
Everyone had been gathered today for the filming, Junho and Bae-Suji's groups were called first as they would have all the spotlight for a minute and a half before the other groups could enter, they were placed in the central platform, after their parts other trainee's would slowly join them by their respective platforms.

"Come on let's go up we're being called."

Junho had told the Class S students, they had begun respecting him, ever since group practices started he had been the one who initiated them to start instead of waiting for their instructors, needless to say he had also begun being friends with other girls as he felt that sooner or later they would intersect in the competition.


"What is it Jinyoung? You nervous?"

"A little bit"

"What about the rest of you guys?"

The group nodded as it was their first time to be on stage and being recorded, the fact that it would be a promotional music video made them anxious.

"Don't be, it's one hurdle down to our dreams alright?"

Junho knew there were still hidden cameras in the studio other than the ones currently following them, a camera was then placed in front of Junho and a producer asked him a question.

"So Junho what are you currently thinking?"

"I'm currently thinking on how to do my best!"

Junho gave them a warm smile, it was until then they were called on to the stage as filming was about to begin, they entered below the platform as it would automatically lift them up once Kim Heechul had finished his speech.

The Group then felt that the platform was coming up, it had meant that Heechul was done with his speech, as the centers Junho and Bae Suzy had their smiles already, as soon as the lights blinded them Junho immediately activated every skill in his arsenal to the fullest, he had even upgraded Enthrall once more.

As the song started people from the other side specifically the producers and trainers were amazed at his sudden change in aura.

"Wow, looks like someone will be NNet's favorite after this, I can already imagine the song topping the charts."

"Is it just me or does it feel like he knows where every camera is, I mean he knows what camera's are currently filming him."

"Hey JYP, where did you find this guy anyway."

"VTube, a lot of people can be scouted there it's up to you if you want to search for them."

"I know this is a contest but it looks like this is his debut stage, he makes everyone around him look like a back up dancer at this point."

"Well he now has to learn not to outshine his other groupmates in the future but I guess this is a good thing for now well only this instance since this a popularity contest after this I doubt he'll get less screentime."

The group of judges saw the entire thing but Junho didn't escape their vision as they would always secretly find him as if the song was really for him, he had already embodied the phrase 'Pick Me' and that they could do nothing about it, they saw how graceful he was and how everytime a camera was pointed at him he would either wink or flash a bright smile which caught them off guard.

As soon the filming was done they went out and congratulated everyone, everyone was not all smiles as some grumbled since they were at the bottom and Class D only had at most 30 seconds of screen time but still they had to accept it.

"You look like you're not satisfied."

"It's not that, don't worry about it."

Junho chuckled as Jinyoung asked him, he felt had abused his skill too much, he kept looking at the camera's that were rolling, he had learned that his skill would sense the camera with the best angle as soon as he felt that eery feeling, he would immediately shift his head and gaze unto the camera making the producers feel that they should include every shot he was in as much as possible.

"I guess we're gonna have a three days break huh."

"Well Yeah."

As soon as they said that JYP approached them.

"The two of you come here."

People that had noticed wondered what was up, they instantly thought of theories and wondered what could have gotten them in trouble this time, Junho and Jinyoung looked at each other and wondered why, they immediately followed him into a room where the three of them including an NNET producer.

"Did we do something wrong?"

"No it's the opposite, I want to congratulate you two, I've registered Double J already, I was originally gonna name you two Project JJ but I guess Double J was debuted in the production"

JYP then nodded at the NNET producer.

"Actually we want you to perform 'Tomorrow, Today' three weeks from now, the producers, JYP has agreed to help you advertise this song, well mostly for us, we think if we released this after Episode 1 and the Promo Video airs it'll create hype around the show as well for you two, here is the contract."

Junho grabbed it and read the fine print, he then gave it to Jinyoung who had begun reading it slowly, the two then looked at it and nodded.

"Alright as long as we get our share then we'll agree to releasing it."

"Good choice."

Junho and Jinyoug signed the paper and the pair shook hands with the producer, the two were then instructed to get ready soon, before they left JYP had given them words of advice to continue what they were doing as they were on the right trajectory, the two then left.

As they were returning Kim Chung-ha waved at Junho and motioned for him to come to her, Jinyoung shrugged his shoulders and left not minding Junho's business, Junho wondered what she was gonna say and went to her.

"For you."

"What is it?"

Kim Chung-ha gave him an envelope, he activated his skills and sighed in relief that there were no camera's in sight, he accepted the envelope.

"My Job here is done."

Chung-ha had left him alone already, being impatient when it comes to these things Junho immediately opened the contents, he flinched and chuckled as it was Bae Su-Ji and Shon Seung-wan's number he looked at the back and saw it there were messages.

'Thanks for taking care of us, hope you remember me when you debut. Chung-ha'

'I hope we sing together in the future! Seung-wan'

'Yeah I admit you're better than me but you still owe me. Su-Ji'

'Thanks' Yu-na'

'I have nothing in mind so I'm just gonna write this. Chaeyoung'

"Well, let's not text them this time I don't want my number being spread around for now."