Variety 2

"Now that we've established that Sungjae is actually the best dancer for twerking let's give him a round of applause!"

The group laughed as they clapped, they soon sat in their seats given to them.

"Now that we know who they are professionally let's get to know them who they are more personally!"

Hyeong-don and Defconn were soon given cards.

"Let's play a game!"

Shortly after everyone was shocked including the hosts, an archery range was established even though the studio was small still it was big enough to have a significant distance.

"Hey Hey! So the rules here are simple us against you! Well it will be Defconn."

"Who said it'll be me? Ah Okay which one of you will play against me?"

"Ah right before anyone forgets whoever wins will get a special prize and whoever loses will have to do a special punishment!"

"Look at them! They're already huddling together!"

After that the boys soon shouted 'fighting' together and Junho stood forward, he then removed his jacket revealing his muscles and fit body as the shirt clung to his body. Defconn then also removed his vest and flexed his muscles.

Junho noticed then and also flexed his muscles and played with Defconn, the two kept flexing in front of the camera, the staff was happy that they were given extra time to prepare the stuff, although it was a short distance it would create nice content.

"Hey Hey this is not a muscle contest you two stop."

"I'm sorry we got carried away, it's just that someone I know usually tries to compete with me against their muscles on who is more buffer."

"Oh who is it Junho, point him out point him out let me have a battle against him."

Mingyu laughed and voluntarily walked forward, he then changed his expression and looked at the camera and briefly flexed his muscles, shortly the three then imitated a body building competition, everyone including the staff began laughing at the ridiculousness since they also wore wacky expressions.

"Alright enough enough, you guys go back now, so the game is Archery! whoever scores the most points in three arrows is the winner! Who wants to go first?"

"I think I should let these rookies go first, say do you do sports Junho?"

Junho just nodded and grabbed the bow, what they didn't know is that he had received archery months ago after completing his mission with Taeyeon, it was level one earlier but now he level it up to max, he could beat the Olympic opponents without a sweat. He was currently wearing the gear and then

"Hey Hey, why does he-"

Junho Shot the first arrow and it was a bullseye, He then.

"Hyung I'm sorry but."

He shot the second arrow without looking at the target.

"Hey Junho we can talk this out right?"

Junho just chuckled he then closed his eyes and shot it again, before the arrow landed he turned around and removed the gear, all three arrows hit the center without any effort, after that he bowed to the camera.

"Hyung it's your turn."

"Can I back out?"

Defconn said, it was then his turn, he shot three arrows and none of them were close to perfect as Junho.

"So what is our punishment?"

Both hosts asked the group who had huddled.

"10 Pushups!"




The two of them fell to the ground as they panted, they weren't like this physically for a long time, it was then they.

"Jinyoung, You do it for me."

"Hey Daniel you do it for me as well."

The two nodded and then began counting from zero, Defconn and Hyeong-don watched as the two got at it they eventually passed 10, Sungjae then mischievously placed water bottles after that, when they broke through 20 He and Junho then sat on Jinyoung and Daniel's back.

When they were done, they were given a quick breather as they all gathered their breaths, shortly both Hosts were given new cards as well and even the boys knew what it was.

"Before we end, we've proven that 'Wings' are physically fit and all of them can dance, they even said and claimed on their bio when they passed their information to us that they're so good at dancing that no one can beat them!"

"Woah such words, let's see if they can do it! Here we go Fire by Wings' at X2 Speed!"


"Alright they're the best group at dancing"

Defconn praised 'Wings' as they panted, all of them had practiced for this only a day before and it was took a tool on their body since 'Fire' was strenuous if it was performed like that.

"I think we're gonna save that segment, now I want to see other idol groups try to beat that."

"I don't they will."

"I think that ends our episode for today once again!"

The Group regained themselves.

"Hana dul set!"



After the camera's stopped rolling the two hosts shook their hands.

"Thanks for coming here."

"No, on behalf of our group we want to thank you guys for welcoming us."

Shortly people arrived with trays containing food, Junho had secretly contacted Woo-Jin and Minsu also told Woo-Jin what to do since Sungmin was still fast asleep.

"No you really didn't have to, you already gave us a new segment and now this."

"Well I won't beat around the bush and thanks for the food!"

The group bowed and thanked them.

"We hope for more cooperation's in the future."



As they were being driven home by Woo-Jin, Sungmin was carried as he was still fast asleep, they didn't' know why he was still sleeping but they checked his breath and deemed he was still alive.

"Well if anything that brat must have plotted all your schedules last night so cut him some slack and let him rest."

"We got it hyung."

"Anyway, looks like Sungmin's not the only one fast asleep."

Junho looked behind him and found everyone was asleep, he took a picture and laughed as some of them had their mouths open.

"Well there's still going to be lots and lots of shows to attend this month."

"I hope they'll be okay."

"Don't worry they will, I've got their backs."

"Aw how sweet."
