set sail at sea not know the direction. Her eyes are as bright as the starlight of the calm sky. No! Even the brightest star in the sky could not compare to her eyes. No one can escape those eyes. They voluntarily put their souls back with Jasmine.

No one knows when Jasmine came to this city. If someone asks one of the oldest prostitutes in this red-light district, they will most likely hear about a ragged, dirty-faced girl who was sold into this place by a woman. No one could have imagined that one day she would become the lovely Jasmine of the red light district, full of wonderful people.

No one knows what her real name is. Maybe Jasmine herself doesn't even remember. People living in this red-light district can't use their real names. In the eyes of the homeowners, their real name is something that is not worth mentioning. Country names cannot make guests excited after hearing them. So, having come to this place, I will have to change my name, as well as leave my own past behind.

A cheer resounded in the air. The flickering light of the oil lamps that were gradually being lit attracted the eyes of those standing on the street. The sound of drums and guitars coming from Normen's house made many people look dumbfounded. Miss Jasmine has arrived!

The room was hidden behind a tree. The moonlight gently shone on the window frame, reflecting the silhouette of a beautiful young woman. There was no need to see the young woman's face; just looking at her figure under the silver moonlight was enough to make many people lose their minds. The curtain was lifted, and Jasmine stretched out her small hand. Her skin was as white as a pearl on the bottom of the sea, and even the most skilled fisherman could not find a pearl that could match her skin.

Moments later, black eyes appeared, with half of Jasmine's face peeking out from behind the curtains of the room. A crowd of people gathered around her. They pointed, they waited. There were people who came to this red-light district just to see her once. Just by seeing her, they were satisfied.

The drum sounded again. More and more people gathered around the door of Jasmine's room. The curtain was lifted up, and the beautiful body and the graceful face of a beauty appeared in the silver moonlight, taking away the souls of those standing below. Jasmine appeared, the crowd around her screaming. They stood huddled together, one stepping on the other. Everyone wished they could have had the blessing of holding her hand once. In the crowded red-light district, only the street in front of Jasmine's room had a group of people gathered together.

"You don't have to jostle. According to the old Normen's rule, whoever bids higher gets to see Jasmine tonight."

Landlady Norman's voice rang out, her voice low and hoarse but still audible. Jasmine sat in her room, her arms propped up on the windowsill, her dark eyes looking down at the chaotic scene below. Today, the number of people coming to this place is a bit higher. They kept bidding. The amount had also reached an amount she didn't think would be so much.


A small sound sounded outside the wooden door. It took a lot of listening to hear someone calling her. Jasmine opened the door, and outside was a blonde girl. Her figure is thin, and her face is not as full as other girls of the same age. Jasmine smiled slightly, leaning slightly, and let the blonde girl into her room.

"Andale, is something wrong?"

She spoke in a low voice, as if Jasmine didn't want to frighten her. The blonde girl, called Andale, rushed inside. The little girl who had just come here today, seeing the chaotic scene below, could not help but feel scared. Jasmine understood that, after all, she was someone who had been through these things. The first day she was sold to the Normen's house, she also saw the scene of the men stepping on each other, just because one night they saw the beauty of the Normen's house at that time.

Jasmine opened a drawer, took out an orange candy, and put it in Andale's hand. The little girl's small hand took the candy, and her blue eyes filled with tears as she looked up at the gentle Jasmine stroking her hair. Jasmine was sold to this place, apparently about the same age as Andale at that time, maybe even younger. She had never forgotten that feeling of fear of being sold into the red-light district.

Jasmine is not originally from this country, Joghtunham. Her homeland is a beautiful land surrounded by the great sea. When she was a child, whenever she woke up, Jasmine would go to the beach, listen to the sound of the waves crashing on the moss-covered mountains, and listen to the whispering wind blowing on the white sand. Her hometown was so beautiful!

But, when the storm comes, who knows in advance? War, followed by mourning, fell to protect the remaining peace. She followed in her parents' footsteps, leaving her hometown. They went and went for a long time. So long ago that every time Jasmine remembered, she could only remember her elderly father, holding the woman he loved most, sinking into a sea of fire, burning with a red color. Jasmine is alone. Her father is gone. Her mother no longer needs her.

The person who sold her into this red-light district was the one she called "auntie", the only younger sister of her mother. The family has many people who are unable to feed themselves. The aunt could only sell her to this place, hoping to earn some money to live on. So, she came to Aberick's red-light district like that. It's been over ten years already.

The sound below was no longer as bustling as before. Perhaps the crowd of auctioneers below was no longer crowded. Those who stay are the ones with the money. Jasmine, looking in the mirror, is also looking at herself. Andale stood beside her, helping her comb her hair. In this place full of blondes and blue-eyed girls, a girl like Jasmine is really hard to find. It cannot be denied that the landlady of the Normen's house got a good deal when she paid twenty gold coins that day to buy her.

"Jasmine, are you ready yet? The landlady reminded me to come and tell you that someone is waiting."

"It's all done. You can report it to the landlady. I will be right there."

Jasmine stood up, taking one last look at herself in the mirror before walking out of the room. Little Andale was still holding the wooden comb in her hand. Andale's blue eyes followed her, a little frightened. Jasmine just smiled softly, her smile like a spring breeze. She patted Andale's head and opened the door, following the girl in front of her to the hidden room. The wooden door opened, and inside was a man sitting on a wooden chair. Looking at the man's appearance, there was a feeling of a man of dignity, unlike those who had been to the Normen's house before. Jasmine closed the door, bare feet on the wooden floor, and slowly approached the man.