
"How many times have you watched the concert already?"

Jinyoung asked Daniel and Sungjae who were at the couch watching their concert, it had only been a week and today was perhaps one of the rest days they would have.

"I mean I can't believe that we've debuted in such a manner."

"I can't believe you guys ratted me out for not being able to cook!"

Both of them shared different sentiments as they remembered that each day for the past three days they would have different topics when it came to interact with the crowd, some even told on their habits but it was all fun and memorable.

"Who would've thought that Jinyoung Hyung wanted to be an actor."

Both of them looked at a chuckling Jinyoung.

"I'll let you all in a secret, I was supposed to be in Dream High but some freak convinced me to join 'NEXT' instead, although I would have loved to join Dream High that year I don't regret joining NEXT and meeting you guys instead, there's still a lot to look forward to."

"So do you want flowers with that Hyung?"

"Move over I want to watch Dream High now"


While the three were busy watching shows the other two had finished working out.

"That's how you do it."

"Do you do this everyday Hyung?"


Mingyu was panting as they had finished their jogging session, they had rapped while they were jogging, to Junho it was a great way to increase his stamina and make him more stable, Mingyu had asked him for advice since they were the ones who would always have to take the most rap lines while performing hard choreography in the future.

"By the way are you ready for Weekly Idol?"

"Yeah, can I ask you a question?"

"What is it?"

The two sat at a bench as they rested and gathered their body.

"Do you think I can last?"

"Of course, just be you and always bring in the hard work, try expressing yourself more, tomorrow when we record for weekly Idol you can try showing sides of you that the camera couldn't capture."

"I got it, thanks Hyung"


"Woah this place is bigger than I thought."

"This is going to be our first variety show."

Sungjae and Daniel looked around at the set of 'Weekly Idol' right now they were wearing casual clothes and light makeup, shortly Jinyoung, Mingyu and Junho arrived before they could snoop around.

"Behave you two."

"Yes Hyung."

Sungmin followed behind them, right now the boys noticed he looked like he was stressed out too much so they told him to take a rest and let Woo-Jin come with them instead but he refused, they didn't say anything after offering.

"Are you the manager?"

A person approached Sungmin who nodded lifelessly.


"Great, tell your boys"

"Can you let Junho take over? and is there a place to sleep?"

"I understand, there's a small room right there over the corner."

Sungmin nodded and went where he was told, the person who told him was none other than Chae Minsu, though he was the producer for 'NEXT' he was also the PD for 'Weekly Idol'


Junho looked at where he was called and found it was Minsu.


"Can you call Woo-Jin?"


"Never mind I'll call him, tell your boys to get ready we're starting now."

"I understand."

Shortly after Minsu told them the two hosts Jeong Hyeong-don and Defconn began introducing and went to the center.

"Today we have a special guest."

"They're really special, when I walked by I thought they were models at first."

"Really? It was the first time I've also felt small, even though I'm taller than most."

"I mean they're looking at us right now! Look at those smug faces!"

"Without further ado let's welcome 'Wings!'"

The group walked in laughing as they waved to the camera's rolling, Junho was at the front, followed behind by Jinyoung, Mingyu, Daniel and Sungjae.

"Hana dul set."


The group bowed and the two hosts clapped, Hyeong-don then went to them and grabbed Mingyu and Junho, he then placed them beside Defconn.

"Look how small you are."

"Hey! Don't make me look small, what do you two eat anyway?"

The group laughed as they saw the hosts make fun of heights, they soon told the two of them to go back to the group.

"You guys go back there, you make us insecure with our heights."

"Now that they're finally here, let's begin with their introduction."

"Hello I'm Park Junho the leader of Wings."

"My name is Park Jinyoung and I'm not his brother."

"Hi everyone my name is Kim Mingyu and by next year I'll be taller than my Hyung!"

"Kim Daniel at your Service!"

"I'm Yook Sungjae, I'm the golden baby of wings!"

Everyone soon clapped after their introductions.

"So can you tell us about your debut song?"

"Oh before that can I ask a question?"

The group nodded.

"Did Junho write 'Bounce?"

"I didn't"


Defconn had a nod of understanding before Hyeong-don threatened to slap him as he tried holding his laughter back as well.

"What's with your Ah!"

"I won't say it or I'll lose my job"

"You'll make us lose ours! anyway can you tell us the story of bounce?"

Jinyoung raised his hands as he stepped forward.

"It's about expressing yourself and letting go, Wing's entire concept is about expressing to be yourself and not let our youth go to waste as we enjoy life together as we forget the world around us."

Everyone again clapped after his explanation.

"With that said let's welcome Wing's as they perform their title track 'Bounce!'"


"Let's Shake it Shake it for them!"

The group had finished performing Bounce and were now sitting along with the hosts.

"It also made me want to shake my body."

"We actually have a saying."

"Oh what is it Sungjae?"

"If you want food you have to shake your booty."

"Hey! No Cut that!"

"Keep it in! Since you said that Sungjae I'm curious who is the best dancer among you?"

The group looked at each other and pointed at Daniel, Daniel shyly walked forward at the center.

"Oh it's Daniel! I thought it was Junho!"

"No, Daniel is the better dancer than me."

"Then let's have a competition, Me against Daniel we'll shake it shake it!"

Shortly the music began playing, they all soon felt Daniel changed his aura and then he began dancing seriously after the first chorus the music stopped, Hyeong-don then tapped Defconn's shoulder

"Hey did I say I was gonna battle Daniel? You do it for me Junho."

"I didn't agree!"

"Come on I'll give you a prize."

Without notice the song began playing again and Junho immediately free styled and didn't do the choreography and did his own.

"That's cheating!"

Daniel immediately joined in and free styled as well.


Soon Sungjae joined in, followed after Mingyu and Jinyoung.

"Shake it Shake it for me!"