
"Alright everyone is here, boys, look at to your left, then girls look at to your right, what do you see? Right you see the opposite of your gender today, but we today are going to do an exchange of songs!"

Everyone clapped, some were somewhat excited, some flinched and some felt it was kinda unexpected, Boys performing Girly concepts and vice versa, Junho didn't expect this kind of twist for his third week, yes it was his third week, after shooting the promotional video everyone was given the remaining three days off but what they didn't know they were still being evaluated during the time.

"All right to be fair to everyone the top five from each group will be segregated which means they won't be in one team together, and to make things interesting even more the people not at the top five get to choose which team they would like!"

Everyone nodded in agreement, to Junho he didn't mind but wandered if he could pull of an 'Aegyo' but he knew that won't stop him and accepted the challenge.

"But! The Top Five from each get to choose which song they will cover!"

Everyone then again was a bit lost but they soon looked at the top five and prayed that the song they chose was going to be suited for everyone, Heechul then looked at the top five and motioned for them to come forward, they followed his instructions and shortly they were at the front, soon the production staff brought in a whiteboard and marker.

"All right since Park Junho and Bae Su-Ji are the respective top one in their groups they get to pick which songs they like the most and they also get to choose how many member's they'll have"

"I Choose Bonamana! by S.J and I want 10 members"

Bae Su-Ji told everyone as she wrote it down, she then gave the marker to Junho who was in thought after thinking for a while he wrote down what came into his mind.

"I Choose 'Nobody' by GirlsWonder and 5 members"

Some cursed and started to compare and contrast Bae Su-Ji and Junho as Su-Ji was more lenient as she had 10 members while Junho only had 5, Junho didn't care that much as he thought of himself first for now.

"Ah right before some of you complain if you can't get in a group or a group is lacking members they have to deal with what they have, after the top five have chosen their songs and some of you have not decided which group to join you can form your own and inform which song you guys will perform."

Junho smiled and gave the Marker to Shon Seung-wan since she was in second place, he then was told to stand and wait till everyone of them could finish, after a while the rest of the trainee's were told to choose.

"All right it looks like we have 7 Boy groups and 6 Girl Groups, well here comes the last twist for the day, this is just a game! The top groups will have bonus points for their next ranking rounds and you only have this morning to practice and impress the judges later!"

Junho smiled as he knew it would come down to this, some also did, some also didn't, nonetheless they had to accept what was given, Junho smiled at his group which consisted of only two people he knew from his past life and two unknown members, which where Doh Kyung-soo, Boo Seung-kwan, Kim Eunseo, and Lee Hoon.

"Thank you for choosing me."

Junho politely bowed and as he greeted them.

"I actually was thinking of the same song, that's why I chose you thanks for choosing by the way."

"Yeah, I kinda wanted this song since it doesn't require us to dance that much and allows us to sing more."

Kyung-soo and Seung-kwan said while the other two were just silent the whole time.

"All right do you guys want to watch the video then assign our parts?"

Junho was given a tab, they nodded and followed him as they went to the corner to discuss the parts, as they were discussing Junho felt that it was going nowhere as everyone wanted to be the Main Vocalist and Lead Vocalist he felt a headache was coming sooner.

"All right I'll be choosing the rap part instead since you guys don't want it."

Junho resolutely told them, everyone thought he would also be joining the fight and if he did it would be troublesome.

"Are you sure Junho? You know I can ra-"

"I'll take it, now then I think it's best if the four of you sing the parts for the Main Vocalist first then we'll judge without bias who fits better and we'll do the same for the remaining parts and if you'd like the rap part we can do the same."

"I think that's a good decision."

"I agree."

"Can I go first?"

Kim Eunseo told everyone as even though he had been silent he knew he had the talent so he wanted to try his luck, the rest just nodded, and after awhile everyone had done their parts but.

"I think Junho-hyung should have his vote weigh two points, since we all know that we're still going to vote for ourselves and that it would result in a tie or so plus he voluntarily chose the rap part which has the least lines and he's the one that chose this song so it's fair his voice weighs more."

Junho didn't say anthing as soon as Lee Hoon had finished saying his piece although he didn't mind it but he knew he could pull it off without much difficulty.

"I don't mind if you guys want it that way besides."

"Besides what?"

"They didn't say we should actually sing it the way it should be sung they just said that we just choose a girl group song to cover other than that we're free to do how we should sing it."

"I guess."

"Yeah but let's cast our votes alright?"

So the group decided to vote, Kyung-soo got the Main Vocalist, Seung-kwan got the Lead Vocalist while the remaining two got the sub vocalist, the group then decided how to perform it, Lee Hoon and Kim Eunseo realized that Kyung-soo and Seung-kwan were tough acts to follow so they decided to stomach through it, they didn't want to challenge Junho since the four of them believed he had sacrificed already so they didn't push it.

"Is everyone satisfied? Alright now that everyone has their parts I think we should sing it this way."

Junho then decided to do everything teaching them how to sing it to get the maximum effect from the song, of course even if they couldn't pull it he was always ready to pick up the slack, everyone agreed and did their best they thought that what Junho taught them was much better than they initially thought of how to sing the song, they then began practicing for the performance.