Her world turned out to be the same as his.

Will didn't understand why, when he saw Jasmine's eyes, he felt extremely guilty. Perhaps, because when he looked into her deep black eyes, he seemed to see his guilt. She was originally not involved in the so-called fight for the right to fight. The palace, where outsiders look, will show the splendour and magnificence. But the people inside were only found rotting and stinking. How strange! The place that seemed to be beautiful and touching was just a cover to hide the rottenness and ugliness.

Jasmine has never been to the palace, nor has she been to such luxurious places. But she somehow understood, because where she had lived, it was the same. The Red Light District is the street of sublimation and debauchery. From the outside looking in, the red light district is filled with lights and flowers. The red and yellow light makes people's hearts tired. But inside, how many people are still clean? Jasmine stretched her hand forward, feeling the cool sea breeze. She was no different from anyone in that red-light district. She had also run away, had also given up. She had cried and laughed too. She had lived in the red light district for almost ten years. What should be seen has already been seen. Things not to try, she had already tried. Of this body of hers, how many parts were still clean? Even she herself did not know.

A smile appeared on Jasmine's face, and she sat down on the deck, letting the wind blow through her dark hair. She became the beauty of the red light district just because of her appearance. In this country, there are few people with black hair and black eyes like her. And if so, how many people have her beauty? Jasmine used to really like her appearance, but now she doesn't like it anymore. Her appearance was what made her lose her freedom.

The starlight was bright, but in the distance, there was a lonely star, standing alone in the sky. So strange! She looked at the star standing alone in the pitch-black sky, feeling it like the man sitting next to her.

Jasmine wasn't sure if she was sentimental either, but she felt she understood Will, at least in terms of his feelings. In the palace, servants, but how many people really understand him? Perhaps the one who understood him was no longer beside him.

What is the feeling of seeing the person you love being taken by your own father? Jasmine doesn't know. She had never experienced it, so she dared not say she understood. But the feeling of being alone in her own home, she understood. because she's been through it too.

After her mother died, Jasmine lived with her aunt. Her family has many children, but her husband can not feed another mouth. So her aunt sold her to the red light district. Jasmine has been living with her aunt's family for three months, which is not much time, but it is enough for her to feel that in that family, no one likes her. Jasmine was not allowed to sleep in the bed. Every night, she could only sleep in the stable, huddled in the haystack, looking for warmth. She could only eat two meals a day, and she did all the chores around the house. Despite living with relatives, Jasmine was never taken care of. No one wanted to talk to her. In their eyes, she was nothing more than a servant.

Because there was no love, her aunt decided to sell her to the red light district. That year, her husband was sick, and she did not want her eldest son to work hard. There was not much food left in the house. So, my aunt sold her. Jasmine had no idea her aunt would sell her into that lust-filled place at the time. She only knew that the place her aunt took her to was very beautiful. Crowds of people, the sound of drums and lutes, echoed throughout the alley on the main road. Jasmine thought that her aunt was taking her out.

Thinking back, her heart was filled with a cold feeling. The outing her aunt took her on was long, ten years. She couldn't even come home. Stepping out of the red light district, she was like a mouse, trying to run and run. In the end, there was still no escape. She could only accept one fact, that she was abandoned. Her only "relatives" had chosen to abandon her, to save their shaky lives.

Sunshine gradually appeared from the corner of the horizon. The coldness of the dark night was also gradually warmed up. Will looked at the sun, watching it slowly leave the sea and rise up into the sky. It seemed a little warm, too, he thought.

When Jasmine got up, she pulled on her silk robe and said that she was going into the room to wake up the real Andale. Will nodded. He was still sitting on the deck watching the sunrise. Not until his servant came, saying breakfast was prepared. Simple breakfast on board, can't say the dishes are hearty. Floating in the middle of the sea like this, it's good to have something to eat and put it in your mouth.

Everyone sat down to eat. Everyone ate their share. No one talked to anyone. There were only a few sailors talking to each other about the upcoming route. Will put another slice of bread on Andale's plate. She felt more confused than him, her eyes were also more alive than yesterday. Jasmine stroked Andale's blond hair, and she looked over at Will, smiling lightly. Rarely did anyone care about Andale like that, because in their eyes, she was of little value.

"How long until we get there?"

Jasmine helped the kitchen girls clean up the dishes, conveniently asking Will a question.

"Tomorrow will be landing."

"So I will see the king tomorrow?"

"No. It's not time yet. "

Jasmine paused slightly. She glanced at Will, seemingly waiting for an answer from him. Will leaned against the door, the light shining on his statue-like body momentarily making others fall in love. He slowly turned his head, just in time to meet hers.

"We are going to my own house in the suburbs. You need to learn manners before going in to see the king."

Therefore, it was. Jasmine nodded. Perhaps her figure was tinged with too much style, every step, every gesture was not as precise as the ladies who were strictly instructed. Will needed to correct her, it was not difficult to understand. If not, she was afraid that just by looking at it, everyone will know that she is not what kind of lady.

The boat drifted for another day, and early the next morning, they arrived at the harbour.

This was the first time Jasmine has been to the harbour like this. Crowds of people pass by, stalls selling fish, fruit, and sales pitches. So strange! Jasmine walked beside Will's party, her eyes darting around, wanting to run out to buy this and that. Suddenly, Will stopped at a store. He stood there for a while, then left the housekeeper to take Jasmine back to the manor first. Although a little curious, Jasmine didn't ask anything. She slowly took Andale's hand and walked with the housekeeper to Will's estate.

Another horse-drawn carriage took almost half a day to arrive. The house is large, hidden in the pine forest, three times the height of a person's head, and it is difficult for sunlight to penetrate the canopy to shine down.

Jasmine's room was an upstairs room, simply decorated inside. The housekeeper informed her that this was the room that Prince Will had requested she prepare two days prior. Jasmine thought to herself, did he prepare this room the night he came to meet her at the Normen brothel?

"Inside is the clothes we chose for Lady Jasmine. The bath is also prepared. Miss, take a shower and rest. "

A maid stood outside the door, politely knocking twice before opening it and entering. Jasmine opened the closet door, inside were all the luxurious cloths that she had never worn before. Every delicate seam, even the fabric, is a rare fabric. The maid approached, looking at Jasmine's confused look. She chose a pink outfit for herself. Apparently, this colour really suits her. Indeed, Jasmine's fair skin goes well with colours like these. In fact, her skin colour is suitable for any colour.

Soaking in the hot tub, Jasmine felt her whole body relax, so comfortable that she wanted to take a nap. She leaned back, her whole body submerged in the water. The bath foam covers part of her body, but it seems to make her more attractive.

"Miss, Prince Will wants to see you."

The butler stood outside, speaking slowly. He was old. His movements were also very slow. But his calm demeanour made others feel safe.

"I'll be right out."

Jasmine had just finished putting on the clothes that the maid had chosen earlier, opened the door and walked out. Will sat on her bed, looking at her figure. He was a bit dumbfounded. Perhaps, even he himself did not think that she would be so beautiful. Her hair was still slightly wet and the water droplets slid on her smooth white skin, making it difficult for others to control the rising desire in their hearts.

"I wonder if the prince wants to see me."

She slowly walked over to him, the corners of her lips curled up into a small smile.

"This one, I think, suits you very well."

The gift in his hand was a jade hairpin. The brooch is a bit old-fashioned but very sophisticated. The pearls attached to it are also of the highest quality.