
He didn't move and my heart kept thumping harder and harder until I thought I would pass out on the tiled floor. 

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Gabrielle.

I should have just stayed in my room, but I decided to go sound hunting so late in the night. 

I wondered if it was mere curiosity that had led me to this place or that it was perhaps I had already guessed that it was him who would be playing and had dared take the risk to see him. 

Whatever the reason was, it was turning out to be one of the most foolish things I've ever done. 

He still didn't move and I suddenly wondered if he could really see me from his spot. 

Maybe I still had a chance to leave. 

Just as I started to inch my head away, the shadow suddenly moved. 


I panicked at the sound of my name, and even more when he reached to where I was in a blur.