NEXT Finale

"Woah I didn't take I'd survive again."

Sungjae said as he placed his things back in his closet. yes he was kicked out for a week and both Jinyoung and Junho consoled him.

"That's what you get for trying to get the girls attention instead of practicing."

"I was just making friends Hyung!"

"Yeah Yeah."

Junho helped him unpack his things as to where they were before, he was weirded out that someone other than Sungjae slept on his bed but was glad he was back.

"Oh Yeah"

"What is it this time?"

"I heard from the staff, we get to pick our own members this time for our final performance."

Jinyoung and Sungjae looked at Junho who sighed, to them he almost practically knew everything how these things worked as he was never wrong, aside from last week where he thought they would be paired with a girl.

"Yeah it'll be what you say."

Sungjae smiled as he immediately hugged both Jinyoung and Junho who were a bit taller than him currently.

"You guys will pick me right?"

Junho and Jinyoung looked at each other.


"Who knows."



"And with that I give the floor to Hyun-suk!"

Heechul said as Yang Hyun-suk took the floor, today he was assigned to explain the final mechanics of 'NEXT' Only 20 contestants remained after continuous live voting, but to him he already knew who would win but nonetheless it was now only a formality.

"All right since since the number one from each side is Park Junho, and Shon Seung-wan they have the right to choose their final members to perform live on next week's final episode."

Junho and Seung-wan who would be known as 'Wendy' in the future stood up and went to the stage, Seung-wan smiled and nodded at Junho first.

"I'm taking Park Jinyoung, Yook Sungjae, Kim Mingyu, and lastly Kang Daniel"

The four of them stood up together and went behind Junho, Junho was familiar with all of them since they were his kids aside from Jinyoung, Mingyu was the last addition of his kids, he was actually not so surprised that he got this far compared to his original members from SXT but what was more alluring was that he had no agency.

Yang Hyun-suk flinced, he wanted Junho to pick someone without an agency since JYP had already told him he would sign Sungjae, Daniel and Yugyeom but he didn't expect Junho to pick Mingyu, well considering Yugyeom was eliminated.

"You already know."

JYP patted his shoulder as whoever Junho picked would undoubtedly be signed under him now, since he and Junho had plans after 'NEXT' he would rebrand them and either add more members to him Junho would have control since he felt he already knew how.

"This is cheating isn't it?"

"No, I already told you, I decided I won't pick up people from girl groups unless they come to me or to Junho, go have fun with M.S. I heard they also want that Seung-wan girl."

After the final twenty contestants were picked they were then given a choice, a choice who would their producer would be as the two producers JYP and Yang Hyun-suk had prepared songs in advance for whoever would choose them.

"Contestant Park Junho, Is this even a question or do you want to betray your own boss?"

Everyone laughed at Heechul's joke as the camera zoomed into JYP who had a stern face.

"I still want to live so I choose JYP-nim"

"Excellent choice."


Junho along with his members were sitting in front of JYP along with the girl group consisting of Bae Suji, Choi Yu-na, Jung Yerin, Son Jihyun, and Wang FeiFei.

JYP looked at all of them eagerly, none of the spoke until he did.

"Alright girls, thank you for choosing me I do have some songs here and I want you to listen carefully and choose what you want unless any of you have any good ideas."

The girls looked at each other and shook their heads, JYP soon nodded and played 'Bad Girl, Good Girl' and 'Step' shortly the girls were given time on what they would choose but they remained since they were curious.

"What do I do with you."

JYP laughed as he looked at Junho who was smiling innocently.

"Ask these guys behind me, I'm giving them full control this time"

"Alright what would you guys want? Knowing your leader he probably has something planned already but it would take at least two days of your time."

"I believe in Junho."

Jinyoung said confidently as his bestfriend and parter in crime for almost a year now.

"I trust in Hyung's judgement!"

Sungjae raised his hand first.

"I believe in him as well."

Daniel nodded.

"I trust in his instincts."

JYP nodded and was glad, he then turned to Junho was still acting innocent.

"Alright I'm off you guys won't see me until tomorrow."

Junho swaggered out of the meeting room, he was then followed by Jinyoung and his kids.

"This brat, well have you girls decided as well?"

Bae Su-Ji raised her hand.

"Can we ask Junho to produce a song for us as well?"

Su-Ji knew he would produce hits, 'Really Really' and 'Everyday' had been stuck in everyone's minds now and it was now being considered for the song of the summer despite Junho not knowing about it as there was a media blackout in the program.

"I asked you earlier if you guys wanted to do anything else, well its probably late since he's gone and you won't see him until two days later as he likes to stay in the recording room."

Bae Su-Ji as she knew their best chance at winning literally walked out of the door just now, JYP laughed and told them some things to consoler their feelings.