
"Well that's the contract I squeezed them"

JYP said as 60% of the earnings from Junho's 'Everyday' and 'Really Really' would be his and the remaining 40% would be divided by NNET and JYP.

"To be honest I'll give you my 10%, I'll keep the 10% since you've only used NNET's resources which was smart, I'll only be responsible for distributing so 10% would be enough for me."

"Are we gonna make a music video?"

"After we're done here, I must say, You've proven me right, that You could bounce back, and lastly you're going to perform both songs after two weeks alongside 'Tomorrow ,Today'.

"Thanks, I'll do my best."

"Have you thought about it Junho? Whether you want to continue in being in a group or would you rather prefer go Solo?"

"I still want to be in a group but."


"I have an Idea."

Junho remembered a girl group where they debuted a new member each month and a sub unit after every three members or so, this would give them time to achieve success and ample amount of training, Junho then told JYP his plan.

"That is actually a good idea but that would mean."

"You would have to pull us out of here."

"I can't, well you've at least sealed your fate in debuting with NEXT."

"I know, we only have a year of promoting right?"

"Yes and everyone is aware you don't like Kyung-soo but don't worry about him."


"M.S. has contacted us and wanted to pull him out to sign with them he'll leave with a 'health' concern since they want him to debut in their boy group which would be around the end of this season, they did have to pay a hefty price though, but do you want to know why he hated you?"

"Yeah It kinda baffles me a bit, I've had my hunches but I can't confirm"

"It's because you're a control freak."

"A what."

"Look, You've been lucky that everyone you've chosen or your friends with you don't mind that you like things to go your way but that doesn't mean everyone would and Kyung-soo didn't like that."

"Well I guess, No, I do want to control things that I can"

"Yeah that's where your problem is, your leadership like I said is top notch but learn to let loose a bit give them room to breathe they'll follow what you want sooner or later."

"I understand."

"Learn that not everyone wants to be under control like how you don't listen to my advices during your weekly evaluations back then."

Junho flinched as he would always do what he wanted and get reprimanded.

"This and that are different."

"No it isn't, being a good leader means you also have to be a good follower and listener as well, if you were in Kyung-soo's shoes and you wanted to sing 'Everyday' his way but you know you have a better suggestion but he didn't bother ask you about your opinion and he just went with it, what would you feel?"

"I guess I would start fostering some bad feelings as well."

"See? Remember Junho they're idols as well, not backups that only need to follow what they're told and lastly remember that they'll grow to, who knows Jinyoung one day would say he's gonna leave the group because he felt his creative freedom was restricted because of you."

"I understand"

"I hope you do, remember they're your friends not tools to bolster your popularity alright? Ah right what do you think of Yugyeom, Daniel and Sungjae?"

"I like them enough why?"

"They don't have agencies and as far as I know they like to be under you too, so maybe after this if they can't win you'll officially be their hyung"

"Sure I'd gladly welcome them."

"Remember Junho, they're humans and most importantly your friends not some tools that perfectly fit the song because they can do it so well."

"I know!"

"Just wanted to remind you."

JYP laughed as Junho left, he wanted to get this point across and hoped it did.


Sure enough the next day few people have left due to the pressure and health concerns thought it baffled everyone about Kyung-soo but they didn't mind it for now as it was reasonable.

"Do you know why he left?"

Jinyoung asked Junho who whispered to him.

"Oh, it looks like we have a competitor in the future."

"Call it what you will I'm not afraid."

In fact Junho welcomed the challenge, he knew X.O would debut sooner or later and that they'd be famous and so will Bang T.S.

He really wanted to see if he could topple them he knew they would be popular than him initially since if he remembered correctly X.O. would debut earlier than 'NEXT' but then again he had another problem.


While 'NEXT' would be contracted under Nnet for a year he didn't know who the final three members were, he wasn't arrogant as he knew he and Jinyoung would debut regardless now, it was now just a matter of bragging rights who would take first between them.

It was impossible unless JYP bought out the remaining three members which he highly doubted since many agencies would be coming for the other three or they would remain with their current agencies.

Though JYP had told him to not view them as tools, he viewed them as friends, well for Sungjae at the least.


"I don't like that look on your face."


"It tells me you have something bad in mind."

"Tell me who do you think the final three would be?"

"I don't know its volatile without Kyung-soo now, if Sungjae can continue his streak then he'll take the spot other than that I don't know."

"Sungjae still young he doesn't have any agency if I remember"

"What do you mean?"

Junho used his skills to find any camera, he then told Jinyoung his plan, his plan to recruit the three 'NEXT' members into Pegasus.

"I got it."

"Are you sure?"


"Just do what we've been doing."

"Does JYP now?"

"We don't need to announce it."

"Then let's just focus on the competition."

"I guess ah right at least we need one who can rap."

"Can't you do it yourself?"

"I can but I don't want to be labelled as a rapper aside from being an ace, I just want another guy to be the main rapper while I can take on the lead rapper or sub rapper if needed since I mainly want to be the main vocalist you know."

"Well I do agree, You really don't have the face nor aura to be those cool rapper guys."

"I am cool!"

"Sure you are."