
Silence followed. 

Whoever it was outside was either going away or thinking of a way to enter inside. Lucian met my gaze, then held a finger to his lips. 

My heart missed a beat when he started to approach the door slowly, his gun firmly clenched in his hand.

Panic jolted through me, why was he heading towards danger, whoever it was out there was probably armed, what if he gets hurt? Or killed? 

My heart clenched tightly in terror, I didn't want him to die. 

The door kicked open, splinters of wood flying everywhere, shortly followed by gunshots. 

My eyes were shut close, I didn't realize that the scream that rendered the air was mine until I felt a touch on my shoulders. My eyes flew open, words couldn't express the relief that soared through me when I saw Lucian. 

His arms went around me, almost the way one would hold a scared child.