This is the right time

A peaceful month, it seems that nothing is worth talking about. Every day, Jasmine was taught by the teachers to teach them the manners of being an elegant lady. It was a bit difficult at first, but later on, nothing could make it difficult for her.

Jasmine remembered the teacher who taught her how to walk like a lady. It was an elderly woman, her face exuding an undisguised nobility. As soon as she saw that teacher, Jasmine felt that she was not done. Indeed, the woman taught her many things. From gestures to gait, to every step. Every time she made a mistake, she would be beaten. The first night, Jasmine went to bed with dull pains in her arms and legs.

In fact, those wounds are nothing. The days at the Normen brothel were the days when she was beaten more than that. There were times when, because she did not agree with the customer's preferences, she was beaten by them with a whip. Fortunately, Jasmine is not a person with weak skin, beaten like that, she did not leave too many scars.

Time passed again. She has been at Prince Will's estate for more than half a year. Several times, she was able to meet people from the royal family who came here. There were people who make Will laugh, there were people who appear to only make him more uncomfortable. Jasmine was no fool, she understood how those people were related to Will. She was always in her little room, quietly watching those who came here and those who left. But no one saw her. Will didn't like her appearing in front of other people, and, of course, Jasmine completely obeyed him.

This year, it was cold early. It's only September, but there are already winter winds. Dusty raindrops flutter in the middle of the old forest. Jasmine first saw a forest in the rain. The water fell on the thick foliage, sliding to the ground. The smell of damp earth in the rain brought up the smell of thrones, but familiar. When she was a child, she used to watch the rain. The drops fell to the sea surface, forming concentric circles before quietly disappearing. Drop by drop, drop by drop, like dancing fairies.

"Miss Jasmine, can we ask you a favour?"

Suddenly, a maid entered her room, and Jasmine lowered the book in her hand, her eyes widening slightly. She asked slowly, what happened?

Prince Will was sick. The doctor said he had leprosy. Although it was nothing serious, it was still necessary to observe for many more days in case the condition worsens.

Anyway, it's just a cold, nothing worth talking about. But Will doesn't like taking drugs. The servants who brought the medicine in were all scolded by him and then kicked out. They also ran out of ways, so they went to find Jasmine, wanting her to coax Prince Will to take medicine.

Jasmine looked at the black potion. Just by looking at it, she could tell how bitter the potion was. Jasmine opened her locker and took out an orange candy. She often carried this candy with her, usually for the children at the Normen brothel, but now only for Andale. Jasmine did not think that one day she would take this candy to comfort an adult like Will.

Will's room was on the top floor of the mansion. Jasmine and the maid walked up there. She took the medicine bowl, knocked on the door three times, and then went inside. He lay on the bed. He was uncomfortable. His face was already red. Will was running a fever.

"I don't take drugs. Didn't you hear anything?"

Hearing footsteps, he grumbled. Jasmine wasn't a weak person either, she pulled back the curtains and sat beside his bed. The scent of primrose wafted through the air, causing Will to open his eyes a little. In front of him sat Jasmine. In her hand was the bowl of medicine that the other maid had made.

"Even if it was you, I wouldn't take drugs."

Jasmine heard him say that, silently saying nothing. Whether he wanted to take the drug or not, it was none of her business. Jasmine brought a spoonful of medicine to his mouth, and Will firmly turned his head away from taking it. One gave the spoon and the other dodged.

She sighed. Originally just taking ordinary medicine, she didn't think it would be this difficult. Jasmine took a deep breath, brought the potion to her mouth, and took a large gulp. The bitter taste of the medicine rushed to her nose, making her almost choke.

Then she leaned down, and pressed her lips to Will's, prying his lips open, pushing the medicine inside. Will was stunned by this action of hers, so he drank all the medicine in her mouth. Jasmine found this to be effective, so she repeated it one more time until there was no more medicine left in the bowl.

"What are you doing? Do you know this medicine is not for normal people? What if you drink it and then something happens?"

Will frowned and yelled at her. Jasmine didn't say a word, but her slender fingers peeled off the orange candy and stuffed it into his mouth.

"If the prince doesn't want me to do that anymore, then you'll take the medicine by yourself tomorrow. If the prince doesn't drink, I will continue to do so."

Jasmine's character was tough, she said she would. Will saw nothing she could do about it, so he just agreed. Jasmine smiled lightly and placed her hand on his forehead. That medicine is really good medicine. He already has a fever. That way, she is also much more secure.

The servants standing outside saw the scene just now. No one dared to say a word. Prince Will is inherently a cold person. Anyone who comes near is scared by his temperament. No one thought that a girl he bought from the red light district would dare to do this. Perhaps, they have realised that Jasmine is more special than they thought. Because she's special, that's why she's unique.

Will's condition was much better less than a week later. Also, remember that the atmosphere in the house is much more comfortable. Jasmine has also completed her lessons. She now spends most of her time in her room, reading and drawing.

Jasmine loves to draw. This has been her hobby since childhood. In fact, Jasmine's drawing technique is not inferior to anyone's, her soft strokes are like an artist painting his masterpieces. But, it's like she only paints in her spare time, as if she wants to do something entertaining to pass the time.

Once, Will saw a picture she drew. A small house by the beach In the picture, the house is simple, a man is hugging a woman, and next to them is a lovely little girl. Will looked at him for a moment, and he realised that the girl was Jasmine. He seemed to know what this painting was trying to say. That was her childhood.

"Prince, when did you come in?"

He remembered that time she went out with Andale. When she got back to the room, her saw him holding the picture that her drew. Jasmine was not surprised. She slowly walked over, stowing the pictures on the table into a small notebook.

"Is this your house?"

Will pointed to the picture in his hand, his voice slow.

Jasmine nodded. She told him about her hometown. Even now, her hometown is no more, but she still can't stop thinking about the country that gave birth to her.

"Your parents, where are they?"

"No more."

Jasmine smiled softly, her smile a little sad. Her parents were both dead, or rather, her parents and an unborn younger brother left her. In fact, she couldn't even remember what their faces were like anymore. So in the picture, the man and the woman have no five senses.

"Really sorry. I don't know. "

Will softened his voice but received a shake of the head from Jasmine. Things like this, she was used to. Nor is it the first time someone has mentioned her family. Her relationship with other family members, even a few lines of explanation, is not enough.

A sound brought him back to reality. Will looked over at Jasmine, who was playing with Andale. In the cold winds of early winter, she was like a mischievous elf, slowly making his heart melt.

Will shook his head, what was he thinking? How long has his plan been in place, how can his heart be shaken? Ridiculous! He would never let himself be weak. Because the person he loves is still waiting for him to save.

Again, half a year passed. It's time for Jasmine to be brought into the palace. Since early morning, Will had asked the servants to change her clothes and make up for her. Looking at her now, everyone was dumbfounded. Perhaps, they had never seen such a beautiful girl. She was so beautiful that others would die for her.

Skin as white as pearls, face makeup is not fussy but highlights the soft lines on that face. In particular, the large and round black eyes, as if looking deep into the heart of the opposite person. A beautiful elf, so beautiful that no one thought she existed.