First Step

It had been two weeks of weekly evaluations and challenges only 20 contestants had remained including Junho and Jinyoung but today they forgot about that since they were at NNet's Studio.

"You look worse for wear."

Jinyoung told Junho who had finished styling again after shooting 'Everyday' and 'Really Really' continuously.

"Oh please as if you don't know how it goes."

"I don't, this is my first time."

"First time my ass"

Jinyoung laughed as he remembered that they had kept recordings of 'Tomorrow, Today' in their phones so they could review and polish what they needed to do.


As the two were about to go on stage, Junho was suddenly hugged by someone familiar.


Taeyeon released Junho from her hug and nodded at Jinyoung.

"Looks like someone has grown, You know GirlsWonder has been asking me to tell you to give us a song so we can comeback earlier than expected."

"If that's what you want but I can't do that now."

"I know you're busy so I came by! I owe you big time so I came here to support both of you!"

"Just tell me you woke up late this time and that you almost forgot."

Taeyeon flinched as Junho knew her habits because when they were training she would always come late, shortly after another person familiar came in.


Woo-Jin came in, he then took a picture of the three of them and gave a thumbs up.

"Break a leg."

"Good luck you two!"

Junho nodded and soon he came onto the stage with Jinyoung, the two prepared for their stage, shortly the music began playing.

'wae naeireul oneul gollayaman hae'

'naeil ireul oneul naega eotteoke aneunde'

'heuryeojyeo ganeun gilgwa naye kkumdeul'

As they continued performing, with Junho's enhanced eyesight due to one of the passive skills he had rolled earlier, he found a girl who was smiling and had a poster with his name on it, he almost lost concentration but was fine as it wasn't his part yet, he wanted to finish the song immediately while giving his best.

The song soon ended and then he immediately went down to see Woo-Jin and Taeyeon give him warm smiles as if they had expected it, he nodded at them and then he went to see a staff.

"Hey where are you going?!"

Junho went to see Chae Minsu, he was currently with them shortly.

"Can I shoot 'Really Really' again?"


"I just want to do it."

Chae Minsu raised his eyebrows and looked at the boy in front of him, he then looked at the back up dancers who smiled and nodded.

"Well this is gonna be hard."

Junho sighed.

"But let's shoot for Inkigayo instead."


"You heard me, let's shoot your supposed title track 'Really Really' for Inkigayo now."

"Thank you!"

"Go on, get ready and remember, you owe me."

Chae Minsu smiled as Junho nodded, he didn't have any bad plans for Junho just for him to host any show in the future, he didn't know Junho wanted to reshoot it but he allowed for it since aside from gaining a favor he also wanted to shoot for Inikaygo since he had a feeling it'll be a hit.

"What did he ask you for Minsu?"

Woo-Jin came and asked the PD, they were friends, rather they were from the same group, a batch of failed idols that didn't make the cut, they couldn't let go of their dreams thus they joined different parts instead to still be in the industry

"I didn't know he was your child if I knew I'd have taken advantage of him more."

"I doubt you could ever take advantage of him much less a worm."

"Aigo you hurt my feelings Hyung."

"Shut it."

"I guess I now know where he got his way of talking from."

"What did he ask for?"

"Just for a reshoot"


"Do you know something?"


NNet had done the new stage again, the back up dancers didn't mind either as it was their job and it was much better since if they could stand out they would gain more attention or recognition, the stylist gave Junho a newer look giving him a regular black and white suit that made him look like a secret agent.

Junho, who was ready again activated a skill that he was afraid to activate earlier but now he didn't mind.

[ Spotlight : You are the center of attraction, stats will be tripled when activated (Level 5, Lasts for ten minutes ) ]

[ For you : Makes the audience feel as if you are performing for them specifically! ]

The audience were shocked to see Junho again, but they didn't mind as his songs were catchy and easy plus he was good looking to boot, they wondered if he would perform a new song but then a familiar beat came in the fan girls then shouted, no one knew who started it but they followed it as a fan chant was born

'Park Junho!'





'Really really really really'

Choo-hyun who was in the crowd smiled as she felt Junho's gaze on her from time to time when he didn't look into the camera's, she knew she wasn't boasting if she told anyone that Junho made this song for her, she was that confident.

As the confetti began falling down signaling the end of the performance once more. she who had memorized the song after seeing the episode and being released she immediately shouted at the end.

'Neol joahae!'

"Ah so that's why"

Woo-Jin laughed as he and the rest looked at Junho.


Jinyoung who was clueless didn't meet Choo-hyun yet so he didn't know what he meant.

"This is why you're gonna be single in the future Jinyoung, it takes guts to be Junho."

"Tell me hyung."

"No, I don't think I will."

"Can you at least tell me why?"

"Well he wanted to shoot for Inkigayo now so he won't need to come here, well both of you will be here again soon especially with how popular the songs you two have sang."

Jinyoung nodded and didn't say anything, soon Junho came down again he then went to Junho, the two locked eyes and soon nodded.

"We'll be right back"

"Take care I'll be waiting here."

Woo-Jin said to Jinyoung dragging Junho, he then went to Chae Minsu.

"I'm taking this brat to the parking lot his parents want to give him something before you guys go back."

"Alright bring him back in one piece."

Woo-Jin nodded and Junho followed after him, as they went down Woo-Jin threw him the car keys.

"Knock yourselves out, I placed it in a blind spot don't worry about it and now you owe me too."

Junho nodded, as soon as the elevator opened he immediately rushed outside and used his skills, he then found out there was one camera, he gritted his teeth.

"Here goes nothing level it to 10!"

[ Disrupt : Disrupts any kind of recording device around the host for three hours! New Effect Gained! : Destroys recordings from the past two hours! Radius: 3 Kilometers! New Effect Gained! : Can now specifically lock targets! ]

At the control room.

"Eh? Looks like it's busted I'll have to check it again."

As they were busy trying to solve the problem Junho walked back and forth anxiously, he didn't want to risk it so he disrupted every single camera and phones that could have any angle, shortly he remembered another skill.

[ Lock It! : Locates people around the host ( Level 1 )]

Junho checked the radar prompt only he can see, he only saw one dot and that was behind him, he turned around to only feel someone hugging him tightly again.



The two didn't say anything else as they were now in their own space forgetting where they were.