
After they had performed they all look tired and took deep breaths as they looked at the camera and the audience, Junho had taught them this trick in advance as he knew that it would be widely used by everyone in the future.

'Ending Fairy'

The five of them currently had that thought in their minds when they looked at the different camera's aiming at them, everyone screamed at their posture, they shortly then laughed and broke out of character.

"Hello everyone!"

Junho said first as they all lined up and bowed, shortly chairs were being arranged behind them as they stood on the center of the stage.

"I know everyone's trying to ask 'Where is the host?' well to be perfectly honest there won't be one today but for today we will be your hosts instead!"

"This album is special to us since everyone had a hand in it from the choreography to which parts we wanted to sing but most especially our Hyung since he wrote everything and produced everything from hand."

Both Jinyoung and Mingyu said as they waved at the people who were still screaming their names.

"Some are still asking why we chose 'Herald' as the album name."

"Just like the lines in our tracks its 'Because we're one of a kind' and that 'We're the boss."

"Alright you two stop playing around."

Junho patted both Sungjae and Daniels back as he smiled, the moment he spoke again everyone screamed once more while Jinyoung and Mingyu stood beside him.

"Thank you everyone for your support! Well its actually quite simple, we were being branded as one of the new groups in the third generation but to put it quite frankly we want to be known as the 'Heralds' that a change is coming in this industry and that we will be the ones to lead it!"

"I hope that answers one of your questions for tonight!"

"Speaking of questions, earlier when you were lining up you were given a card to fill up and ask us a question well today we will be reading selected questions"

"But before that we also have a special video for all of you!"

Shortly a video appeared as the group ran to change into their next outfits, the video that was playing were a behind the scenes of when they were all practicing and shooting everything, everyone had a laugh and even screamed during some moments as they all saw sides of them they couldn't see.


"Well I must say you hit it quite big this time, once the contract with NNET ends they'll be still under you exclusively this time right?"

"Yes they're all under Pegasus as for what's next I'll think about it, my mind has changed after only watching this performance."

"Right I hope you don't meddle, oh right I'm worried about Junho."

"I've heard this countless of times already, He's a good kid a loyal one, and money isn't the least of his problems in fact you'd be scared to know who his relatives are and no I'm not worried if he breaks off his contract and pursue to be a solo artist to which he already his but I know he won't leave his kids behind."


"That's what everyone calls the four of them, If anything he'll stay in Pegasus but I'm thinking his gonna ask for a contract that won't restrict how he handles his own affairs."

"What if he asks for more?"

"I don't care, look if you want to start a company if Junho falls into your lap you'd be willing to give a guy like him absolute control since you know he'll at least double and even at most quadruple the amount your company makes."

Jeong Ji-hoon thought deeply as JYP said this to him, for one if it really was like that then he too would be willing to offer anything as long as he doesn't leave.

"They're back."

The video was over and as soon as the lights turned on again they all were in a formation and looked like they were detectives as they all wore the same suits and hats.

'You are my crush'

'I got a crush on you'

The crowd were alive once more as they didn't expect a sudden performance out of the blue, as they listened they felt that every line was written for them which made them even cheer louder than before.

'I don't know what to do'

'Tell me what I gotta do'

'Without you, my heart will be stained and melted away'

As they sang lyrics appeared behind the screen and everyone sang it in unison with the group as they too wanted to know and sing it right now.

'You are my crush'

'I got a crush on you'

Every person in the building joined in on the fun as they sang the song together, to them it felt like it was more than a showcase at this point, after the beat ended once more.

'When the scattered pieces come together'

'Only then I can breathe'

'When the two lights face each other'

"Is this a showcase or is this a concert?"

JYP was asked by Jeong Ji-hoon as he just laughed on his question even he didn't know if it was a concert despite the people amounting only to hundreds.

"Just enjoy the show."

As the song finished once more, the group took deep breaths and waved at the audience who were overjoyed, they then took their water bottles and sat on the chairs prepared before hand.

"Alright let's start, I wonder whose question do we get to answer first, you do the honors Hyung."

Sungjae said as a staff came and gave him a box full of cards, Junho complied and took out a card and gave it back to Sungjae.

"Oh this is interesting, 'Who among the five of you is the best athlete.'"

The five of them then looked at each other while the crowd also wanted to know.