
I woke up to the feeling of warmth beside me, I remembered Lucian had carried me back here last night. 

Oh god! 

Panic flared as all of the memories rushed through me. 

I had lied about being pregnant! Of all the lies in the world, it had to be just that. I had managed to get away with it last night, but for how long? 

The pills I had taken would keep me safe for another one month, so I couldn't even hope to miraculously get pregnant. After last night, I discovered that Lucian might not be that bad of a father as I thought he would be. Even though he didn't love me, he appeared to adore the baby he thought I was carrying. 

If he wasn't as immune to emotions as I thought he was, did it mean that there was still the slightest hope for us? 

Now that I fully accepted that I was going to be with him, maybe we could try to make us work?